H2H4 / H2H4 Finals: Hurricanes vs. Ferocious Tigers
15-December 06
posix Offline
bahahaha, Kumba, you're just too good.
and now get some more bank transfers done, okay? -
Gwazi Offline
Wow, lol, wasn't this topic two pages before?
Yeah, finished examining the park (Only skimmed it before), and it was real nice. There were a few weak spots, but overall, great job. Man this woulda been a good match-up had the Tigers finished.Edited by Gwazi, 18 December 2006 - 03:22 PM.
Marshy Offline
Bah...fuck you Kumba, I was just been honest. So what if you 'busted your arse' on the park untill the final couple of hours? That doesn't mean everyone's gonna like it, some people might do but i don't. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Yeah, the only excuse from my end was school. College finals hit a lot harder then I thought they would. But I just flat didn't have time to work with RCT. It's a shame because now I have all the time in the world since I'm on break. But that's something I've gotta live with- a schedule is a schedule. I feel bad for having to disappoint people with the entry, but I do know that the park will be completed... Dave and I are dedicated to that. It won't be for anything, but it'll be a completed park nonetheless. As for just what was in our park, Dave came up with a very nice arch style in the buildings at the bottom of the hill (which I copied on the chairlift station up top). I did both coasters and most of the landscaping, and that about covers the park.
While I wasn't blown away by the Busch park, it was still very nice and certainly warranted more comments (good or bad- they all let you know how to improve) then it got here. We can only hope the next finals parks will generate some more comments. But as for the park, I really liked the style as a whole (both parkmakers have a very distinct style). Some of the ideas could've been developed more, although what was there was very cool, especially that monkey house thing.
And I suppose I should comment on the whole argument thing here. While I don't believe people should be censured for their comments, I do think that a comment should consist of both good and bad- ways to improve as well as what was done well. Otherwise your comment is just there for the sake of being there. Make it worth something. -
J K Offline
Ok well firstly im glad we won and secondly yes the park could of had a bit more depth to it. To be honest when it got down to the final 2 weeks we sorta built for quantity not quality. Yes we may of filled the map but the ideas could of progressed a bit more. I hold my hands up and say that but it is extremely hard to get a park to that standard in the time we had. Im not making excuses because even an extra hour or two could of made the park go from good to great. I also personally think zoo themes are quite a hard thing to pull off as well and i guess we did'nt here but ive made a park that im proud to say it was mine and it was really good working with Darren.
I think a few more comments could of been made but i understand why there was'nt. A H2h final park that lacks something against an imcomplete entry, is'nt a thing to get comments flooding in. But good or bad crit never goes a miss in my opinion.
I'd just like to thank Darren for his work in the park your a great captain mate and thats why we are here. I disagree with you taking out your frustrations by deleting posts and threatening to ban people but i can see why your annoyed as well. Anyway who cares. Hurricanes 1- Tigers- Nil. Bring on round 2.
JKEdited by J K, 18 December 2006 - 06:48 PM.
yyo Offline
loool Kumba your park sucked
oh no, now your going to be banned!Edited by yyo, 18 December 2006 - 09:03 PM.
lucas92 Offline
What the.... I thought those two parks look well done from the overviews (just my opinion)...
Kumba Offline
Well I was pretty pissed off when I posted that. No, I won't ban people for dissing parks (unless they go crazy with it like Enigmatic did...), but it does piss me off specifically when it's my own park and I think it was really good. Post deleting aint a good idea either and I normally just do it on an impulse and then feel bad about it later as it restricts free speech. I'll try to keep my temper under raps, just be happy we did not loss, I mean if im like this when we win? lmao!
In my hail storm of "fuck yous" I forgot to thank Jonny for all his help with the park. You really helped and I really enjoy your style, thx alot man.
Also thx for the late comments coming in, tho after the way I acted I am surprised we got any. -
Carl Offline
Kumba were you visited by 3 ghosts last nite?Edited by ride_exchanger, 18 December 2006 - 09:30 PM.
Leonardofury Offline
Anyhow I'm downloading the park now and shall try to look at it in a couple of minutes. I've had no real time to play RCT over the past couple of weeks. Hopefully I shall have some comments up later or tomorrow.
Ok I've had a look at the park, overall it's a decent park, but it gave off a dead atmosphere. I like it, especially the entrance area, animal show and Panda area. The Deep Sea Area was missing some water, and the Little Monkey's Treehouse looked a little unsafe but they where well done too. The discus was a nice idea and reasonably well done, however I thought the ride had a few too many entry and exit points making it a little unsafe to operate.
Macaw, I'm a little on the fence about. On the plus side the coaster was a 9 inversion coaster, with an intensity under ten. However I just can't shake the feeling that the layout lacked a certain creative spark. Not sure why, but it just didn't strike me as a good layout, merely mediocre. I think it's the fact it just didn't seem to flow. As you put in the park, the roof was rushed, but I felt the same about the bulk of the station building, the blandness of the surounding area, especially the queue doesn't help this. As a couple of minor points, I'm not sure if the park would have a big B&M like that near the animals, I don't think the noise would make the animals too happy and you would need foreign object screens around most of the ride. Secondly I doubt lifts would be used for the queue line, a seperate disabled lift, yes, but a lift for the entry and exit would clog the station and makke the ride operation quicker, plus it's another thing on the ride that could break down (you can tell I study engineering).
Heading into the bad, I thought the rainforest effect was overdone, in one case it was blocking the path to rides. I think this was a case of less is more. I also thought the hacked monorail was pointless, using the original monorail and building an entrance and exit would have allowed the ride to operate which would add some life to the park. I think the lifelessness was mostly due to the fact that the park had very few working rides. More working rides would have helped the park I think.
Hopefully next time they'll be two complete parks to comment on.Edited by Leonardofury, 20 December 2006 - 06:54 PM.
Turtle Offline
It looks dead. I don't know why, but it seems like a bunch of ideas that really don't come together as a park.
The other park looks promising, i'd like to see it finished.
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