Music Forum / Instrument.
21-February 07
penguinBOB Offline
not always true!i could fit that amplifier in my pocket.
ps stratocasters are hideous.
this one is pretty
This one is just (rediculously) awesome
PS both are a friend of mine's (plays in the D-West). -
Steve Offline
the decadent west is a joke of a band anyways! but the first one is kind of nice, i guess. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Your mom's a joke!the decadent west is a joke of a band anyways! but the first one is kind of nice, i guess.
Any of you guitar players actually read music? And by that, I mean NOT tabs. I've met way too many guitar players tht can't this past month. -
Steve Offline
I can read some sheet music, but that was a few years ago. I could probably still, though it may take me a while.
tablature is just easier. the only downside is that you pretty much need to hear the song to play it.
and leave the mothers out of this, midnight (name that movie!). -
Ride6 Offline
Here's the thing. Actual sheet music on guitar is simply confusing because there are often two or three of the same note, or chord. Knowing what position to play it in based on sheet music is a skill I certainly haven't mastered.
Basically tabs are sheet music for guitar if you think about how sheet music works for piano: each note can only be that one note, one key, one place; tabs do that for guitar.
Then again I wouldn't say that I can 'read' music. "Decode" would be closer to the truth. Honestly why the hell would a guitar or bass exclusive individual use sheet music for those instruments? It's just needlessly painful. It makes a lot of sense if you're dealing with keyboards, piano, strings, horns, etc though... It's also apparently what's used for studio musicians and everything too: not that I really want to do that for a living; sounds like making something fun into work... trying to play other peoples compositions that they themselves can't, at least not on that instrument? No thanks.
Ride6 -
Top Gun Offline
I play a Cecilio AS-180N Nickel Plated Alto Sax. 'Been playing for about 7 years.Edited by Top Gun, 09 April 2008 - 04:23 PM.
Midnight Aurora Offline
Here's the thing. Actual sheet music on guitar is simply confusing because there are often two or three of the same note, or chord. Knowing what position to play it in based on sheet music is a skill I certainly haven't mastered.
Basically tabs are sheet music for guitar if you think about how sheet music works for piano: each note can only be that one note, one key, one place; tabs do that for guitar.
Then again I wouldn't say that I can 'read' music. "Decode" would be closer to the truth. Honestly why the hell would a guitar or bass exclusive individual use sheet music for those instruments? It's just needlessly painful. It makes a lot of sense if you're dealing with keyboards, piano, strings, horns, etc though... It's also apparently what's used for studio musicians and everything too: not that I really want to do that for a living; sounds like making something fun into work... trying to play other peoples compositions that they themselves can't, at least not on that instrument? No thanks.
Well, for only guitar, yeah, I understand. And by that, I assume you mean rythmic guitar, like as a back-up to singing. But it I were to ever try to play any kind of melodic peice, like a solo, I'd have to be looking at some sheet music.
I've had to play some classical guitar peices from sheet music, and it's certainly not difficult if you build yourself up to it. I just never continued to do it or had a guitar to practice on. So, trumpet it is... -
Camcorder22 Offline
I can read music on violin, and I have perfect pitch to know what notes to play on guitar, so I can read the music more or less. Theres not really any point though as ride6 said, since its much easier and clearer to read tabs if you want to play someone elses music. Otherwise I just play my own stuff and tabs are way easier to type out if you want to give them to someone to play. As with solos, I usually just improvise , not that Im that good at it. However, I have tried playing classical pieces on guitar from sheet music, not really my thing though. -
][ntamin22 Offline
MA you lamewad. Go get some skill and try playing something with more than three buttons.
By the way, please tell me you aren't on screamer lead. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
No, sir. I am 3rd [last] trumpet. And I love every minute of it. I can play lower split lead, but I just don't have the sound output for it anymore. I'm a beast in the low range, though. (if you look at any of the Cadets clips online, I'm the trumpet on the end closest to the mellos. Or if it's just trumpets, I'm the one on the far right of the arc.)MA you lamewad. Go get some skill and try playing something with more than three buttons.
By the way, please tell me you aren't on screamer lead.
