(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
][ntamin22 Offline
-i like the building, but kind of plain. don't know how it would pan out over an area or the likes.
-liking the tower/cloud. has your usual unique grasp on spatial interaction.
- not a fan of the yellow coaster on the snow. it might look alright in the greener areas, but all yellow just looks bad there. speaking of green though, your foliage looks rather weak. kill the purple tree, for starters. consider using quarter-tile landscaping to break up that hill better. ...is that a spider? -
Brent Offline
Wayyyyyyyy too much yellow. If anything I think only the rails would look good in yellow. -
Daisy Offline
C'mon Lucas92, put us out of our misery, what the hell is that thing in the second screen!
Edited by Daisy, 07 March 2009 - 09:34 PM.
Brent Offline
That actually may be my least favorite screen of yours. Not that it's not nice, because it really is... it's just that, going off previous screens, this doesn't do as much for me as others have. Just doesn't seem to flow that well. -
Fr3ak Offline
looks really good.
The only thing I don't like is, that there isn't any kind of foliage or grass
in that picture. -
Werner Offline
It reminds me of the Boardwalk Bullet, and i guess that was your inspiration?I think it would look great if your build a small regional park around it...
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