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19-April 07
Liampie Offline
Steel > wood
Track = not that heavy
+ able to see what's going on behind the coaster
+ emphasizes this is not an ordinary wooden coaster -
robbie92 Offline
I agree with Liampie. For a normal woodie, the regular supports would be better. However, for a hybrid woodie, this is imo the best you can do. -
Louis! Offline
I just find it funny how when Ripsaw did it (albeit they weren't great looking) every jumped on him and stated that it was a waste of time doing it.
Now RRP has done them, every one thinks it's really worthwhile doing. -
robbie92 Offline
Because RRP's execution is perfect. They actually look like real hybrid supports. If someone else did them to this level, I'd consider it worthwhile. Plus, the layout here is looking really good, so there wouldn't need to be a redo. -
RMM Offline
ah, i see now. had to look up a bit on hybrids. i guess it's just rct that gives it an odd look. -
RRP Offline
It might look a bit odd becuase the vertical spacing between the ties is correct rather than the box support that rct come with.They seem to line up much better with the track aswell being rectangles -
Midnight Aurora Offline
The hybrid woodies in real life always looked like shit to me, too, so I'm not surprised that I don't like the look of these either. They look well constructed and well thought out at least. -
Cena Offline
RRP, replace the car ride track with go karts track above the tunnel, I think that would make it a lot better, and I am not sure, but do you need to add horizontal beams at the bottom of the supports (the corner before the tunnel for example).
I really like it so far -
JDP Offline
Supports actually flow pretty nicely. I just feel that layout looks a bit too weak to be submitted into anything. Obvious RFll look to it but it's too spread out. And if you're going for a design with this style of supporting, I would suggest doing a Hades style GG since that one has the most interesting style layout from the company imo.
-JDP -
robbie92 Offline
Love love love love love! This is how I'd want the coaster to look in MG if I end up redoing it. -
inVersed Offline
I'd say adjust the supports at the very bottom so they connect to the track. Other than that I love the supports, its a bit to much to tell much more, but this looks promising. -
ChillerHockey33 Offline
I feel like this would win design just because of the supports. The layout seems real weak to me (Sorry). Concept Creation? For sure. Design? Nah, not really. -
RRP Offline
I feel like this would win design just because of the supports. The layout seems real weak to me (Sorry). Concept Creation? For sure. Design? Nah, not really.
its mildly based on ravine flyer II whats not to like? It's certainly got a better layout than merlin from castle howard -
Louis! Offline
I also dislike the layout. It just doesnt seem that strong a layout and is overshadowed by the supports, which gives the supports a 'gimicky' feel. -
][ntamin22 Offline
I wouldn't say so at all Louis. the screen really makes me think of a lot of more recent wooden coasters.
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