H2H4 / Week 7: Hurricanes vs Demigods
14-September 06
Kumba Offline
First off a huge thx to Rick for hosting all this stuff, I can't say that enoght.
Also I tried to do everything exactly like Cork or iris would, hope it turned out like that.
Please let me know if I fucked anything up... Comments on the parks tomorow night... -
eman Offline
Both of these parks were nice, but much moreso for the Demigods.
Hurricanes- The archy was cool, especiallt those ruins thingies. I also liked the custom flat a lot. The coaster were both pretty good, but nothing too special in the context of H2H. I thought the main weakness of this park was it was pretty bland. The whole park felt dead, and the themes were pretty poorly developed IMO. Still good overall though.
Demigods- One of the best old time type parks I've ever seen. I loved the funnicula and the trolleys, and those buildings along the trolley road and street were quite nice. There was a bit too much single wide pathing and plain rides for my taste (ie the kiddie coaster and haunted house), but I still liked the atmosphere a lot. The woodie was a very nostalgic layout, and the various archy throughout the park was original and charming in it's own way. The various little details throughout the park were nice as well.
My vote goes to the Demigods.Edited by eman, 15 September 2006 - 03:31 PM.
RCTFAN Offline
I'm going to go with the canes this time:
I know this is rushed but i only have the net for another few minutes before i leave for uni so i apologise.
the Canes park was kinda bland with some mediocre rides but the custom flat was a good attempt although i think you should have put in some diagonal seating as well.
The Demigods park was a return to old school and i liked it at first, but at the level of detail rct2 is now known for, it just seemed boring.
Conclusion: Demigods becuase as abvoe it was (seemed to be) the more completed park w/h atmosphere. -
Leighx Offline
First off well done to Kumba and people for getting week 7 sorted well done.
As for the parks.
Not very strong match-ups i was hoping to see really exicting parks, but neither looked like a great deal of effort was put in.
Oasis of Asha = I didn't like the foliage in this park, it needed to be more dense and in small sections. However i did like the tall archs made out of stairways, that was well done. But overall it looked rushed and quite boring.
Kipper amusement park = I'm not a big fan of these sort of parks..... but i actually did really like certian sections. I liked the trams and the buildings along that road, nice and different. Small sections in other parts made me look at for a while, But overall not my sort of park.
Vote = Kipper amusement - Because it looked like it had more effort put into it. -
Levis Offline
Huricanes park: There was some really nice archytecture in this and some pretty archytecture, I really loved those waterfalls and that flat ride was nice to. The use of water in this park was also good.
And I really like those arches.
The coasters seemed good to me to.
Demigods park: well I didn't like the tramhack you did here, it had way to many glitches. the park gave a bit of authentic feeling but the archy in the "tram area" spoiled it a bit for me. there was a huge diffrent between two building styles. And I'm curius who ever made that custom attraction (forgot the name already)....did you made that attraction special for this park or was it avaible aready.
voted HuricanesEdited by Levis, 15 September 2006 - 06:22 AM.
Phatage Offline
Everybody, please don't just look at those screens, taken by the other team's captain, when voting; please dl the parks and take some time with them before you cast your ballot. -
Wicksteed Offline
Huh Hurricanes in the lead?
Kipper was far better imo. I loved the classic RCT feeling the park had (or should I say Phatage feeling?). Maybe it was a bit chaotic, but it was atleast not empty like the Hurricanes park. And it was even peep-friendly.. -
Levis Offline
Everybody, please don't just look at those screens, taken by the other team's captain, when voting; please dl the parks and take some time with them before you cast your ballot.
well those screens show the best parts IMO ...
but isn't it normal to download the parks before voting (except when you see one is unfinnished etc.) ? -
ekimmel Offline
Ok, someone take screenshots of the best parts and send them to me on gmail (ekimmel^gmail.com). I'll update them on the server. Kumba didn't take the screenshots, BTW. I did. Maybe next time I'll clear the screenshots with the team captain or maybe the team captain can take 3 screenshots and send them with the park.
I can get them up within a few minutes of someone sending them to me. So the sooner the better, obviously. -
Emergo Offline
Oasis looked nice when zoomed out.
Closer by though it was a real disappoint for me. Bland
Yes, a really nice custom ride and that was it, I guess.
