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  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    um i just got an original rct2 version.I used 2 have the crappyass TripleThrillPack version which i deleted but 2day i downloaded all the scenery i needed and i put the code on winzip but everytime i xtract it 2 the game nothing is in object data please help
  • Ling%s's Photo
    That was amazingly hard to read, but if you're saying that:
    You just installed RCT2 (after uninstalling TTP) and somehow downloaded JUST scenery, and extracted the .zip file to "C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon 2\Objdata" then the scenery was not in the Objdata folder.

    If this is the case, then a few things could have gone wrong.
    -You might have missed the directory
    -The extraction just may not have worked
    -I'm sure there are other things, but I'm not too technical

    So, re-check the directory for extraction and try it again; if that doesn't work just copy and paste the files from the .zip folder into the Objdata folder. That should work. Good luck.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Umm... what?
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    i went over the code letter for letter but how do i paste the zip folder to objdata
  • Ling%s's Photo
    no no... you open the .zip folder and select all of the objects, then right-click and go down to COPY (or hit CTRL + C) and then go to the directory I listed in my previous post, and right-click again, and go down to PASTE (or hit CTRL +V).
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    well its not only scenery its some ae rides and 8cars
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo

    um i just got an original rct2 version.I used 2 have the crappyass TripleThrillPack version which i deleted but 2day i downloaded all the scenery i needed and i put the code on winzip but everytime i xtract it 2 the game nothing is in object data please help

    please speak english, sir.

    Edited by tracidEdge, 30 March 2007 - 10:17 PM.

  • Ling%s's Photo

    well its not only scenery its some ae rides and 8cars

    oh, well don't move 8cars to your Objdata folder, it won't do any good there. You need to open it once you've opened RCT2, so you'll probably want 8cars in a folder (WITH its operation file and readme in the same folder, do NOT separate them or 8cars won't work) on your desktop or in your start menu programs. Copy everything else into the Objdata folder and load your game. It should say "Checking object data files" or something...
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    i know about uploading crap i could do it simple on ttp but now i have the original and it just wont work
  • Ling%s's Photo
    uploading? I must have completely missed the point of this then. You obviously aren't trying to use everyone else's definition of "custom scenery". Oh, and try using capitalization and punctuation. It makes everything easier to read.
  • Lloyd%s's Photo
    Umm, right. Ok.

    I mean, i'd love to help and all. But, yeah.
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    ^I agree.

    Possibly slow down, use proper capitalization and punctuation, learn over first grade vocabulary words, and then and only then will we respond.

    I was about to say, "Gee, I'm surprised tracidEdge hasn't attacked this yet." But after scrolling down, I've been proved wrong.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    and yet we've already given him 8 posts (now 9)... Yeah, I'll wait with zodiac.
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    Oh, Sorry I usually don't use Capitalization and Punctuation when I type.But I've downloaded all the stuff I want and it's on my desktop but I've got the code to put it on the game and I extract it But it does'nt come on the game.
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    okay you can toss capital letters and punctuation in there all you want but it doesn't make what you're saying any easier to read.
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    Alright, What I'm saying is (and in this order):

    1.I Downloaded the scenery, rides, and the trainer.

    2.I got the code to Extract it

    3.I Extracted

    4.I watched the entire process

    5.I started up RCT2

    6.But it did'nt say checking object files at the loading thing.

    7.And none of it showed up in my Object data or scenario editor

    What could be the problem?(Hopefully you get it now) :mad:
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    well the only thing i can think of is that the scenery wasn't exported.
  • ripitup79%s's Photo
    It's all normal stuff like RCT*mart stuff and the Protour 2 bench is in there.
    it's all the stuff i had on TTP
  • Levis%s's Photo
    what do you mean with the code for extracting ?

    just open the comprimised folder and copy the .dats in there to your object data folder :) .
    make sure it goes to the right folder...
    else download a savegame (like the PT bench) first and just double click on it in windows to open it, that would extract the objects to your savegame to, if it doesn't work either than also youre rct2 doesn't work right.
  • Lloyd%s's Photo

    okay you can toss capital letters and punctuation in there all you want but it doesn't make what you're saying any easier to read.

    :lol: .. alot

    I'm still a little confused as to what the problem is, because i have the feeling it's something simple, like you're just extracting it to the wrong place or something. But maybe your RCT is messed up?

    Who knows? :huey:


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