H2H4 / H2H4 Finals: Hurricanes vs. Ferocious Tigers
15-December 06
Kumba Offline
The West
The Hurricanes
Anheuser Busch Park & Zoo
The East
The Ferocious Tigers
Finals match up number two is due December 26th 2006 at 11:59 PM PST. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Well, we all knew the West division playoff was going to be the most competitive. And I don't think it's any secret we were unprepared considering our division playoff park wasn't even finished (or to be honest, not even close to finished). Obviously if we had a stunning finals park closer to completion already we would have just submitted that last time instead of saving it. We're working really hard to get two completed finals parks to make this a competition. It is kind of hard to be prepared when half your team disappears over the course of the season and have to be replaced -- and those replacements have to complete a park during the regular season too or you forfeit. I think it's rather miraculous we've made it this far, considering. You can look forward to some better matchups in the future though. I hope. -
ekimmel Offline
I really like what I see in the Tigers park. I think it was a great idea and what is there is very well done. I'd love to see this park finished. -
Gwazi Offline
The Ferocious Tigers - Snowdrift [ 2 ] ----[11.11%]
That's why.
If you ask me, I don't care how bad the finished park is. It gets the vote over the just started one.Edited by Gwazi, 15 December 2006 - 05:56 PM.
RCFanB&M Offline
Honestly, I was expecting more but, anyway:
Hurricanes: whoever built this park, got a few good ideas, but I'm not sure if I liked very much how they were developed. The architecture was ok, the level of details was enough for me, although the buildings were too small. My favourite part in the park, was the Monkey House, you made a good job on that. The coaster was ok, in layout terms, but I'd have liked to see some more scenery which could have interacted with it.
Anyway, was this park totally complete? because some parts looked kinda unfinished.
Tigers: I'd have liked to see it finished. I liked the layout of the red coaster...well, I don't really know what else to comment on.
Vote: HurricanesEdited by RCFanB&M, 18 December 2006 - 10:13 PM.
Kumba Offline
Clear cut winner here, we showed up with a great park, a tad rushed, sucks that Macaw's station was crap coz imo that was one of the best coasters all season, it makes it's rating (with no hacking!) and has 9 inversions. My favorite part was the reptile exhibit, fucking awesome idea there, then the aquarium was sweet as was the Gorilla and Tiger exhibits.
Great park, probably on of the best that just misses being in the "Park of the year" running, but it was rushed.
The tigers park could have been pretty good if finished, I liked the 2 buildings that were done. -
Kumba Offline
Im calling this one...
Hurricanes win: 35 - 6
Anheuser Busch Park & Zoo was made by Kumba & J K
Snowdrift was made by CederPoint6 & 5Dave
Im pretty fuckin pissed off about this week, I busted my ass on the park till the last few hours and for like 1 or 2 real replys? And some people dare to say it sucks? Well fuck you. Keep talking shit and I'll ban your ass if I don't delete your fuckin post, like I just did to Marshy'... like he's ever built anything better in his lifetime. If this is the type of feedback we get in the future im gona take White_frog's advice and turn this into a site about riding lawnmowers or something. My own team did not even give feedback and that makes me more sad then angry honestly. I can understand you not giving a shit about that crap the Tigers sent in, but give some props to the team that shows up prepared, sure it was simi rushed in the end (My bad there) and is only truly like 97% finished, but damn.
End of Rant. I am going to sleep and I hope I wake up to a nice flame war, that would help add posts to this topic at least.
So yeah, im glad we won. Fuck you and have a nice day. -
Levis Offline
I shall comment on it when I have more time Kumba.
to bad for cp6 and dave that they couldn't finnish it.
Coaster Ed Offline
I think a fair amount of the animosity and/or apathy evident in the comments for this matchup has to do with there not being any kind of a match at all, which is a minor disappointment in the regular season, but a major disappointment in the finals. But you can only apoplogize so many times. People do have lives. I don't think anyone wants to forfeit a match, ever, but sometimes there's just nothing you can do about it.
