(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
eyeamthu1 Offline
Really nice idea. But try to bulk up the track a bit - maybe lower a bobsleigh track onto it or something - it just looks too much like the boat would just come off the track. As I say though, really nice idea. -
Steve Offline
As nice as the idea is, I feel it's out of proportion with itself; the actual blades are far too small for such a large structure.
Good surroundings, also. Break up the path with some foliage/full-tile trees! -
CedarPoint6 Offline
No to a straight drop on an inverted coaster and to those low level really high speed curves. The rest isn't too bad, though. -
Camcorder22 Offline
Straight turns directly before and after inversions always annoy me. I always think that the truly good coasters use inversions themselves as a way to change direction and dont need any extra turns. The small drop onto the midcourse brakes looks pretty hideous too. The second half however is not bad. With some good theming it could turn out ok. -
FullMetal Offline
I've decided to turn Electric Fields Amusement Park into a no CSO park. From now on, it will be refered to as Electric Fields Theme Park. Coasters will be remodeled, and more themeing added. I'm also doing this on a budget, while keeping peeps in the park. The only hacks I've used so far are Zero Clearance and Own All Land, both with 8cars.
A snippet of the new Fire Breather. -
Xophe Offline
Nice! I really like the ride inside like that. Perhaps the building's a bit over-detailed, though, in terms of windows etc.
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