(Archive) Place-To-Release-Your-Parks Land / Awful SFDL recreation
02-November 06
Genius638 Offline
Here's an awful recreation of SFDL that I did way back in '04....it bears only a tiny resemblance to the real park, so don't crucify me for it, it was before I had an epihpany on what real-life architecture looks like:
I just thought I'd post this here because I never did advertise it anywhere....plus I'm sort of surprised that it's still being hosted by Squiggles.
Edite: OMG! 1600 downloads? Wow! Just saw that, and it says the last one was today....how do people even find out about these things?Edited by Genius638, 02 November 2006 - 02:30 PM.
Genius638 Offline
really? let me go see...
I found my old website too! I used to have this stupid 16 or so member forum about SFDL....it was so extravagant and had no topics or anything in it....really ridiculous. Makes me wonder what I was thinking a mere two years ago....Edited by Genius638, 04 November 2006 - 01:24 PM.
posix Offline
also high download count because realistic parks are more wanted and more popular than anything else. -
JJ Offline
Yeah. I google for recreations alot. Like now I am looking for a good phantasialand recreation. -
JDP Offline
you wont...
i thought about making one, but with landscaping and hydra and talon, it will be really tough...
-JDP -
Genius638 Offline
hey, i know this is unlikely, but does anyone have this file? i've lost it off my computer and it appears squiggles site is gone... -
catalyst Offline
No idea if it's the same file but I have an .SV6 of Darien Lake (Genius, June 15/04) you can have.
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