And I can also play french horn and 4 valve brass instruments. How 'bout them apples?
@Top Gun: Cute sax. I've never been a fan of the nickle plating, though. The sound always comes out too bright. And I've never actually heard of a Cecelio... Any good? -
Top Gun Offline
@Top Gun: Cute sax. I've never been a fan of the nickle plating, though. The sound always comes out too bright. And I've never actually heard of a Cecelio... Any good?
Thanks I just wanted something different lol. Not many people have heard of Cecelio but they sound very good. A LOT better than what I was using which was a Bundy II amature. It had dents everywhere and was a bear to tune.
Here's a link to Cecilio's Website -
Midnight Aurora Offline
er... Not to knock your sax, but this is the first thing I saw on the website: I just wanted something different lol. Not many people have heard of Cecelio but they sound very good. A LOT better than what I was using which was a Bundy II amature. It had dents everywhere and was a bear to tune.
Here's a link to Cecilio's Website
...And thats just awful. Then there's an option to make that thing nickle, and I can't imagine how bad that would have sounded.
*shudder* -
][ntamin22 Offline
"Phosphorus Copper Used On Lead (Pronouced [sic]as "Leed") Mouth Pipe, Found On Expensive Trumpets" ? errrrm.
Well, they're pretty obviously catering to the student instrumentalist. I have no idea how to measure the quality of an alto sax, though, so judgment presently reserved.
MA, I'm actually on lower split lead. I was kind of hoping to grow my range a bit over the summer (and i have little doubt it will), but different horns + different mouthpieces means I've lost enough off the top that lower split is about my max for now. Personal goal is to consistently be able to pick up the horn and nail super F's. -
Steve Offline
going to interrupt you guys, here. i was bored.
mitchell acoustic and fender telecaster. my pickguard was white when i bought it, but replaced it with black.
that is also my beginners amp in the background. i have a bunch of pedals too, but they're not at home. -
penguinBOB Offline
Last one I swear.
what do different metals do for pitches in horns?er... Not to knock your sax, but this is the first thing I saw on the website:
...And thats just awful. Then there's an option to make that thing nickle, and I can't imagine how bad that would have sounded.
i know that in cymbals, bronze is the most common and that the more tin in the cymbal the more complex and less clangy it sounds. you sometimes see brass cymbals but they sound like shit for crashes or hi-hats--you can get a decent ride sound out of them, but they aren't quite as responsive.Edited by penguinBOB, 15 April 2008 - 11:32 PM.
Steve Offline
frank, i don't know what mitchell is. i went in guitar center and asked for the cheapest acoustic-electric they had and i walked out with that.
probably not the wisest of investments, but oh well. and that's my old amp. i have a bigger one but it's in my practice space. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Depends on the horn, and depends on the style of playing youre looking for. And really, there's so many different combos that you have to know your shit.Last one I swear.
what do different metals do for pitches in horns?
i know that in cymbals, bronze is the most common and that the more tin in the cymbal the more complex and less clangy it sounds. you sometimes see brass cymbals but they sound like shit for crashes or hi-hats--you can get a decent ride sound out of them, but they aren't quite as responsive.
(dark refers to being free-flowing and open sounding, better for classical, It generally blends better with other players. Bright means the tone has a bit of an edge to it, cuts through your ensemble, and is better for jazz)
Take the same horn design of a brass bell, and a dark laquer makes it super dark, laquer makes it dark, silver and/or gold give it a brighter tone. Now if you put a solid silver bell (not silver plated) on there, it get's super dark again. A lot of jazz guys buy laquered horns and strip off the laquer. As for the nickel, it's only ever really used on French horns and woodwinds (sax). Not sure offhand what the effect is on sound. Back in the day, they used to use chrome instead, to give off the bling of silver without the price. Sounded like ass, though.
Why do most people get silver instruments, though? Because it looks good.Edited by Midnight Aurora, 16 April 2008 - 06:05 AM.
][ntamin22 Offline
scroll on down to the bottom.
There are all kinds of ridiculous factors that affect brass instruments- the thickness of the walls, how the braces are placed, weight, bell flare, etc.
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