(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
Xophe Offline
Love the station but the custom supports are so weird and glitchy that they detract from the whole thing. I don't reckon they're worth the effort. -
Ride6 Offline
I like it but hide the chairlift and fix the path under the supports
Agreed. Actually I love it but the custom supports are killing it. Mainly the chairlifts... Try to find more creative ways of removing those supports... Otherwise, not bad.
Ride6 -
jusmith Offline
Nokia, I can actually imagine that screen being pretty great, I just wish you would have let us see its full potential by finishing it! Maybe too big of windows on the building on the left though.Edited by jusmith, 28 January 2009 - 09:42 PM.
Xcoaster Offline
Milo - Sort of like a more realistic Cloud City, right? Looks cool, whatever it is. -
Fr3ak Offline
Milo, I can't tell what it is either, but it looks cool
Sorry Louis! but I don't like the foliage in this picture. It's not up to your
standards -
Milo Offline
Milo - Sort of like a more realistic Cloud City, right? Looks cool, whatever it is.
good guess...
um if you've played halo 2, you know the level where you raid the heretic base and then cut the cord it's hanging on? pretty much what i got inspiration from. I'm not recreating it but I did get my main idea from that. -
robbie92 Offline
^Good start, though it would be nice to see more scenery or more layout...
It's a bird...
It's a plane... -
jusmith Offline
I enjoy those, robbie, just not the planters full of grass
Just so you know, I have been having a fucking good time trying to get my computer to cooperate with rct2 and its trainers. So, some details are missing that I plan to add upon completion on my other computer. -
Bacchus Offline
SSSammy: There's nothing to comment on...
Robbie: Looks good so far. but again, there's nothing much to comment on.
Jusmith: I like that! Great atmosphere.
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