Music Forum / The Official "What are you listening to?" Thread
27-January 07
Ling Offline
some quips from Infinity On High by Fall Out Boy... not the greatest music I ever heard -
postit Offline
Spitting Venom
Modest Mouse
We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank
It fucking leaked!!!
I am really enjoying it on a second listen. I think it's much better than Good News For People Who Love Bad News. -
penguinBOB Offline
a couple of songs by a band called french quarter my friend recorded. i really enjoy it. -
Jellybones Offline
This is encouraging even though I liked Good News. Gotta say though, Dashboard does NOTHING for me. I think it's worse than most of Good News (and just about everything they've ever done, besides Shit Luck, I fucking hate that one). But I'll hold out a bit of hope. And I'm not downloading the leak because I'm weird.I am really enjoying it on a second listen. I think it's much better than Good News For People Who Love Bad News.
postit Offline
Dashboard sounds much better on the album's sequence. I've seen a lot of Modest Mouse fans pissed about it, and some who like it. I fit on the group of people who are in between. I thought it was interesting, but wasn't crazy for it. I know this might sound clichéd and all, but its positioning on the album helps it sound much'll see when you listen to the album.
I too haven't disowned Good News, I still enjoy it on occasion, too. It just is nothing compared to The Moon and Antarctica or Lonesome Crowded West. But in my opinion, We Were Dead is a step in the positive direction.
I understand your decision to wait for the album. I'm doing the same with Neon Bible, (it doesn't seem it will be worth it, though, from what I hear) and hopefully the new Radiohead album. (if/when it happens?) I wasn't going to do this with Modest Mouse either but I had low expectations too, with Dashboard and Good News. So in a way, I'm glad I found out that Modest Mouse has returned to form, but I wish I had waited!
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