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19-April 07
Casimir Offline
yep, it's called "Fachwerk".
I think it looks better than before. I would consider changing the color of the wood to the dull black, though -
robbie92 Offline
^ You're getting better. I like the timberwork on the buildings, and SSSammy's right, the rain gives some neat atmosphere.
Sorry, but I wanted to post these. However, please comment on FullMetal's work as well... I don't want to be rude.
This is history...
This is Santa Fe...
This is Six Flags.Edited by robbie92, 17 January 2009 - 06:07 PM.
MF72 Offline
FullMetal: Looks really sweet right now. Maybe something to break up the boring grey tarmac?
robbie: I love it, but I just think it's too open. If you get what I'm saying. In the last picture, I love the little window in the bottom left, as well as the hanging chilis! -
FullMetal Offline
@robbie92: The architecture looks good, though I'd advise broadening your color pallette. Add some faded green and white in there, as well as some red tile rooves. I learned this when I tried to do the Road Rally last year. I especially like the round fountain in the first screen. (Someone needs to make some round quater-tile waterfalls.)
@Mifune: I'll consider the color change. And thanks for suggesting Fachwerk.
Everyone else, thanks for the comments! -
Nokia Offline
love them robbie.
you seem to be relying on that pink and brown a little to much, maybe try to use diff. colors? just a suggestion.Edited by Nokia, 17 January 2009 - 10:45 PM.
ACEfanatic02 Offline
robbie92: That is awesome. But please tell me you'll finish one of these. Don't turn into me.
-ACE -
tracidEdge Offline
yr sign is floating.
screen from my no custom scenery park using the SFOH Bench thing.
feel free to desomate.
Also, it's "decimate." -
robbie92 Offline
@Nokia and FullMetal: Only the entry plaza is this. The colors are supposed to reflect adobe wall, and since the park is on the outskirts of Santa Fe, I wanted an adobe entrance palza. The whole park isn't going to be like this. I just wanted to have a sense of the local architecture. -
turbin3 Offline
Full Metal: Looks really cool, nice architecture.
Robbie92: I really love your work, nice colours and good atmosphere.
tracidEdge: Looks good, but i've never played rct1, so I really can say nothing. -
SSSammy Offline
Part of the entrance to one of my nameless parks
All comments/advice is taken onboard.
EDIT: OH NOEZ!!1 GLITCHY WINDOW!11!!Edited by SSSammy, 18 January 2009 - 06:09 AM.
Nokia Offline
tracidEdge: love them.
SSSammy: someone improved, but not fond of the green wood and the grey brick, and if thats suposed to be the entrance might i suggest putting glass there with like a little ledge or something if your going for details that is. -
Daisy Offline
Interesting wee buildings there SSSammy, if a little weird. I'd like to see what else you were going to do to make these into a park entrance. The brick and wood looks cool but like Nokia said, I'm not into the colour of the wood. -
SSSammy Offline
Abit more entrance, oh yeah, TAH NOKIA!i might put in anal details like that later
a sneaky peak at the parks big-ass coaster- bear. yes, that is a wooden RC train going through a barrel roll.
feedback and advice is much apreiciated.
Edit: thanks (im presuming its a good thing) daisy, i started before you posted.Oh, someone else who doesnt like the colours... ill experiment with thoseEdited by SSSammy, 18 January 2009 - 10:14 AM.
zodiac Offline
quoted for second-page appearance. some of the best LLing i've ever seen. it's so majestic.
as for the above screens, the woodie/B&M whatever it is is kinda messy. if you were to merge them instead of building over the woodie track, it'd look much better. -
spartan Offline
tracidEdge: thats beautiful and the foliage is done very well.
SSSammy: that coaster would look much better if it was merged. Also I think you should get rid of the wooden track under the roll -
FullMetal Offline
@tE: Beautiful screen. I think it has a fantastic flow to it, and the lack of theming makes it look very quaint. But what's with the dog?
@SSSammy: The woodie looks innovative and certainly interesting, if a bit unorthadox. I'm interested in seeing the whole layout. -
][ntamin22 Offline
robbie, sante fe looks fantastic. very nice stuff.
tE- very pleasant to look at. I like the foliage and the amount of elevation change. Depending on the size of what you're building it might be a tad bare, and I wonder if you might do better with purple rapids for the single-tile tower bits? -
robbie92 Offline
Would this work as a GIB tower support?
I'd like to know if its good before I move on to the next one. BTW, would anybody be willing to merge the treacks together for me? It'd be really helpful.
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