(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place
19-April 07
robbie92 Offline
Thge layout is great, but not really GCI-ish. GCIs usually have curved drops and lots of twisted track. However, your layout still looks awesome! -
Comet Offline
Yeah not GCI-ish, not a fan of it otherwise either.
Seems like you tried to build the whole layout around the helices and thats all that is really there. -
FullMetal Offline
@nin and ChillerHockey: Okay, not GCI. Check.
@nokia: Thanks!
@robbie92: It has Millennium Flyer trains. That has to count for something.
@Comet: Everyone's a critic. I wanted the helices to blend in with the two main hills. I also wanted it to have a sort of out-and-back layout. I personally think I acheived that result well, and I also think that this is one of my greatest coasters ever. Ever. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
The ending's pretty akward, Xin, but I think the right theming will take care of that. -
Kevin Enns Offline
I love it, and I quadruple-love the name. btw Xin I thought you were afraid of horror movies/scary things? -
JDP Offline
I'm tired of people calling designs by the coasters builder because 80% of the time it does not resemble them at all. Come on, if your going to say it make sure it resembles a realistic layout...
-JDP -
FullMetal Offline
Sort of. I won't watch Poltergeist or Amityville HorrorI love it, and I quadruple-love the name. btw Xin I thought you were afraid of horror movies/scary things?
thorpedo Offline
i definitely agree with MA on this one, xin. should look okay with the right theming, but have you thought about what it will look like with the track going under the station? where will the queue, shrubbery, theming elements, etc go then? i just can't picture a complete station with a track going under it. would just look weird, i think. -
Comet Offline
Change the color of the waterfall, the water at the top, and the white water to the turquoise.
Everything else is nice just change up the buildings so they're not all the same, and fix the white glitch. -
Torn@do Offline
Here's the basis of my new mini park. the norwegian loop is a part from the coaster that comes there: formula 1.
is this looking good?
please comment. -
Dr. Doom Offline
Hm, escalators through a Norwegian Loop...I'm assuming you're basing this on Speed Monster? Besides that, I can't say much.
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