Music Forum / The Official "What are you listening to?" Thread
27-January 07
Steve Offline
Wow, that's probably the best track on the album for me.overall i think that is the weakest track they've made.
Pink Thoughts
Moving Units
Hexes For Exes -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Cracked and Crazed
Doug Martsch
The Bigtop is really impressing me lately. Bye-bye, Pandora!
-ACE -
In:Cities Offline
Welcoming the Ghosts
you sir, get a cookie.
Don't Say
The Majestics
Every Human Heart
decent band, but i heard that their vocalist has a little wing wangEdited by In:Cities, 29 March 2010 - 10:06 AM.
Steve Offline
Don't Say
The Majestics
Every Human Heart
decent band, but i heard that their vocalist has a little wing wang
As cool as it is to see someone post that in here, you still got the album title wrong, bro. Hahaha.
Well Allright!
The Hives
The Black and White Album -
In:Cities Offline
whatever, i wasnt really paying attention lol.
ANY human heart haha
you still coming down to my area this weekend dude?
All the Pretty Girls
Aim and Ignite -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Talking Shit About A Pretty Sunset
Modest Mouse
This is a Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About
Seriously one of the best songs ever written, right here.
-ACE -
tdub96 Offline
Bunch of stuff really:
Your Betrayal, Tears Dont Fall, Hearts Burst in to fire,
Bullet For My Valentine
Anything Hollywood Undead
East Jesus Nowhere-Green Day
And a bunch of random crap (that i dont think or know of many people listening to): Wolves at Night-Manchester Orchestra, Grace-Apocalyptica, This is my Head Exploding, Golden Years-Disco Ensemble, and Walking Wounded-Bayside)Edited by tdub96, 30 March 2010 - 09:58 AM.
zodiac Offline
i love manchester orchestra. everything else in your post is shit imo though.
As Tall as Lions
Into the Flood
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