(Archive) Advertising District / The Park With No Name

  • Junya Boy%s's Photo
    i particularly dont like the changes made for the path. your buildings are of quite a small scale in comparison to many other park builders around here. it would of been nice to keep things within perspective. i personnally think the original surrounding of the buildings in front of that coaster were better than the "drowned in path" screen. though i will agree that the path seems too straight lined, i do like this style. its nice to see a change every once in a while. and why are you completely redoing the foliage, might i ask? maybe add a touch more around the water, but i dont think it was bad. not perfect, but not bad either.
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    I dislike how the slide is surrounded by an ocean of path. it's too much
  • nimrod%s's Photo
    I'll undrown the paths and I'm already planning to make some bigger buildings.

    Here is the station of an unnamed splash boats ride in the unnamed futuristic-ish area.

    Posted Image
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    ooh, that is good. do more of that.

    only problem is change the ice-blue path to something else, it's too ligh.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    well, the only thing I can say I dislike is the over-use of deco blocks. It makes sens for a building like that, but my subconscious is weird like that
  • nimrod%s's Photo
    There hasn't been much posting here today, so I'll show some new pics.

    Lifthill, funnel cake place, and a drink place. The arch going across the lifthill is now 1 square wide instead of half.

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    Different view

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  • Genius638%s's Photo
    it's nice. the archways are nice. and not too much path either...great!
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    Use black. Or brown. IMO that white is WAAAAYY overpowering...
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    God, isn't there enough parks these days that overuse black and brown? This is a good deviation of the norm.
  • nimrod%s's Photo
    Here is a little retreat into the hills to get some foody food, and one of the 3 drops of the water ride.

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  • Gwazi%s's Photo

    to get some foody food,

    As opposed to drinky food?

    Looks nice.
  • Ling%s's Photo
    I like everything in that last pic, except those two full-tile trees on the left. They don't look very good in a mountain setting (I'm assuming that's what it is?)
  • zodiac%s's Photo
    I myself am accustomed to crunchy food and slurpy drinky food :)

    The pic looks great and, looking back through the whole topic, you've definitely improved. Keep up the good work...
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    I like the rooves of the building...usually those are boring, but the ones in the last pic are cool.
  • nimrod%s's Photo
    It's not really mountainous, they aren't that big at all, except for one of them, which you will be seeing soon.

    Here is the station for the unnamed launching rollercoaster(I suck at names). It's sort of like, buildings built on a hill, landslide, buildings destroyed, plants grow, now it is ruins, yay.

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    And I forgot custom supports, they are coming.

    Edited by nimrod, 06 February 2007 - 09:10 PM.

  • Xenon%s's Photo
    I like the postitioning of the loop. The overall feel of this screen is lacking anything of real interest though.
  • gir%s's Photo
    Excellent contrast. Although I like how the building is built into the mountain, it looks just like all of your other buildings. You need to diversify the wall and roof pieces you use because it starts to all blend together. The rock bridge looks really awkward, I guess because of how perfectly straight the bottom side is. The loop has no supports either, that would be a problem. (nevermind) I think the ideas are there but the execution could be smoother, keep it up and it'll get better.

    Edited by gir, 06 February 2007 - 09:51 PM.

  • Genius638%s's Photo
    the building built into the mountain is cool...but the dirt id the problem. Keep the dirt asround the loop, but change the dirt land under the immelman to grass. and the foliage on the hill is a little scant too, but It might loojk better with the grass
  • tracidEdge%s's Photo
    i don't see an immelman?
  • Carl%s's Photo
    Me neither.

    It could use some custom supports, but other than that it looks nice.


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