(Archive) Advertising District / LL Practice

  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Caesar's Legions is a design that I am making to help practice with LL, since it is my first LL project. I really enjoy the game, however I couldn't tell you if it was better than RCT2 or not... they are both great games. Anyway, it is a rather small Roman themed coaster. I have one 99% finished screen right now (The white spaces are the map edges, not unfinished parts). Here you go!

    Posted Image

    I will not be working on this all the time, as I have bigger projects to work on ATM. Comments, constructive critisicm, and feedback are all requested. :)
  • Kumba%s's Photo
    I like it, kinda looks lifeless, but ok otherwise.
  • Milo%s's Photo
    Looks pretty nice for a first LL project. You have some nice trackitecture uses in there and the overall setup is nice. Your building forms could use a little improvement tho and maybe a little more detail as well. Still, nice start and I hope you finish this.
  • Midnight Aurora%s's Photo
    Try not to use the same pathing as paths and rooves. It makes everything look like a giant parking lot.
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    It's decent....although I hate corner entrances
  • posix%s's Photo
    i think it's not bad at all.
    4 years ago it would've caused a hype :D
  • JJ%s's Photo
    i like aswell
  • CoasterCrzy%s's Photo
    Flowers are your friends, use them...

    Otherwise than that looks very nice, the overhang with the reel looks nice, i like the coaster steps too.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments everyone. They were (unexpectedly) rather positive. :)

    @Kumba - Thanks. It is over 1,000 years old, so I would expect it to be lifeless. :p I fix it up a little if possible, although I'm trying for a lifeless feel in some parts and a lively feel in others.

    @OLE - Thanks. I appreciate it, and I will try to finish the park. ;)

    @Midnight Aurora - Fixed. Thanks.

    @Genius638 - Thanks. I like corner entrances if they are done well.

    @posix - Yay! A good comment from the pro! :D Thanks a lot.

    @JJ - Thanks.

    @CC - The flowers in this screen are dead... :( Thanks.

    Thanks again everyone. Expect an update by Friday (Tomorrow's a half-day 8) ), with a pic of the coaster. ;)

    Edited by Gwazi, 06 December 2006 - 09:40 PM.

  • Gwazi%s's Photo

    This pic is of the ride, La Torre di Pisa (Inside the colosseum), and Caesar's Legions running through it. Yet again, the screen is 99% finished, with only your suggestions left to consider.

    Posted Image

    Comments, constructive criticism, and feedback are all requested. Enjoy! :D

    Edited by Gwazi, 07 December 2006 - 10:16 PM.

  • RCTFAN%s's Photo
    I'm no LL expert but i do like that screen.
  • posix%s's Photo
    agreed. it's nice.
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    whoa awesome! totally awesome! all right Gwazi!
  • RMM%s's Photo
    wow that looks great.
    best screen in a while. looks really good.
    it flows so nicely.

    keep it up.
  • RC14%s's Photo
    Very nice, considering this is only RCT1.
    I like how you are able to build so many things even with the limited scenery RCT1 provides.
  • Coaster Ed%s's Photo
    Nicely done, all around. What's that hiding inside the tower?

    Oh and you can fix that path glitch in the top right corner with the Codex trainer. You'll want to place the object first, then stack it up so you can build the path without it glitching, then drop the object back down. You can do that wherever you have that problem.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo
    Thanks for the comments everyone. Sorry I'm a little late.

    @RCTFAN - Thanks.

    @posix - Thanks.

    @Genius638 - Thanks a lot man, it means a lot lol.

    @RMM - Thanks a lot also.

    @RC14 - Yeah, thanks.

    @Coaster Ed - Thanks. Inside the tower is La Torre di Pisa, which is a launched ride that is basically a launched freefall. There are four tracks that are synchronized. Also, thanks for the info. I will check it out, and hopefully fix those glitches. ;)

    Once again, thanks for the comments everyone. They mean a lot to me, especially when this positive. Stay tuned, and expect an update within the next week.
  • Gwazi%s's Photo

    This will be either the last or the second to last update. After the park is finished, I will send it in for design, so don't expect an immediate release.

    About the screen. Sorry, I didn't want to give away the whole park, so this screen is just below the last one from it's angle. Once again, the screen is 99% done, with only your comments left to consider.

    Posted Image

    Comments, constructive criticism, and feedback are all requested. Enjoy! :D
  • lucas92%s's Photo
    Wow! I really like those buildings and the landscaping, make sure when finished, to try to get a spot at NE.

    Perhaps the coaster layout seems to be rough to me, too many curves in a so close lap of time. I would say the Zig zag turn (just after an inversion) would gonna hurt the shoulders... Apart that, there's nothing to complain. Magnificient work!
  • Genius638%s's Photo
    very nice path-coaster interaction!


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