Custom Scenery Exchange / My Bench Project
20-March 07
geewhzz Offline
I have spent the past few weeks sorting through the 5000 objects on my computer and sorting the ons I find to be most useful. The goal is to basically make a better "protour" bench. I took the time to eliminate the crappy objects and even fix some that needed fixing. I tried to offer the most versatile objects in this bench. I have finished the theme groups and am over on SS objects, but I figured I would include as many as possible useful objects in each subgroup and then users can just take out ones they don't want when creating their bench. I'm going to post a picture of each subgroup and try to explain everything I tried to accomplish with it, and how it's laid out. When I'm done with this project probably in a couple of days I will have a bench uploaded if anyone wants to use it (mainly aimed at realistic parkmakers).
Onto the pictures:
With this group I mainly tried to include as many MT trees as possible and good looking bushes/flowers/plants. I also included vine walls in this group and "reefs" that are hung from balconies etc.
With the landblocks tab I included them all except for the ice ones (realistic parkmaking, remember?) The MT ones are included just because there is room for them and the large curved MT landblock is useful. People can remove what they don't want when making their bench with these groups.
I tried to include all the blocks with all the textures, only certain full tile base blocks that I think are used enough to be included. Everything in the groups I created has order in mind.
Tried to get as many roofs as possible in here, all 1/4 tile of course. I included two types of awnings that work with 1 set of fringes and the ones I felt most useful. I converted the RS wooden roofs to MT and colorable, and they look pretty nice in multiple colors. (I hope you don't mind RS, I love those roofs).
What I felt RCT builders needed the most, is a good deco tab. I think I got everything that belongs in here. I even re-aligned the upward slanting deco block by RCTIP so it is correct now.
Pretty much all fences/walls/poles are grouped in this tab.
All the useful doors/windows are included here, as many as possible in wall form and 1/4th tile form, organized nicely.
Another thing I thought needed to be done to save space and just have everything useful grouped together. I made a new tab that includes the complete set of Toon B&M supports but with the MT ones swapped for the SS ones to save space. Also Magnus' chain connector pieces included. Finally, I converted the plain B&M chain to MT to save space.
Something I hope realistic parkbuilders will use and appreciate. I compiled a road tab with everything here converted to MT scenery. All the road lines and arrows are colorable so they can be white/blue/yellow and more useful. I plan to add a few more of my own objects to this tab once I get around to making them.
A good water scenery tab that includes everything useful and leaves out the bullcrap.
There will be a few misc items that I will include in the ? tab such as the ja277 support blocker, magnus' MT black squares, and some other SS objects I find useful for realistic parkbuilding.
Anyways, I will probably have a SV6 file compiled with a full bench with only useful things and these tabs in the next few days. If you have any suggestions or think I am missing an extremely useful pieces then let me know, but I think I got it all covered. I have been sick of people asking for benches all the time from me or complaining that they hate making them and that is why they never build. The protour is way out of date imo so I hope the community will appreciate this.Edited by geewhzz, 20 March 2007 - 11:27 PM.
eman Offline
You know my thoughts on this. Great work and Im sure the cmmunity will greatly appreciate what is in my opinion the ultimate bench. -
RCTNW Offline
I would one of those that hate making benches!
Nice work and I really like the looks of this
Many thanks! -
Gwazi Offline
Excellent work, geewhzz. There are only a few objects I would want to add in there, which I think I might be able to do so myself. Once I do that, this will prolly be the only RCT2 bench I ever use for my solos/designs.
However, I don't see why you exclude 1/4-tile ice blocks. They can be used in realistic parkmaking easily, especially if you are making a park that has snow on the ground.
But still, I can't wait for this bench. Great work!Edited by Gwazi, 21 March 2007 - 11:27 AM.
Levis Offline
those ice buildingblocks are also very handy with making waterfalls.
btw I'm missing the shutters.
and I don't see a wall theme, is that because the PT wall theme is good ? -
geewhzz Offline
I never found deco roofs to be useful but I guess I can include them in a tab, either the roof tab or deco tab. Also, I can include the ice blocks but probably won't have them checked in the bench. They are useful when making waterfalls but you can save space by just leaving them out and coloring a 1/4th tile block teal. Walls/Fences are the same tab. You don't see the common walls just because they are included in the walls tab in the game and I didn't screenshot that. I guess I forgot some of the shutters, I never really used them but I guess I can go back and add them. -
Milo Offline
Wow, great job man. It's about damn time somebody did this lol. This seems like a fantastic starting bench so maybe I'll try some rct2 again with this some time (I hate all the bench making shit as well.... one of the many reasons I hate rct2). -
Carl Offline
I tried making an "ultimate bench" once but gave up, I even had over 12000 objects sorted but it was just too hard to chose which ones to keep in and which to take out. So kudos on actually completing a huge task. -
Levis Offline
ah I miss another object.
the canvas roofs you have selected misses one.
you've got the inside corner but you miss the outside corner, I made that one as whel (download should be somewhere here in this subforum). -
geewhzz Offline
Yeah I didn't have it in my 5000 objects, I know I wouldn't have missed it. So just send it over and I will add it. -
RCFanB&M Offline
Oh wow, great work Geewhzz! Hell yeah my worries are over, at least for my next project. It's just perfect, it's what I've had in mind since TG was cancelled. I think that this is very very useful... I'm so glad you're helping the community this way.
Thanks a lot mate. -
Brent Offline
May be the only thing that'll make me want to build again...
I hate object selection. SO much crap out there, but this all looks great.
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