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  • Hex%s's Photo
    No that's not Skyrush, I can already tell. :p
  • Mr. Coaster%s's Photo
    Well, it originally was just going to be an Inspired Creation, but I figured i might as well do a recreation. Any comments on the layout?Posted Image
    I know its not perfect, but it was the best I could attempt to get without any long straight sections.

    (skyrush enthusiasts, this is where you come in :p )
  • Hex%s's Photo
    You need one more bunny hill before the brake run but after the turn. Other than that it looks pretty solid.
  • Pacificoaster%s's Photo
    Stick to an inspired layout. The limitations of RCT won't do this ride justice.
  • RCT2day%s's Photo
    Looks like a decent recreation, just don't forget the angeled-hill into the station after the brake run. But don't feel like you have to do a recreation because people thought it was Skyrush.

    Started a new park and I'm going to try to finish this by August/September. Here's an unfinished pic of Slither, an Intamin launch-coaster.

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Attached Image: slither preview.GIF
  • A.S.Coasters%s's Photo
    I'm loving that queue line.
  • Pacificoaster%s's Photo
    Tip: Don't set deadlines for yourself unless your in H2H. Things will just get rushed and come out looking that way. As for the screen, all I can really focus on is that unrealistic transfer track. 1) How would the track move in RL? 2) Where are the trains going to go if they magically end up on the transfer track? 3) If the maintenance track is in that left structure, just lose the s bend all together.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    I'm kind of surprised with the prevalence of NCSO these days. That said, it looks pretty damn good. Although I, like Pacificoaster, have an issue with your transfer track.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Very good. The mazes have been used for little walkways before, but for queues? I don't recall. I love the way it looks.
  • AvanineCommuter%s's Photo
    Not a fan of the station at all- it's too bulky without any interesting details or shape. The queue is pretty cool though, keep it up!
  • Phatage%s's Photo

    Stick to an inspired layout. The limitations of RCT won't do this ride justice.

    I think that's a horrible philosophy. Without honest efforts at recreations, we wouldn't have a lot of the techniques in RCT today. No matter how much custom scenery the community produces, there will always be that aspect of the game where you'll have to play MacGyver in order to bridge the gap between what you're imagining and what you can build, and with all the detail that people put into parks these days, it's things like this that help separate the good from the great. If the Imagineers who wanted to simulate spaceflight for passengers used your philosophy, there would be no Space Mountain.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I think depending on the scale Skyrush is extremely buildable in rct, you just need to look and take the scale into considerationand don't afraid of some hacking to get the job done...
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    I think that's a horrible philosophy. Without honest efforts at recreations, we wouldn't have a lot of the techniques in RCT today. No matter how much custom scenery the community produces, there will always be that aspect of the game where you'll have to play MacGyver in order to bridge the gap between what you're imagining and what you can build, and with all the detail that people put into parks these days, it's things like this that help separate the good from the great. If the Imagineers who wanted to simulate spaceflight for passengers used your philosophy, there would be no Space Mountain.

    So true. Executed imagination is revolutionary progress, which then it is best for us and for NE to think with innovation.
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    I think the important part of recreations is that it is re-CREATION, not Replica. Sure, if he wanted to make a perfect Skyrush replica it would be hard to do in RCT, and frankly just boring. The translation from real life to rct is why it is called a recreation, the parkmaker needs to take liberties to A, make the recreation look pleasing in RCT (aka, saying something is ugly because it is realistic is jut lazy) and B, make the recreation new and exciting. If all we did was rebuild things from real life perfectly as they are, we, or at least I, would be fast bored with the game.

  • Hex%s's Photo
    Nah I think recreation is suppose to be meant as replica. That's just me. When I think someone is going to make a recreation of a park or ride (in this case the Thigh Crush) I expect them to work on the layout as much as possible, get feed back, and go on from there.
  • leonidas%s's Photo
    Recreations might not be the most exciting to follow, for the player himself it can be a great learning experience, also for the community btw, as new technical inventions, hacks etc. are stimulated in order to get everything right.
    Also, it's a great feeling when you actually pull it off. ;)
  • FK+Coastermind%s's Photo
    Differences of opinion really. If we were all artists, I'd be abstract and you'd be something along the lines of photo-realism. Heh

  • leonidas%s's Photo
    If that was pointed at me, I actually paint abstract compositions myself.
    Artistically I'd say exact recreations are wrong, but technically you can learn a lot from them.
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Here's a little teaser screenshot of my new park.

    This is a log flume navigating through a ruined palace

    Attached Image: SCR118.png

    Remember, its ruined, so its supposed to look a bit messy.
  • trav%s's Photo
    That actually looks really good. It has an almost RoB feel to it.


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