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  • trav%s's Photo
    Yes that looks much better already.
  • robbie92%s's Photo

    I prefer pre-Haussmann Paris.

    Posted Image

    Ugh, Haussmannian-era architecture is incredible. I wouldn't love Paris nearly as much without it. It separates Paris from the rest, in my opinion. If the Haussmann blocks didn't exist, Paris would look like practically any other rich medieval city. Plus, I find the style to be a fairly-natural progression from the French Baroque and classicism of later additions to the Louvre and other 17th/18th century additions.

    Liam, it seems as if you and I will never agree on architecture and urbanism... haha
  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    I'm doing modern Parisian style.

    End of question
  • In:Cities%s's Photo
    Shotguns you're really getting quite good. Although I still wish you would complete more before you show us!
    Just continue on with this theme, get a substantial amount done, stop worrying so much about what we thing and build what YOU want:]
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    If you make it new orleans, shotgun, then that will be nice. That screams New Orleans to me. Which is french, so good job, I guess
  • Xeccah%s's Photo

    If you make it new orleans, shotgun, then that will be nice. That screams New Orleans to me. Which is french, so good job, I guess

    Funny thing is is that I live an hour within new orleans
  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Updated screen:

    Posted Image
  • Cocoa%s's Photo
    I don't like the colors on the left building, but its good otherwise. yellow windows on tan is never interesting, try purple with brown frames or something. and the green roof needs to go, maybe a tan or red roof would be better? also, slope it differently, as right now it is the same as the building on the right and looks a bit awkward.
  • BelgianGuy%s's Photo
    I actually like it a lot, it's something different, red or purple would make it too standard, I say keep it as is
  • Dimi%s's Photo
    Wow you've improved, that looks awesome Fizzix, I love those columns! Interesting shapes and the right amount of details. I think the colours are fine. Can't wait to see moire of this!
  • Chrixz%s's Photo
    Hey Guys just 2 quick pic's of a duo me and a friend are working on. This is built on the Electric Fields scenario al NCSO.

    Attached Image: SCR11.png

    Entrance meant to resemble some of the old Lunaparks.

    Attached Image: SCR12.png

    2 of the coasters in my part of the scenario, it's meant to be vibrant, colorfull, and a bit wacky.

    I hope you like it.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    I certainly like it. Love the colours, actually. :)
  • Dark_Horse%s's Photo
    Great use of the jellybean wall.
  • Chrixz%s's Photo
    thx guys really apreciate it.
  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Making headway on this again...

    Posted Image
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Wow, you can still make buildings without stacked walls! I think it's wonderful.
  • pierrot%s's Photo
    Fantastic screen Loopy, love the usage of jurassic fence.
  • posix%s's Photo

    Wow, you can still make buildings without stacked walls! I think it's wonderful.


    pierrot, I fail to find jurassic fence in the screen?

    Love the composition you have there. Afraid the barrels will never work for me but oh well. What you did with the Virginia Reel looks interesting. What is it?
  • Ruben%s's Photo
    It's really subtle, used in the roof right behind the two signs. ;)

    Nice, solid work. Nice trackitecture in the top of the screen. :)
  • Loopy%s's Photo
    Cheers guys. The Virginia Reel is supposed to represent the concrete sides of the Stingray touch tank.


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