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19-April 07
StormRunnerFan Offline
^^ They did say that you could add inversions to a mega-lite. At least I think I read that.... -
Louis! Offline
^^ They did say that you could add inversions to a mega-lite. At least I think I read that....
I wouldnt care if they did or notthis is RCT, its a game. Build what you think looks good, you dont have to conform to extreme realism like some.
Brent Offline
I'm sure Kulras or Gazza has done that before.... or Midnight... or that dude who made Zenith. lol... -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Damn, Brent, those are some names I haven't heard in a while. Last I heard, Gazza got busted for possetion and then entered culinary school. -
Brent Offline
In that case, he can make me brownies any day then.
And the Anti-Gravity Coaster concept makes perfect sense now. Oh that pothead... -
Xcoaster Offline
I've often wondered about what the world would look like if you could map out all the parks made in Rct. Even if you just did the ones with specified locations, every decent sized city would probably have at least a dozen big parks. It'd be like the theoretical Dubai, everywhere you go.if the world has as many parks as we all made. Well...
Anyways, mega-lites are just small Intamin hypers, right? Why do they all need to have the same layout? I mean, it's not like being smaller is a major design constraint. I'm not ragging on you guys in particular, I just think the concept of the mega-lite is kind of silly to begin with. -
geewhzz Offline
^Not after you ride Maverick and realize how much of a punch smaller coasters can pack. -
Xcoaster Offline
No, I'm just saying, why did it take people so long to figure out that if you take a good big coaster and make it smaller, that you now have a good small coaster? And if big coasters can have variety and still be good, why can't little ones? (actually, that's probably because in reality cost is a concern and it'd be a lot harder to come up with a design that fits in the same small footprint that they already have a good design for, thus B:TR)
Anyways, I'm just feeling old and grumpy. I miss when people actually argued about whether bigger was better. Now we've come down the parabola of the coaster wars and it's just implied that it isn't.
Just ignore me for today. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
I've got you covered, X.
Bigger is better, guys. Fuck mega-lites, and fuck yo' couch. -
Katapultable Offline
That's funny, the mega-lite. I made a standard model a few months ago, but without the vertical drop. Your version looks really good. I inteded to use it in my current park. -
JDP Offline
Nah I'm not saying you did. Just in general. It was kind of a joke, but then at the same time it wasn't...^^^Wait, why did I kill it?
And Gee, and X, the debate between big and small is just as bad as debating about wood versus steel. The two topics are like religion and politics... no argument will ever be won.
-JDP -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Jesus, guys. How about you let the guy who posted the screen release it first before you completely whore his ideas? -
Dark_Horse Offline
I'm back with a new screen of my a project I'm working on.
Monorail/Railroad Maintenance Building:
And yes, I know there is a pole missing on the second monorail column/entrance thing. And any ideas on supporting the monorail over the track would be appreciated.
Dark_HorseEdited by Dark_Horse, 26 March 2009 - 08:59 PM.
StormRunnerFan Offline
If you're doing the central hub for most of the trasportation in WDW you've done it really well. I've been inside that building. It was fun.
Dark_Horse Offline
That's exactly what it is, SRFan. It's modelled after the roundhouse at WDW. That took a lot of aerial views to get that right so far, so I'm glad it looks almost perfect.
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