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19-April 07
RRP Offline
ah that makes sense,is there any way to make them more steel looking?@RRP: The gray is for steel supports, like the real version of my inspiration for this. I like woodies better w/ white or brown, but this is realistically accurate, so it stays.
Louis! Offline
Yeah, maybe try mine train supports. They work nicely as steel woodie supports in LL, so should work well in RCT2. -
Liampie Offline
Mine Train track looks like steel, but it looks like shit in turns and especially diagonal track. -
robbie92 Offline
I'm sticking with the in-game supports but will be adding custom girders that should improve the look. I've done it on other parts of the coaster and it looks fine, so I'm not completely doing custom, just accenting the stock w/ custom. -
proest Offline
My first thought was Wow, that looks amazing, but when I look better I saw that some places get too much details and some place need details -
nin Offline
I thought your projects became secret.
Anyways, I do enjoy the screen and I like how the park seems to be so different from thetraditional Disney park, usually people just make the Standard DL/MK park, but yours seems to be a bit different; I like that.Edited by nin, 17 February 2010 - 09:59 AM.
Liampie Offline
You've improved a lot, but I'm still not fond of the colour schemes! The screen is really good though. -
Cena Offline
My first thought was Wow, that looks amazing, but when I look better I saw that some places get too much details and some place need details
I'm interested to hear those, let them come. -
][ntamin22 Offline
pleasant enough top gun.
cena- love to see more. I'm having a bit of trouble making what I see there fit into my expectations for Disney parks, but I don't want to judge too soon. Lovely clock, excellent brickwork and archways, but no idea what the red/green signposts are about.
also- all aboard the RAINBOW TRAIN! -
K0NG Offline
I'd guess that since they seem to lead to ticket booths or something in that vein that they'd signify whether the window is open or closed. -
JDP Offline
^Actually there is window that is open on the left. I'd probably go there to buy tickets.
Also, he has green and red signals at the top of each line to tell whether the ticket both is opened or close. That's very nifty Cena.
-JDPEdited by JDP, 17 February 2010 - 01:52 AM.
6000000flags Offline
Wow top gun, that screen is excellent! Some times you just wanna see some nice old ncs. It's a shame however that ncs makes the station look gigantic.
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