Released / Dueling Dragons
03-September 06
Faceman Offline
I send in this park a month ago, but up to this point I get no response.
I think it's enough of waiting, so I will present my park here.
These are two different coasters, themd like an old mediaeval castle.
I hope you like it and will leave a few comments!
bye FaceEdited by Faceman, 04 September 2006 - 05:37 AM.
posix Offline
great work.
very clean and tidy. i like that.
also extremly good timings on the duellers.
overall not my style of parkmaking though so it doesn't excite me as much as i'm positive it will others.
iris? he's gone again.
cork? you're moving to france...
both not a month ago though.
what's wrong here? -
RCFanB&M Offline
You made a great work with theming...
The archy is decent and I like the way you combined every element for creating a pleasant atmosphere.
Well done, again. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I totally sent a response to this for sure.
Here's the problem: I still cannot access the FTP. They changed the password to something. No one knows what.
Therefore, I cannot update the site.
Adix has called HostRocket, but they won't tell him anything unless he has the credit card number used to open the account.
That's Iris' mom's card, I think.
Iris has yet to let me or Adix know of the number (and heck... might not even be able to find out himself? I dunno).
Ergo, I can't update the site with ANYTHING.
Which sucks, because the email I sent said this looks nice and should win, but you're gonna have to wait. It's out of my hands, literally. -
twister12 Offline
im opening the park right now and i already know its goin to be sweet. this is definantly design worthy. good job! -
Faceman Offline
Yes, but you said nothing from these problems.Which sucks, because the email I sent said this looks nice and should win, but you're gonna have to wait.
I thought I must wait one or two weeks, but not a full month...
Now it's too late.
Thanks for comments.
->Face -
Casimir Offline
Oh, I'm pretty sure someone can find a special solution for this special park ^^
It has to be design, there's no other way...
Cork, think of some way to solve this problem^^
Quick! ^^ -
trav Offline
I think Faceman should take down the download link so that it can be made into an NE design. Maybe. -
posix Offline
eh?I think Faceman should take down the download link so that it can be made into an NE design. Maybe.
ne can call itself lucky to receive submissions. not vice versa. -
trav Offline
Um, I meant that Faceman should take down the download because, if I'm correct, a Design/Spotlight/whatever can not have already been released.
yeah, i know you meant that.Edited by posix, 03 September 2006 - 01:43 PM.
Corkscrewed Offline
Meh... in this case, I'm likely to make it a Design anyway once I get things figured out, just because I really really like it.
Yeah, pulling admin privies here. -
Steve Offline
Whoooooooooooooooa okay Corky. Maybe I'm just bitter but rules are rules, here.Meh... in this case, I'm likely to make it a Design anyway once I get things figured out, just because I really really like it.
Yeah, pulling admin privies here.
And I honestly don't see why the download was deleted. I know NE Design is a great accomplishment and all, but a release on the forums is just as good. If your park is good, it will get recognized. It may not seem that way, but I can almost guarentee that a decent amount of people (including myself) see the parks in this forum and download them, but don't comment on them. I would really like to see this park, though. It looks fantastic. -
Phatage Offline
corky, why don't you use the alternative ftp that camisado has for the site temporarily? -
RCFanB&M Offline
Now that I notice didn't made an exact recreation, did you?...because there're some elements that there're missing, and some others that the original DG don't have, for didn't make the 2 loops that are really close, and you made a heartline roll for the ice coaster (There're some other things that aren't as the real coasters) -
zodiac Offline
Now that I notice didn't made an exact recreation, did you?...because there're some elements that there're missing, and some others that the original DG don't have, for didn't make the 2 loops that are really close, and you made a heartline roll for the ice coaster (There're some other things that aren't as the real coasters)
yeah, i dont think he was making a recreation -
Faceman Offline
Oh,yes I forgot to say, it's not a recreation!
These are two absolutely differnt coasters, they only share the same name!
Should I show the donwload link or not? -
Corkscrewed Offline
corky, why don't you use the alternative ftp that camisado has for the site temporarily?
Database is set up only to handle files on its server. I have no idea how to mirror links and such from different sites. =/
That's an Adix thing.
Faceman, show the link and let people download it. We'll get this sorted out later. -
Titan Offline
It was nice and all, I just found it very messy and lacking the best part- the loops.
Oh well, congrats on this apparent design! -
inVersed Offline
The architecture and the theming was really nice. I personally prefer more larger trees instead of all the 1/4 scenery. The layout was also nice with a few slow spots but still it was nice