The archy could have been nice enough, but in fact it was rather undetailed and repetititive and seems to lack any creativity, although the steps were a really nice idea!
Did not get either why there where domes placed on "normal" houses, as if someone had come alomg at the last moment and in a rush put one on top of otherwise unthemed buildings to make it alll more fitting to the name of this park?
That's it I think, a nice beginning, but rushed, in fact not finished and not taken the care/time to make it into the nice park it maybe could have been.....(no extra rides, no shops, no nothing really to explore, so it got boring within the shortest of times for me)
I liked Kipper amusement park a lot more, and really had to spend a much longer time in this one to see the nice details, creativity and thought put into this one.
I loved the trams going up and down a hilly street with cute houses, completely with their electrical wires above, and the small but so nice Kipper Theatre. A good woody and lots and lots of other (working) rides, many of them small custom-made rides like one could encounter in this type of family-park. Plenty of shops and even happy peeps in it, and a good lively atmosphere.
Thanks to both teams,
Demigods easily got my vote. -
posix Offline
very beautiful wodden. looked as if it wanted to go on a little though and the break above station height was kinda strange.
overall the park has a wacky design to it. i didn't really enjoy that, but there are a lot of good other moments to make up for it.
the other park was water and boring compared to this. -
ekimmel Offline
Screenshots have been updated.
I hope I'm not setting a bad precedent by changing the screenshots. -
X250 Offline
I liked the Demigods park better, it had some cool ideas and i really liked how the trams were pulled off, aswell as the fact i got to pop some of the guest's balloons, its been a while since i last did that! The canes park was not very good if im being honest, nothing flowed at all for me really and it all looked sooo rushed.
The Demigods park was not fantastic, but it just grabbed my attention for longer so its the demi's for my vote.
-X- -
Akasha Offline
Yay for little things like only one man can do it. And fine work from his co-worker too. Great execution of the old-fashioned theme park, they always do for me, but with some of the touches here like the trams, walkways and custom paths and more, the it is even better. Demigods all the way!
The other one was a bit of a letdown. It had some nice stuff, but so had the other one, and that one had "little things". -
Six Frags Offline
It's not even close imo..
Canes seems rushed and unfinished.. I like the coaster and the fury thing though..
Demigods had an awesome atmoshepere, ride design, theme and general execution of the whole concept.
Very good job, one of my favourite parks this season..
SF -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Demigods park, definatley.
Beautiful traditional park. Some excellent architecture and just some darn good atmosphere. Great wooden coaster too.
Canes park was nice, but just didn't work for me. I didn't really like the coasters and the fact that areas of the park didn't connect. -
Coaster Ed Offline
There was something to like in both of these parks --- but a lot more of it in the Demigods park.
Oasis of Asha -- I loved the section with all the green roof buildings. The castle is very well done, and the woody is simple but kind of elegant in the way it dives through the building at it's midpoint. I tend to like long stretches of the gradual slope when they're encorporated well into the rest of the layout and use the theming well, which is the cae here. The other coaster was kind of nice, but kind of uninteresting too. It has some nice turns toward the end, but mostly it's just too short and lacks any kind of standout element. The second architecture style (whereby you use the steps scenery as building blocks) has a cool look to it in the section shown in the first screenshot. It also works well on the entrance gate, but then there's the station building and that strange arch sculpture which look forced. The main problem here though is how empty the park is. And far too much water. It's laid out well, but then you fill up much of the available space with large empty walkways. Yuck. There's enough hints of cool ideas, mostly with the architecture and waterfalls, to make this a respectable entry, but the lack of overall activity (not detail, activity -- there's just nothing going on here except for the two coasters) makes it hard to vote for this park. What would have really helped is a third ride which interacts with the other two, like a raft ride maybe. Something to tie the parts together. And just more something instead of just walkways. The sections in the screens look very nice though. And again, I'm a fan of the woody and those green buildings. Well done there.
