(Archive) Advertising District / Marriott's Marine World - Phase II

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Very cool. Good work.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Thanks everyone. The map is with a nother parkmaker right now who is doing some "Special" work on it so it may be a few weeks before the next update on this on map. That said though, work on another map has been moving right along and I hope to get an updated post tonight or tomorrow.

    Lets just say we are on Target with that one!

    Again, thanks!

    James - rctnw
  • posix%s's Photo
    still a little worried how you will make someone else's work harmonise with yours. because your style is so very unique.
    but i want to congratulate and thank you again for celebrating professional parkmaking at this site. there is no one around here who could reach your level at the moment.
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    Well RCTNW, how are things going? You have not updated this thread in half a month, and have not updated the other one in 5 days, and I am rather excited, so I was just curious.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    dude be patient, he'll update it when he's ready
  • Levis%s's Photo
    if you saw the fiesta you know what the special work was and that he is working on it again (think the delay is my fault :p ).
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo
    How are you RCTNW, would you mind updating once in a while, just kidding, but it has been like half a month, and this is among the best parks I have ever seen (except PAP), especially for only 128x128 (right), and I love the Gravitron, or whatever they call it in RCT2, I forget, it goes well with the water, and nice shark section, good job Kumba, good just RCTNW supporting it, have something about the Great White Shark, my favorite kind, and maybe the Megalodon, a cool prehistoric 100+-long foot shark, and I would say throw in a 3D Cinema playing Jaws, a great movie, all the landscaping looks good, this is awesome, you see, I love water things, a lot, in general, for instance in movies, and giant monsters, and the element, and the color, and so on, and so forth, and that is why I like this park, of your three, the best.

    Also, as it relates to MARINE LIFE-This is a marine life park, a la Sea World, right? as opposed to just a theme park with a water theme, which would also be extraordinairily cool, do not get me wrong, especially if that is what you are doing, but what kinds of MARINE LIFE are you featuring, dolphins perhaps?

    Also, can you update one of you 9? 12? 10? 11? whatever it is maps, and show us a screenshot, I am just thrilled to look at your work, especially MMW, but I like them all, especially MMW.

    On the maps: I know you are having 1 or 2 water maps (make it 1 if possible, I just do not want this project to end) but are you actually going to make them and release them, or just presuppose their existence. And, when this is all finished, will you put all 12 or whatever maps in a .zip file and throw in some goodies for a single, unified file, for convenience.

    Anyways, keep up the stellar work.

    EDIT: I like your second hotel, a lot, but will it have its own map, or be on another map?!!

    Edited by Kevin_Enns, 16 October 2007 - 03:57 PM.

  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Kevin - I'm glad you like the park and yes it is kinda like a Sea World. As for an update, like Levis stated, I did post a small teaser however it will not be posted in this topic as I want this to be for completed updates. That siad, The park still has some work to go on it before the next official update. Like OLE stated, you gotta be patient.

    Levis - You did not hold it up. I'm cruising along with the Target Field right now which should be done shortly, then it's back to this one.


    James - rctnw
  • Glory%s's Photo
    Ughh..ooo so sexy RCTNW! I love the work you are showing us! Its comming out great in all directions, but take your time with it..don't worry about all the other people talking about "HURRY UP WITH THE UPDATES!" and stuff. But do your thing man, I always love your parks since way back with Skagit River Amusement Park. Keep up the good work!!

    And to Kevin_Enns, hop off his dick..like god damn bro. He's a very busy guy, so he can update whenever he feels like it.
  • RCTNW%s's Photo
    Thanks and no worries about feeling pressured to finish this from others. I build for me and me alone. If others like it, that’s a bonus.

    As for working on it right now…..ummmm….. I’m on hold along with all other RCT work as my pc at home died and it needs to be replaced. I’m looking at replacing it on 11-23-07 however I’m on hold until then. Once I get the new pc up, I will need to work on my MMM entry and then back to MMW.

    Thanks again

    James - rctnw
  • Kevin Enns%s's Photo

    And to Kevin_Enns, hop off his ****..like [God] **** bro. He's a very busy guy, so he can update whenever he feels like it.

    First of all, I find that homosexual comment extremely horrible, I am considering reporting you.

    Second of all, I find using the Lord's Name in vaid extremely horrible, I am considering reporting you. You did not even capitalize the name of your Creator (I edited it tho).

    Third of all, do not swear so much (I censored you), I do not personally care, but seriously, it is supposed to be strong language, when people swear a lot it has no meaning, whereas, when I, for instance, swear, people notice.

    Fourth of all, that "bro" comment was extremely racist, I am considering reporting you.

    Anyways, no need to defend Mr. NW, buddy, like what, he can not do it himself? I just asked one or two questions, and he answered them at his leisure. So back off.

    Anyways, keep up the supreme work RCTNW.
  • JJ%s's Photo
    1. There was no homosexual comment.
    2. Most people don't capitalise the word god.
    3. Swearing is permitted here, if you don't like it then fuck off.
    4. Bro is not racist in any way what so ever. I call my brother my bro and my sisters sis all the time. It's not racist in any way.
    5. Quit preaching.
  • Emergo%s's Photo
    @ Kevin_Enns: I do respect everyone's opinion and also your post, but please be respectfull enough yourself to respect other opinions/convictions also....if you are convinced "god" (which one...???) is our creator, that's fine, but if others don't, that's also fine and as much their right as it is yours to believe differently....so editing a post of someone else for this reason seems rather disrespectful and intolerant (or "arrogant"??) to me...do you really think you are the only right-thinking one on this earth?? So don't speak about someone as havingg "your creator"....please apply that to yourself if you think so (that's your full right) and not just to all others also (that's unbelievably arrogant and discriminating to a majority of people in this world).

    (and don't you dare to edit my "god" if you would ever quote this post....!!)

    Back to the topic: James, success on finding a great best buy for a new computer and configuring it to your likings, and hope you can pick up your great creations whenever you are ready for it/feel for it again...(no doubt at all about your fun in the game I have, so that will be allright soon :biggrin: )

  • Carl%s's Photo
    Come on people, Kevin may have been preaching, and asking for updates is considered a no-no, fine. But lets not lose sight of the fact that Glory's post was way out of line. Mr. Glory has no business enforcing any rules, anywhere. If you want to jump down anyone's throat, it should be his. I really could care less about the god comment.

    Sorry about your topic getting polluted, James.

    Edited by ride_exchanger, 14 November 2007 - 05:05 PM.

  • ][ntamin22%s's Photo
    the guy updates when he says he will update and is working on the biggest project currently active.

    i think it's clear who'll be getting the breaks here.
  • Steve%s's Photo
    Kevin, Jesus doesn't love you and you're going to hell when you die.
  • posix%s's Photo
    Kevin_Enns, are you for real?

    and kids, if you don't stop to dance bitchfights, i'll clean this thread up real nicely for you all, believe me.
  • Milo%s's Photo

    jesus fucking christ, grow up people 8@
  • Corey%s's Photo
    Kevin, are you by any chance that "John Bergman" idiot from BigJons PC Games?
  • Glory%s's Photo
    And sorry RCTNW about my comment in your topic and to all others. But it kind of annoyed me when Kevin posted for Mr.RCTNW to put a pep-in-his step, but im past it now and I make sure I'll keep those types of opinions to myself. But other than that, sorry again for bringing garbage to this thread.


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