H2H4 / Week 8 - Strangelove vs Tycoon Bandits
02-October 06
tracidEdge Offline
don't fucking say that. just because someone isn't as skilled as you (which isn't what i'm saying) doesn't mean he can't have a fucking opinion.And on top of all of this, you have no right to say this, as you probably couldn't build anything any better, let alone finish a park at this size.
don't be such a pompous dick. -
J K Offline
Breakaway i knew it was you.Congrats to strangelove for the win. Im not trying to be a knob by saying this but I don't see how you can say a minor reason for you not winning is because people are sick of voting for the bandits. Thats bull, people could not be that jealous of your winning streak. I would never not vote the better park because im sick of them winning. The bandits have had amazing parks and just because this was'nt one of them dose'nt mean that its the comunity, that is sick of your team.
Anyway a good match up and i liked both parks, land of legends just seemed to grab me more.Edited by J K, 05 October 2006 - 07:51 PM.
BreakAway Offline
Congrats to the Stangelove team!
I guess it's my turn to go on the defensive...
When we first started this park, I had a gut feeling that this was going to be the first Tycoon Bandit's park to lose. And it seems I was right. Perhaps, as Jazz said, it was a bit cliche' and all.
I feel that the coaster, Sirrush, should've been more recognized. Yeah, it might've been different, but would you rather see something different? or the same layout almost everytime? I mean, I'm glad a few of you guys liked the coaster but to those who thought the layout was horrid, why do you think it was horrid? We planned to build another coaster but we simply ran out of time (due to personal reasons). We would've made the layout better, but the coaster that was originally build already had scenery over it, and I had to redo the coaster without ruining some of Jazz's scenery.
As for the achitecture, thanks to those who liked it. Especially my areas (the Firewater River Adventure area, Fireheart Market, Dragon's Lair area). Jazz's was well done too.
I left a few points out that other people had made because I really don't feel like answering a few of the comments.
But here's a list of things that I've built...
-The Fireheart Market island
-Castle walls
-Area outside of the castle walls (Tocata's Pub, Dragon's Lair, etc.) (excluding rapids)
-The Fireheart River Adventure
-Some of Sirrush
-Some parts in Jazz's area
I basically had to build 50%+ of the park in less than 10 hrs (thought I'd mention that).
Once again, I'd like to thank all the people who voted for us and congratulate Strangelove on the win over our team. It was fun building VC and whether we won OR loss OR tied...
BA -
Leighx Offline
Thanks for the votes people.
Unlucky to Breakaway and Jazz. Not a bad park but i felt it lacked as much detail and completion as ours. But none the less an ok park.
I think the idea for this park was missed by some people. It wasnt meant to be realistic in that the coasters were meant to represent the monsters and not be peep friendly. Which is why Leathian was over the water because its a sea creature.
Anyways i enjoyed working on this and i'm pretty pleased with the outcome.
Thanks again. -
Corkscrewed Offline
I got the idea. I just think it was a bad layout and looked ugly.
But the creativity was awesome. -
Levis Offline
Not quite sure what you mean by this, but if you think that is the worst layout you've ever seen, than that is just absurd. Sure, maybe it was unorthodox and different; but that doesn't mean it's bad by any means. It has a large sprawling layout, and it isn't the same generic layout with banked-turnarounds and multiple inversions. And on top of all of this, you have no right to say this, as you probably couldn't build anything any better, let alone finish a park at this size.
did you ever saw the things of lucas? I think not, he has some very nice things in majesty going on so you have no right to say this jazz ....In general, I thought most of the criticsms this park recieved was a huge exaggeration; mainly because people are just sick of us winning, as gymkid dude even admitted himself (even though he voted for us). Breakaway and I worked extremely hard on this; for nearly 90 RCT years, and to criticize it to such an exteme level as some of you did isn't even relevant.
RCT years doesn't say anything, they are dependend on the peed of your computer. how better your computer how faster the rct years. People doens't say these things because they want to see the bandids fail. they mean what they say about the park ... in my case at least.
congrats to artist and leighx.
trav Offline
Haha, I guessed all four parkmakers...
Congrats to Strangelove! I loved that park, Leighx' area was really nice (The area with the mine train in, I think that was his area), and the snow area was just awesome...So was the waterfront! I think the only thing I didn't like was the blue and yellow building.
The Bandits park doesn't deserve as much of the negative comments as its getting, I liked the entire half of the park with the river ride in it, but the other half just didn't match up. -
Emergo Offline
Due to being away last weeks with hardly internet-access and no RCT, I could not (and still cannot) download the week 8 parks. And could not vote either.
From the overview the Strangelove-park looks really good though. Could very well be much better than the Bandits-park (no matter if that's my own team).
Congrats on the win, Strangelove!
Still, Breakaway and Jazz, thanks for the effort and the work.Seems like it.
It doesn't fly with me. I pay attention to things like track layouts, path layouts, cleanup and maintenance, stalls and shops, and restrooms. But based on the lack of these things in many (if not most) H2H parks I seem to be in the minority.
I would love to see an H2H where everyone was required to have the park open with 500 peeps in it and a sustainable 800+ approval rating. Force people to pay attention to some of those things.
You seem not only the minority in H2H parks, but also on spotlights, Runner-ups and whatever other awards there are!
I also love peep-friendly parks though (and all of my solo-parks, contests or not, indeed are)
Only: Although Magnus does have a very good point in that there are so many possibilities in RCT (like bedrooms and parks on clouds and whatever), that it does not have to be limited to peep-friendly parks.....
A H2H park with a sustainable 800+ rating will hardly be possible howvever, due to the limited size. As you may know there is a direct relation between the amount of rides and the maximum amount of peeps that a park can attract. With < 1000 peeps it is next-to-impossible that get a sustainable 800+ approval rating, (only for a short time) as the park quality is also related to the minimum amounts of peeps in the park , no matter if you have shops and restrooms on every corner, ideally layed-out paths and nobody lost, a mech for every ride and 1 handyman per 4 tiles.......etc.
Getting > 1000 peeps in such a small park would mean cramming it to the brim with rides, witch is not always the most pleasant way to make a park on a small map.....Edited by Emergo, 08 October 2006 - 02:30 PM.
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