(Archive) Advertising District / Dump-Place

  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Change that tree please, doesn't fit RCT2 at all, imo. Why not the 2x2 Oak? Also, I would add some supports to those balcony rails, either Custom Fence Bases, or Corner Poles, or a combination of both.

    The rest looks nice, good job.
  • wheres_walto%s's Photo
    That tree needs to go
  • Sulakke%s's Photo

    Change that tree please, doesn't fit RCT2 at all, imo. Why not the 2x2 Oak?

    The oak doesn't either... Try Liampie's tree.
  • Louis!%s's Photo
    Loving that building - the tower is exceptional.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    yeah, liams tree will be a good match for there.
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Personally i think i would have built the building one unit higher, it just seems a little cramped, but good nonetheless
  • trav%s's Photo
    What purpose does that building serve? If it's a restaurant or some sort of food shack, it's far too small. It's like the same size as my bedroom when you get rid of the doorway and what you can see through the windows.
  • ScOtLaNdS_FiNeSt%s's Photo
    @leonidas: Cheers. Will see what i can do about the colours.
    @jk: Thanks ... it is based of old english architecture.
    @pacific: Yeah i can see that. might change it up a little.
    @Lloyd: metropole? wow im blushing lol.

    more comments are welcome.

    Thats a nice screen djbrcace. The tree defo needs to go,
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    I'm sorry, but I have no idea how kudos even gets over the loop. If it does, it probably at most goes 5k/h.

    It works perfectly well, it goes like 20k/h, but I will make a higher lift hill.
  • gijssie1234%s's Photo
    unfinished but i'm happy how this part of the park will turn out (like all the other parts) :)

    Posted Image
  • RRP%s's Photo

    unfinished but i'm happy how this part of the park will turn out (like all the other parts) :)

    Posted Image

    Looks great to me
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    The textures look awful man, i think it's mainly the roof
  • Ver-co%s's Photo
    Hum... really nice park (Universal studios Sidney). There are some good ideas.

    In french :
  • Ruben%s's Photo
    Looks great but, sorry to say, except for the use of 8 blocks of ruins and 2 bits of cobble wall at the bottom of that tower it still looks the same to me.

    Don't get me wrong, the stuff you create is amazing, but I'd réálly love to see you put some more theme in it!
  • trav%s's Photo
    If anyone else posted a screen that unfinished, people would shoot it down for being unfinished.

    I'm sorry but I don't see anything really worth commenting on. All I see is a generic station but coloured green, on a track that I don't really understand what it's meant to be (Intamin track with B&M trains?) and a lot of empty space. I mean come on, you haven't even finished the path to the station.
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo

    If anyone else posted a screen that unfinished, people would shoot it down for being unfinished.

    Trav, its the dump-place for a reason. You can post whatever screens you want.

    Yes, this is unfinished too.

    Attached Image: SCR16.png

    Very glitchy. :'(
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    what is that suppose to be?
  • imawesome1124%s's Photo

    If anyone else posted a screen that unfinished, people would shoot it down for being unfinished.

    I'm sorry but I don't see anything really worth commenting on. All I see is a generic station but coloured green, on a track that I don't really understand what it's meant to be (Intamin track with B&M trains?) and a lot of empty space. I mean come on, you haven't even finished the path to the station.

    I think it's supposed to be a Skyrush type of coaster. Even though it's unfinished it's lightyears better than anything I could ever hope to make.
  • rct2isboss%s's Photo

    what is that suppose to be?

    Entrance to a park.


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