H2H4 / H2H4 WEST SEMIFINALS: Tycoon Bandits vs Hurricanes
29-November 06
Ge-Ride Offline
I clearly meant it the other way around, cockshrewd.....
Do you live in the Southern Hemisphere? Because I coulda sworn you're from Washington. -
Corkscrewed Offline
That would apply more to producing parks, not for taking five seconds to check out a web site...
In any case, learn to write more clearly.A simple "it was" vs "it's" would have done wonders.
Metropole Offline
Perhaps, because due to the closeness in quality between the 2 entires, more people have null voted? -
tracidEdge Offline
well i null voted. but that's because i can't see the parks.
they both look pretty damned spectacular, though. -
Kumba Offline
Well these still a handfull of hours left, but I am gona call this as we have had the lead all the way and 10 votes in 6 hours just aint gona happen... Id also like to get my 5,000th post out of the way
Final score: Hurricanes 44 - Tycoon Bandits 34
The Hurricanes once again advance to the H2H Finals. They will face the Ferocious Tigers in a best 2 out of 3 series.
Disney's Shadowland was made almost compleatly by the amazing Ryan "Xcoaster" Snooks with a little aid form Steve.
Alice in Wonderland was made by Emergo and JKay, great work guys.
The news is not all bad for the Tycoon bandits. Emergo has been amazing all season and has really impressed me. Emergo, I hereby offer you an NE Parkmaker spot, just say the word and it is yours
We may get another NE parkmaker or two next month from the awards and the new pages will be added soon.
Congrats on a great season Bandits.
Kumba -
Corkscrewed Offline
You know, Kumba, it would work much better if you had waited until the H2H Awards to announce that. You know... draw it out, give big fanfare, stuff like that?
BTW, I was going to supply 13 last minute votes on my 13 fake accounts, but I guess you put an end to that.
J/K Congrats, Hurricanes. As tough as this loss is to our team, at least it was to one of the most amazing parks ever created. -
RCFanB&M Offline
Both GREAT parks...definitely candidates for Park of the Year. Congrats for Hurricanes, for reaching the finals once again. Also, congrats for the Bandits, for such an amazing season...it's a shame that there had to be a winner...
Anyway, I'd also like to congrat Emergo...you deserve it.
Well, now, I'll wait for the finals parks...I'm really looking forward to seeing them. -
Turtle Offline
I didn't want to speak too warmly in favour of their park while voting was still going on, but now it's over i'd like to say that Ryan and Steve have created probably the single best thing i've seen in RCT. It's just a pity that it had to be on such a small map, the scope for this thing on a bigger scale was enormous. Well done. My favorite park of the year so far, better even than Kitabasaki for me. -
Mama Bear Offline
Congrats Hurricanes!! A very interesting park indeed!
Way to go, Emergo!! That makes you the first female NE parkmaker doesn't it?
Talking about that, that isn't going to mean I will loose Emergo as RCT Fun parkmaker I hope? I invited her shortly after she won VP. I seem to have a nose for talent, LOOOOL ! Anyway, I just realised I don't really know what the priviliges/restrictions of an NE parkmaker are.
Mama Bear -
Kumba Offline
For the record she is not an NE Parkmaker untill she says acepts it. All it means is you have a pg with your parks posted on the site, also you get put in a new member group with a few more powers and you can view the staff forum. The only things you need to do as an NE Parkmaker are:
1. Send us your parks, screens and write ups so we can make your page.
2. Actively play RCT (like 2-3 small releases per year or 1 big one, not to much)
Thats all you need to do.
lots of NE Parkmakers are in RCTF and they still do culb work... sometimes, lol. -
Coaster Ed Offline
It's about time really. Emergo has been showing us parkmakers how it's done for quite some time already. Just look at H2H -- Mont Saint Michel, Azuris City, Alice in Wonderland. That's three of the best parks this season. Three of the best H2H parks ever. I'm sure a shot at the finals would have been a better reward for all the great work, but you lost to the park of the year so I hope you don't feel too bad about it. And it was actually a close call too. -
zburns999 Offline
Emergo? Hmmm, I didn't expect that one. Guess I just don't know her style enough. Same with Steve. Jkay and Xcoaster on the other hand...
Best parks this season in my opinion:
1. Disney's Shadowlands
2. Harkview Heights
3. Alice in Wonderland
Two out of three in this semi final alone. Not bad
And congrats to Emergo on the parkmaker spotEdited by zburns999, 04 December 2006 - 04:40 PM.
Buckeye Becky Offline
Well, I never got a chance to vote but I'm not sure which one I would have picked anyways...both parks were really worth waiting for, which was nice!Emergo has been amazing all season and has really impressed me. Emergo, I hereby offer you an NE Parkmaker spot, just say the word and it is yours
About time...well deservedlots of NE Parkmakers are in RCTF and they still do culb work... sometimes, lol.
um...say what?
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