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  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    A very shitty color (harr harr see what I did there?)
  • MorganFan%s's Photo

    I really question the long flat bits on the coaster. Just seems unrealistic and unnecessary.

    Have you ever seen an Arrow in real life?
  • Ling%s's Photo
    Of course, but looking at the screen, going into that tunnel means it either dives or there are at least another 2~3 straight flat pieces under that structure/mountain. It just seems kind of like "Oh, I want it to go into that tunnel, but my design is too far, I'll just add a bunch of straight sections cause it's easy." Also, why does the lead-in to the lift have to be three tiles long? The archy is a fine, if a little random, I just don't like how it's all absolutely brown. I know it's one of the best-looking colors in RCT but you still have to try to mix it up.
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Feeling pretty rusty...

    Posted Image
  • trav%s's Photo
    Definitely needs more detail, but looks like a pretty solid base.
  • posix%s's Photo
    I like the hole. Pretty good overall.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    More detail and maybe one more color combination and I think it would look really nice. Plus continuing the quarter-tile landscaping into the pit, of course.
  • Liampie%s's Photo
    Colours and textures are not optimal, but I think you figure that out yourself since you're not exactly unexperienced. Just rusty, like you said. The composition is very nice. :)
  • A.S.Coasters%s's Photo
    Posted Image

    First time using custom supports, I'm just trying stuff out here.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    I would make the color of the flange connecting to the footer either the same as the support or the same as the footer. The control box is a little large. The vertical beam at the back needs a flange on the footer, and I think it needs a catwalk :p
  • K0NG%s's Photo

    I like the hole.

    Don't we all.

  • Xeccah%s's Photo
    Don't expect any more screens after this. I don't want to reveal anymore than this,

    Attached Image: souf2.png

    OK. so I have imporoved on the castle which I am not done with. You can also see a glimpse into the theme through one tiny detail on the castle.

    Attached Image: souf3.png

    I felt that Arrow dynamics looper I had was shit, so i canned it and went with a schwarzkoph

    Thanks for the criticism!
  • RMM%s's Photo

    Don't expect any more screens after this.

  • Fizzix%s's Photo
    Is there any reason you're using water tiles instead of actual water? Are you going to build something beneath the water?
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    Just to show a little thing
    on a project that me and Mika are working!

    Hope that you like it!

  • RWE%s's Photo

    Just to show a little thing on a project that me and Mika are working!Hope that you like it!

    All in All it looks good. But I don´t like the supports. I think there are to much.

    But the layout is good. :)
  • trav%s's Photo
    It'd much more suit a Vekoma SLC than a B&M Invert.
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo
    thank you! the layout is a recreation of El Jáguar (Isla Mágica) but with a different final.
  • trav%s's Photo
    Yeah that's a Vekoma SLC. Just rebuild the track in that style and it will be good.
  • BC(rct2)%s's Photo

    I don't like it to much with this track but
    me and Mika are gonna decide the best one.


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