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19-April 07
RCTNW Offline
Guy Smiley, on Mar 19 2009, 07:18 AM, said:
I actually like it, other than the building on top of the top hat. It looks like you put it there, just to have something there.... The supports underneath look better, but they still don't look right.
Actually I like it as the white supports are representing an Anchor and the little building represent the attach point for the anchor chain. That said, I could be wrong -
Todd Lee Offline
James, I hadn't noticed the anchor.... that's actually pretty cool. The building on top still looks strange though. -
SSSammy Offline
reminds me of maverick
looks good, although theres not much to comment on as of yet. -
Louis! Offline
I don't like the blue & bright red combo.
And its a good attempt at Intamin Supporting on the turn, but it looks awkward.
It should look more like this:
See at the bottom of the drop?
I take it this is a Mega-Lite too. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
^ He's going for this with the MegaLite style:
There needs to be a vertical, but with these supports, that might be hard. The supporting looks good... hopefully you were able to pull the layout together a bit with the pacing and all that like we talked about. I'm impressed with what you've done so far, though-- looks great. -
Louis! Offline
^I see what you mean. But I think doing the supports like Piraten would still be realistic, and fit with rct asthetics, which those supports arent really doing IMO. -
robbie92 Offline
^Haha... That's the same exact pic that I was gonna post for my explanation. I tried doing a vertical piece, and it looked really odd, so the ones above are the best I could do in this case. -
posix Offline
now that i saw the pic, i like the supports. very good work so far. the blue/red combo might make sense when the theme can be recognised. looking forward to seeing more from it, robbie. -
Brent Offline
Love how the coaster goes under than A support, looks so fun. But yeah, color choice isn't that great (at least, not against the land color, which I know will be landscaped/themed... but yeah). -
Cocoa Offline
That looks like such an awesome coaster so far, robbie. The colors are too bright though. -
Dark_Horse Offline
I'm sorry to say Robbie, as much as you helped me, but that just doesn't say design to me at all. I can probably guess the theme you were going for based on the colors, but I honestly don't see a Mega-Lite winning, even if you do manage to theme the hell out of it. The only thing interesting I find about it is the s-curve.
*waits for flaming to occur* -
robbie92 Offline
^Hey, it's better than a boomerang...
I kid, I kid...
EDIT: I find that to be part of the challenge as well. No one else has tried doing a Megalite for a design, and that's the fun in it. There's no preset expectations to follow, no precursors to have to live up to. I'm free to make what I want for this how I want, and I'm gonna have a hell of a lot of fun doing it. Iknow that a megalite may not seem like a design-worthy coaster, but I'm gonna give it a shot. If it doesn't make it, then whatever. I'll release it myself.Edited by robbie92, 21 March 2009 - 10:40 PM.
Dark_Horse Offline
Haha. Only slightly better. You have a decent start, but you gotta break some barriers with it, even if no one has tried a MEgaLite design.
Dark_Horse -
Cocoa Offline
I think megalites are cool. Anyway, a lot of people only make 150 ft. hyper coasters in rct because it looks funny when you make it higher sometimes, so a megalite should work fine.
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