Music Forum / The Official "What are you listening to?" Thread
27-January 07
Cole Offline
too much brostep in this thread...
Kalawanji / Surgery
one of my favorite dubstep songs ever -
trav Offline
Still Alive
Mt Eden Dubstep
AND combining it with this:
Works surprisingly well. -
That Guy Offline
I just tried listening to some dubstep, and after listening, I must ask, what is so appealing about WUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUH in almost all there songs? (don't quote me on that, but I listened to a couple and that same sound was the main attraction...) -
tdub96 Offline
^loli dont really know how to explain it. heavy bass lines, heavy drum beats, or more techno stuff with fast drums and beats...i guess it appeals to some...idk, i just have a lking for it i guess
Cole Offline
I just tried listening to some dubstep, and after listening, I must ask, what is so appealing about WUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUHWUH in almost all there songs? (don't quote me on that, but I listened to a couple and that same sound was the main attraction...)
Check out these, some 'classics' (according to me lol)
Dubstep has a few different styles. It started out (early 2000s) as reggae influenced, relaxed, dark, music with heavy bass and a 2 step drum pattern. See: Skream, Mala, Digital Mystikz, Kromestar, Kode 9. in about 2007, some people started producing heavier stuff that you mostly hear today. It got pretty popular. See: Excision, Datsik, Borgore, Skrillex, Rusko.
I'm mostly a fan of the more laid-back stuff but I like a bit of harder stuff as well.
Welcome 2 the Future
Skreamizm Vol. 2 -
robbie92 Offline
Speaking of dubstep...
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites
Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites -
trav Offline
Bit more laid back dubstep for me:
Intensive Snare
This Is Dubstep 2 -
tdub96 Offline
@Robbie, that song is sick. One of my top 10 favorite dubstep songs for sure.
Not dubstep at the moment, but hey...
Sorry You're Not A Winner
Enter Shikari
-single- -
chorkiel Offline
Can't say those really appealed to me either, I guess dubstep just isn't my thing.
I actually thougt the same of dubstep in the beginning but after a while I just started to like it xd
I don't only listen to dubstep I just combine all kinds of songs
right now;
Castle walls ft. Christina Aguilera
of the album No Mercy
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