(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
zburns999 Offline
That layout's great! Slanted break run would be awesome, though, as would some Intamin track. -
Liampie Offline
Yeah, nice layout. But the colours are nice as well! Don't spoil it with ugly foliage or architecture, please keep lots of bright green! -
Pacificoaster Offline
Detailing is still being completed, however i thought i would post an update to get some feedback.Attached Files
SCR4.BMP (1.25MB)
downloads: 129
Edited by Pacificoaster, 23 March 2010 - 06:14 AM.
RRP Offline
it looks ok from that far out but im worried it wont once you zoom in building at that speed -
Cena Offline
I mis some land elevation under the track, I think you should take more time for the landscapeIt looks very promising though, Goodluck.
Werner Offline
Not every coaster has land elevation under the track.It's good like this, only the station looks a little simple...
Liampie Offline
Be more careful with your tree selection. Your foliage doesn't flow at all. I'd say less 'thin' trees and more 'thick' trees. Maybe some pine in there too.
And vary the density! -
zburns999 Offline
So happy to see that you're still working on this. I love everything but the queue line for the coaster. Regular width paths would look better, I think. -
inVersed Offline
Typically I am not a fan of the end game exit/entrances on rides, but it flows so well with the canvas theming that I like it. Will the dive machine be completed in this version? -
Liampie Offline
Looks like you finished the yellow coaster.
This is not your best work, but it looks very good nonetheless. -
Cocoa Offline
I hope its just people being worn out after the fiesta, but there has been no activity around here at all. I'm gonna take initiative and post a screen, hopefully others will too.
This is some new orleans architecture I did some time ago after my trip to new orleans. I'm thinking of sort of continuing this, but I would change a bunch of things around.
Ignore the planters.Edited by Cocoa, 25 March 2010 - 08:16 PM.
nin Offline
Finally decent activity! Looks pretty nice Cocoa, though a bit dark compared to why Ive seen of NO architecture.
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