General Chat / SU182: An American Hero?

  • BGTBBum2004%s's Photo
    I was watching ATHF a few moments ago and one of the bumps were showing another usual post by a mindless user on the Adult Swim message board. Then I noticed the username on the lower right hand of the screen, it was none other than the RCT community's greatest park builder ever made, SU182. His message? None other than some stupid dumb rant about their shows.


    I f***in hate him more. As Skwisgar on Metalocalypse puts it nicely,"Is Dildoes!"
  • zodiac%s's Photo

    The little shit.

    Adix, bring him back so we can praise him for getting on tv then ban him again.

    I saw this last night, too, but didn't see the name. :(
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    *"Real American Heroes" commercial starts playing (Bud Light)*
  • MachChunk 3%s's Photo
    So what you linked to is what Adult Swim showed? Which post was it?
  • BGTBBum2004%s's Photo
    The first one.

    Basically the bump started off with the first sentence of the said post, then it flashed the long ass paragraph nobody cares about for like, 5 seconds, then it ended.

    Oh well, at least [as] made fun of him on national television.
  • Xcoaster%s's Photo

    I've actually seen him post similar stuff elsewhere about how the anime is not hardcore enough. He truly is the king of n00bs. We should try to get him to come to one of our Disney trips, since he's in the area. I mean, he's a celebrity now.

    BTW, our Engineering Tower at UCI is STRATA Headquarters on Saul of the Molemen. I have class in there. No lie.

    EDIT: I see Lord_Turbine replied there too. I think he's from westcoaster.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    I'm after SU182's time, (although I was here when he came back as "ThoseHackersMustDie") but I've seen his posts and... wow. This guy is retarded or something, albeit funny. The fact that he can belong to a forum where he hates everything it stands for is pretty funny, although how he prefers Fox over Adult Swim is just... sad.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Ah, I remember the [good] old days, when I was a browser, but not a member. Enigmatic. SU182. April Fool's joke lol. Oh man. SU182 buying the site!? I wish I was smart enough to join earlier...
  • petrov%s's Photo
    can someone explain what adult swim is, im from the uk

  • Blitz%s's Photo
    It's a program on the telly' which features mature animated content of the dramatic and comedic variety. Mostly filled with either poorly drawn but hysterical budget shows or dubbed japanese animation series.
  • Trajan%s's Photo
    Lollerblades, HAHA! This made my day! :lol:
  • Highball%s's Photo
    Oh god. That name brings back memories. Bad ones.
  • Blitz%s's Photo

    Oh god. That name brings back memories. Bad ones.

    as it should


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