Kipper Amusement Park -- What a perfectly charming old-style amusement park! This is definately one of those parks that SHOULD NOT be judged by the overview or screenshots (even though the new ones are much better). This reminded me in some ways of old-style RCT way back in the day, playing scenarios. It reminded me of that because this park is actually alive and functional and by far the most active park released so far in H2H4. It's biggest strength is something that's (strangely) become increasingly rare in the NE style's shift toward "professional" parkmaking -- it's just fun to look at. It actually feels liks a real place. And I love how you've used a lot of very clever tricks to create that atmosphere without breaking up the nostalgic feel. The trolley lines are very well done. I love the rails on the steps! Probably my favorite little detail in the dark. Makes me want to take my skateboard into the game (ha! never mind that I'd probably kill myself trying that). The Speedy Funicula is such a simple concept, but you've chosen just the right combination of rides to pull it off with style. And then the really subtle touches like the jumping fountains in the water (hey, I did that too-- although mine didn't actually have the pipes there too. I mean, damn son! ) and the custom little golf station bridges with supports really make you appreciate how much extra effort went into making a scenario style park that's unique and new. Those aren't just playing around with RCT types of idea, those actually take soem thought and effort and that's the kind of thing I love to applaud.
And then there's the Kipper Dipper. I think there's two dominant styles of coaster building. There's the RCT style whereby you try to maximize what looks good in the game and also play off of what the common cliches are and try to subvert them to make something new and interesting. That's usually the types of coasters people go for. That's what I tend to do myself. The other style is the realistic style whereby you try to create a ride in the game that would actually exist in real life and then adorn it with all the proper details needed to really bring it to life. And here with the Kipper Dipper I think you've managed to fulfill the goals of both styles. This is the stuff of coaster legend. And it's just as subtle as the many scenery tricks in this park, but for someone who has studied the history of coasters and real-life coaster design, this is a stunningly good piece of coaster design. The kind of coaster which makes me say "I want to ride that!"
And lastly, I wanted to point out some of my favorite little buildings. That dodgems enclosure felt incredibly authentic and there's a little pizza/burger place right next to the 'free entrance' that's a model of clever and resourceful RCT architecture. Very simple concepts, executed brilliantly. I've long been a fan of clever RCT architecture as opposed to beautiful. Because I guess beautiful is ultimately one dimensional whereas clever never really gets old. And this park is filled to the brim with clever architecture. It's never as beautiful as the best buildings in 'Oasis of Asha' but it doesn't try to be, and ultimately I think it's more impressive. Some of the buildings along the trolley line, neighborhood portion suffer a bit in comparison to the actual park, but for the most part it's pretty consistent. And I haven't even mentioned that cool theater yet or the entrance gates or the support work on the Kipper Dipper or the detailed 'backstage' portion behind the Central Street Arcade. I'm still not sold on that particular peice of Wave Swinger scenery, but I can see how this park really demanded a wave swinger ride of some kind. Oh and I don't really like the picnic benches/umbrellas either -- but that's a minor quibbel, and they do contribute positively to the overall atmosphere.
So in conclusion, I LOVE Kipper Amusement Park. I'm humbled by your command of the game. Well done. And if you check the voting record, you'd see that I voted for the Hurricanes anyway. As much as I want to be objective about this, I won't willingly vote myself out of the playoffs. But I'm not going to lie about what I thought either, so maybe this review balances out my one vote in some way. And if you guys do win, it's well-deserved. -
RCFanB&M Offline
Demigods: I liked the traditional feel of the park, and the vivacious atmosphere. Although there were one or tow buildings that looked blocky, the architecture was nice, well detailed (Not simple, not overdone). The city part was nice, I liked the church, it was a nice "detail". The woodie layout was very good, it looked like if you rode it, you would really enjoy it. I don't liked too much the landscape aspect, I mean, you made good job with that part, but I don't like that type of terrain, in a realistic park (I guess this park is realistic, isn't it?).
Hurricanes: The main idea of this park was interesting, but I don't think you developed it very well. The landscaping and foliage was awesome, I really like jow you made that part. The architecture was nice, but it had a kinda typical style, which is getting a little boring by this time, I mean, it wasn't a very original architecture...the colors were good, they created a vivacious atmosphere. The wooden coaster layout was nice, it looked enterteining. Overall, I feel kinda disappointed...
Anyway, you didn't make a bad job, I mean, even this park wasn't as I expected, it showed a lot of talent. BTW, great custom ride!
Finally, my vote goes for...The Demigods.Edited by RCFanB&M, 15 September 2006 - 01:03 PM.
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