H2H4 / The Hurricanes Win H2H4
28-December 06
Corkscrewed Offline
I remember when you were an "up and comer" working on NE's Chateau Lake Amusement Park.
Oddly enough, I was going through NE parks (whilst working on NE3 stuff) and was personally pleased by how many parks I helped name.Yeah, that's totally bragging.
zodiac Offline
How do we get more people to share their work though?
Give them a reason, as many people have been saying in this topic so far. Plus, if their doing a park in the Ad District, don't just say "Total crap. Fix the colors" cause then they'll be thinking 'what the hell? what colors do I use? I don't get it' and get confused. For example (and don't take this the wrong way, just saying) in the "The park with no name" in the Ad District, a post was made saying "Nice work on the foliage, the station may could need some further designing." What do you mean by further designing? Tell them what they should do to the station to make it better. Once they know, they'll go back into the game, fix it up, ask for comments once they post what it looks like now, and then people will come in more, give ideas and share what should be done. Also, if given tips from actual parkmakers, they're designing will get better and they will rise up in the ranks.
I hope that makes sense... -
Turtle Offline
RCT Fiesta.
There's your reason for posting what you're working on. Make it a regular occurence. Ed makes a good point (touched upon) now about the fact that most people at the higher skill levels don't post what they're working on. It's hard to keep a topic going in the Advertising District, but a monthly Fiesta is a good way to let people just show a screen without worrying about explaining things. I know that seeing screens from people I admire in the Fiesta and wondering what it was they were working on always made me feel motivated. -
Kumba Offline
Fiesta, ok... within a week we will put one togeter, I know Adix loves them and he is needed to set it up. -
CoasterForce Offline
Ed I am always blown away by what you have to say, you seem to nail everything on the head here and this is no exception, but i dont feel like being abstract or whatever now.
fiesta is perfect though, Kumba. needed. -
Turtle Offline
Kumba, in my opinion we don't need "one" Fiesta. It needs to be a regular thing, first of the month or whatever. Make it a little NE Feature. -
RCTFAN Offline
i agree to that, once every month sounds just right. You don't even have to post anything if you don't want to. -
Levis Offline
that sounds good indeed. a fiesta every first days of the month or something like that....if people know they can prepare it also ... -
Ling Offline
wait, so Fiesta is just basically showing a screen of work? You'd think that wouldn't really die, then... -
trav Offline
A fiesta is where almost everyone shows a screen of their work, unfinshed or not. They take away all the other forums and just have a fiesta forum, and it's just really cool.
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