As for your park, there were a lot of clever little ideas in there that I liked a lot. I really liked the monkey tree exhibit in particular and the stage. I could have done without the animated animal scenery, but at least it served a purpose here. Macaw was a nice coaster, especially the second half. I've gotten bored with the sortof traditional B&M style layout and moved more and more away from that myself, but I can appreciate when someone else does it well. Overall the color pallete seemed unusually dark for a Busch Gardens park, but you were consistent with it. Sticking to one path type for the whole thing might have given it more continuity, but that's also a personal preference thing. With traditional amusement parks I like them to look like one combined whole. The only real disappointment for me was the lack of landscaping. It's the negative space issue again. Putting in some height variations and hills to break the map up adds a lot in depth and seperation. I'm sorry for my part that I didn't bother to comment. I thought I had an excuse in that I'm really trying hard not to repeat this scenario again, but it doesn't really take too long to drop a few comments about someone else's hard work. And it matters a lot, in that whole "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" sort of way. -
5dave Offline
I'm really sorry we couldn't finish this park...
First I must say, I firstly wasn't prepared to go two times in H2H.
We just started off too late for this and I was also stressed with school at the end.
But Cedar and I are definatly finish it.
@Kumba: I liked this park, not much as I liked it from the overview, but it was nice. The only things that bother me are the layout from the coaster and the fact that the animal habitats are very close to the coasters...
The ape-tree-thingy was indeed nice, also the amount of details and especially the entrance area was great.
All in all the park didn't convinced me that much, compared to the parks from last week it was a bit of a let-down...
But I must say, I admire J K and you for finishing this nice, but not overwhelming park!
PS: Sorry for that non-competitve Finals round again to all! -
RCTFAN Offline
Kumba chill the fuck out. I understand the pressures of getting parks in on time and i know that going up against an unfinished park after you've worked hard on yours is a kick in the teeth. However Complaining like a bitch and insulting everyone for not commenting is just childish. I'm not usually like this when i post but i feel the need becuase you should be setting an example as captain and owner/part owner (i don't know which) of this site. This also goes for calling the Tigers' park crap. Unfinished yes but the idea was good and you caould be proffessional about it. I'm very dissapointed, i don't expect that kind of post from you.
As for your park, i didn't like it and i will explain.
The whole park lacked depth and i don't mean in terms of landscaping or what not but in terms of substance. The ideas were there and the idea of having animal exhibits has been done before, steves PT2 entry comes to mind. However I find that with SeaWorld Brisbane Steve has done the right thing and not included animals and concentrated on the 'park' atmosphere. In your park i see a mixture which complicates things. You go into detail with the monkey house and it works but then on the other side of the map there is an exhibit with just a sign in it and some flowers. I guess what i'm saying is you should have stuck with one idea and let that flourish so that it is clear that this is a zoo with a park, not a park with a zoo.
Macaw isn't good. I liked the last two elements but the rest was very boring and the pace was lacklustre, i would conisder it the Silver Bullet of Sitdown B&M's. The area was so barren and unimaginative, i think it's becuase it's too stretched or it felt that way. Having animals raom freely around the base of the ride may sound like a good idea but it would arouse so many problems too and the Amphibious adventure ride goes too fast to be able to see the animals properly, not to mention the sudden changes in speed would give a pretty uncomfortable ride.
So like i said in my previous post the ideas are there but the execution could have been better, Rushed or not.
oh and by the way i nulled my vote becuase i don't think anyone deserved a win.Edited by RCTFAN, 29 December 2006 - 06:50 AM.
Evil WME Offline
So if someone, that according to you doesn't have freedom of speech over the matter at hand, says your park is not incredible, you just delete their posts? Or did i misunderstand that part?
I'll show you how to not get negative comments in week 2 ;P.
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