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19-April 07
Midnight Aurora Offline
That's some high quality rambling. If you wrote a manifesto, I'd probably read it. -
Ge-Ride Offline
If you keep making indifferent, sarcastic statements from the bottom of your heart in a place where you so care to be but for your own indifference, then so help me I might care enough to be indifferent too. Your own manifesto would read something like this: "It is cool to be indifferent, therefore I am."Edited by Ge-Ride, 11 November 2008 - 06:56 PM.
Midnight Aurora Offline
Oh? I was actually serious. But if you want to go for the juglar and be spiteful, that's your perogative.
Though I suppose it's hard to take the moral high ground when you're down in the dirt. -
Ge-Ride Offline
The way I'd interpreted what you said was that you didn't care to read what I had written in the particular format, and you were giving me a bluff as an excuse to perpetuate the fact that you didn't care enough to read what I'd already said. That combined with the earlier post before gave me the impression that you hadn't actually read much of my post. My response was to treat the situation with the same level of sincerity that I'd perceived you'd given me. I'll admit that it was rash of me to jump to such conclusions, but wouldn't a person who deems their self to be on a moral high ground try to understand the situation first before declaring the other person involved to be morally inferior, as I presume you meant by 'down in the dirt'? It seems to me that we both jumped too quickly to conclusions without fully understanding each other's perspective. That's how the world works though, like it or not. If we all considered ourselves and each other as fully rational accepting people, there'd only be one perspective and what would there be to live for but the feeling of past accomplishment? -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Well, I'll answer the only question with an obvious answer first. A person viewing themselves on the moral high ground would not be so quick to be understanding of any situation they're put in. They wouldn't have to, because they feel as though they are doing the right thing. A good example of this is Kevin Enns, or in the very least, the character that he plays on these boards. He [his character] doesn't care what we have to say, because he is right, and that is all there is to it. This is all a moot argument if the person's morals include trying to understand all viewpoints. Someone like Blitz comes to mind for this example.The way I'd interpreted what you said was that you didn't care to read what I had written in the particular format, and you were giving me a bluff as an excuse to perpetuate the fact that you didn't care enough to read what I'd already said. That combined with the earlier post before gave me the impression that you hadn't actually read much of my post. My response was to treat the situation with the same level of sincerity that I'd perceived you'd given me. I'll admit that it was rash of me to jump to such conclusions, but wouldn't a person who deems their self to be on a moral high ground try to understand the situation first before declaring the other person involved to be morally inferior, as I presume you meant by 'down in the dirt'? It seems to me that we both jumped too quickly to conclusions without fully understanding each other's perspective. That's how the world works though, like it or not. If we all considered ourselves and each other as fully rational accepting people, there'd only be one perspective and what would there be to live for but the feeling of past accomplishment?
I wouldn't be so quick to condemn indifference, either. In this situation, we were discussing something I put little value in and had no attachment to. Logically, why shouldn't I be indifferent? I didn't think you were all that attached to your philosophical metaphors, and in that case, why wouldn't humour be appropriate (or at least not innappropriate)? My appologies if me trying to be funny offended you, it's just who I am.
I'd talk more about indifference with respects to Buddhist philosphy but I really don't have time. I've literally got 6 papers due this week and I've procrastinated long enough.Edited by Midnight Aurora, 11 November 2008 - 08:08 PM.
Ge-Ride Offline
It's not the philosophical metaphors that I'm so specifically concerned about. It felt like you were encouraging an indifferent attitude toward my ideas which disrupted the ability of others to make a decision of how seriously to take them for themselves. My personal viewpoint on the subject is that personality is a very relative thing which changes from moment to moment. I tend to think of people more as forces than identities, and my view of a moral high ground is largely one of personal questioning to reconsider actions for mutual benefit. I regard identity the same way you regard philosophy, something to be brought up every once in a while, but that doesn't really matter too much for the way I think. -
DelLagos Offline
I found a few days ago an old coaster on an old bench of me which I want to finish in the near time.
Here is a pic, I know that this isn´t my best work, but look:
Hope you like it!
(Yes, it´s inspired by Black Mamba! ^^) -
Xophe Offline
The layout looks good, but as a screen I find it a bit overwhelmingly busy. I think it's the path. Or maybe the foliage. -
Todd Lee Offline
I haven't posted a screen anywhere since Mama Bear and I finished II. Here's a teaser of something I've been working on. -
TheLegendaryMatthew Offline
^Looking great for a low amount of custom scenery.
Heres a ride with a "base" theme. Its not area 51, but its something simmilar, no alians.
This little area for my coaster park (Sunrise Point) is just a mini launcher.
I still need to finish the support work and some buildings. I don't know what I can do for foliage, I'm using the scenery from Geewizzs Workbench. I love it -
Todd Lee Offline
Dellagos, I really like that screen. Other than the brown to black to brown track, I can really feel the atmosphere.
Matthew, your pic is too blurry, and zoomed out too far to be able to give you much feedback.
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