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19-April 07
Steve Offline
yeah, agreed on that. also it doesn't seem much like you made it, dave. don't get me wrong but i think you can do much better.looks nice but i dont like the glass roofs on the outisde towers
spartan Offline
i think that would be an awesome place to play tennis but there is no way the ball is staying up there with that fence. you would need it to be enclosed if it was that high up. -
Gwazi Offline
^(^) Agreed. If you accidentally hit the ball too hard it could fall and hit someone on the head however many stories below it is. That wouldn't end up well. Plus you'd lose your ball.Edited by Gwazi, 17 November 2008 - 06:31 PM.
Comet Offline
It's not uncommon at all.
I don't know how it's plausible but they do make them.
Then the one halfway down this page is probably the most ridiculous one, unless you wanna use a new ball every point...
http://davehhome.com/Quint/Dubai.html -
Cocoa Offline
^That's completely insane! OMFG! I knew about the tallest building, dubailand, palm islands and such but 1200 meters, a spaceport, underwater hotel etc. holy crap! Dubai is going to be completely insane! -
Comet Offline
Yeah there's a lot of interesting stuff on that page which is why I didn't link directly to the picture.
It's ridiculous that 15-25% of the world's cranes are in Dubai. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Wow...someone needs to recreate Dubai in its entirety in rct. I'd shit a brick wall. -
Gwazi Offline
what? no way somebody would go on that tennis court. you have to have serious balls to play a sport that high up with no protection from falling... -
CedarPoint6 Offline
That tennis court on top of the Burj Al Arab was actually for a commercial, I believe. It's really just the buildings Heli-pad. So it's not permanent.
A couple interesting things:
-Dubai has 25% of the world's tower cranes.
-85% of residents living in the UAE (country where Dubai is located) are not citizens of the country
-In 2006, construction in Dubai was higher then gross domestic product of the entire country.
It's finally catching up with them, though... the 'build it and they will come theory' is starting to work against them as the economic troubles grow. -
Comet Offline
Yeah I think Roger Federer played a match against Andre Agasi or something like that up there. They weren't moving much after the balls.
Sounds likely that it would normally just be a Heli-Pad though, definitely wouldn't be open for any type of public use if it is a tennic court, probably just for publicity. -
Ge-Ride Offline
Is that hotel part of Calypso Theme Park LA, Dave? If so, I think it's so basic because of the detail limit and the bench's limited scenery, as well as consistency throughout the work. For those unfamiliar, the park was started ages ago, back when NO started a Park Wars contest in 2005. You've been working on that park forever due to all the distracting club works and contest parks you've made along the way. -
5dave Offline
^100 points for you, G-Ride.
The hotel is so basic, because of the old bench and the object limit the park is getting nearer and nearer...
Yeah, I wasn't really sure about the glass roofs, I might change them.
Haha, the photo from Dubai was my inspiration actually, I thought a pool was too random up there. haha
Thanks for the comments.
"MFG" -
Brent Offline
That's actually kinda cool... could do a better layout (more interesting) with the path though...
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