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19-April 07
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Phatage's PT2... Busch Gardens Sydney, ircc.What park is this Denali in? Screenage?
-ACE -
Xcoaster Offline
If I Recall Correctly (iirc...?)
I dunno, I think the Navy might have more (j/k, idk). I like the short ones with multiple embedded acronyms that require still further explanation (so a 4 letter acronym might stand for something 12 words long). I also like the ones where the letters don't even come close to matching with the translation, or where the expanded meaning still doesn't make any sense. How is it an acronym, and how is it useful? I don't know. -
Dark_Horse Offline
So, here's what I came up with the supports:
I still have just a bit more work to do to get them to look perfect, but I really like it so far.
And here's a teaser of a CC I'm working on, which will eventually turn into a (much, much) bigger project.
Dark_Horse -
robbie92 Offline
Gah! Ugly CS Dragon... Besides that, it's okay, but plain. In the second screen, try using deco pieces and/or shutters to make it a bit more detailed. However, the first screen's fine. -
Dark_Horse Offline
A) The dragon looks fine to me, and it's staying because it exists at the building that this is supposed to represent.
It's not supposed to be very detailed.
I can't explain it too much without giving the project away, but this is a fairly large project I'm taking on, and this is the first step in reality, so it makes perfect sense. You'll understand why I don't want it to be very detailed once I release more info about the project.
Dark_Horse -
JDP Offline
^Well if you just plan on doing simple and boring work here at NE, don't expect people to keep commenting and trying to help you with your work. However if you don't care about getting Spotlight or anything like that, have fun.
-JDP -
Dark_Horse Offline
In case ya'll don't understand, there is a specific reason that building is not detailed. I know how to play the game, as I've been told before, play the game to have fun. Trust me, this project is highly thought out and everything will make sense, but I need more work done on it. And no, JDP I don't plan on doing simple and boring work, if you paid attention earlier in the thread, you would know where I am going with this. But since most people here don't seem to have any constructive criticism besides Robbie, maybe I should just stop posting screens.
Dark_HorseEdited by Dark_Horse, 31 March 2009 - 10:42 PM.
Dark_Horse Offline
Or the community could actually be helpful and give constructive criticism instead of bitching about how it's never gonna win anything. Anyway, the building is part of a backstage area for the project and as one man said "Put the money in the show." and "If guests can't see it, don't detail it." or something along those lines.
Dark_Friggin_Horse -
Dark_Horse Offline
^Once again, you have just proven my point tE. Thanks. *smirk* Learn to read next time.
Dark_Horse -
Dark_Horse Offline
Apparently not. Even so, I have noticed that constructive criticism is hard to come by these days. Sorry for the blow-up guys, it's extremely hard to understand sarcasm online.
Dark_Horse -
RCTNW Offline
Dark Horse - Part of the problem is that this is not a proper topic to show multiple screenshots/posts for a project over a length of time. I for one do not go back to previous replies in this topic to see what was said about a SS as there are too many other posts to weed through. That is why we have the AD. You can then level set what the park is about, what your goal is, what style you are going for, etc. You just posting a SS with little info to go on is not going to help you nor give you the feedback that will help. I would have also stated that the monorail/train facility is a bit lacking in detail not knowing what you were going for. I think your project is far enough along that it should be in the AD by now.
Hope it helps
James -
Dark_Horse Offline
James, I appreciate the clarity on why things seem to have gone downhill, but as I said, the project is not even close to being completed, so I'm just going to not post screens until I feel ready to release the first part of the project and details about it. Someone please post a screen and get this topic back on topic.
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