H2H4 / Week 6: Strangelove vs Ferocious Tigers
27-August 06
Coaster Ed Offline
[ntamin22' date='Aug 29 2006, 11:26 AM' post='336580']now, the easy answer here would be to say that we are voting on which park is better.
but what makes it better? while the skill of the creator is something that obviously can make something look better, from what i can understand this isn't a contest to determine which park took more skill to make. we could argue for hours about which takes more skill, LL or rct2, and not get anywhere.
I guess i'm trying to say that it shouldn't matter if the park is LL/rct2; if it looks worse than its competitor, it should lose. so stop voting based on what game the park was made in and start voting on the park.
approx, matt.
We aren't debating which takes more skill, LL or RCT2. You're right, that wouldn't get us anywhere. If anything we're debating whether this LL park or that RCT2 park took more skill -- and there's actually a legitimate comparison to be made there. In fact, I think that's really the only legitimate comparison you can make. Because "which park looks better" is by no means the only way to rank parks. I prefer to rank parks based on all of their content. How are the rides? Are they something new? Are they skillfully made? Is the theme new? Is the landscaping interesting or is it mostly flat? How is the theming, the layout, the architecture? And the big thing, how impressive is the concept and the execution? All of those things are taken into account. Ultimately I guess the only real standard though is which park you like more -- and in that regard, the public has spoken. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Since this round is all but over anyway, the people without LL might appreciate a few screenshots of Kitabasaki Dragonland:
It's too bad this park doesn't do anything new...
(See the gallery for all the pics) -
Six Frags Offline
That's why I voted for the tigers' park.. It kinda reminded me of XCoaster's PT2 park, which is a good thing..
Besides, Strangelove's park was about half of the Tiger's park.. There was a lot more innovation and substance in KD, and was the best piece of work I've seen in ll, even better than Slime Meridian imho.. All aspects of parkmaking were brilliantly executed, like the landscaping, theming, coaster construction, architecture etc..
Shame it lost (although the match isn't called yet)
I hope everyone who voted Strangelove DID view KD, although I highly doubt it..
SF -
Mama Bear Offline
Although I highly admire the hack work in this park, it didn't get my vote. I feel hacking and the use of regular features of the game ought to be in balance and I don't find that in this park. If you leave out the "tricks" so to speak you are left with a rather monotonous, only close to average use of the regular RCT1 features.
As I said I highly admire the artful tricks in this park, I know how much work and patience is needed to get it right, but I feel the landscaping, use of foliage, and the artful use of the different side- and top textures (one of the strong feautures in RCT imho!) should be in balance with it.
Mama Bear -
Leighx Offline
erm..... i wonder if those screens shall be removed?
Anyways yeah useful little set of screens.
Very skilled to go about making dragons out of coaster track like that, who ever made them well done:) -
J K Offline
Those screens were beutiful and thats why i voted for it already. Such a nice park. My favourite screen is where the three spirals are coming out of the circle. Absolutly magical. Great park. -
Titan Offline
And that's what's so sad... post those screens and all of a sudden people change their mind.
On the other hand, I thought MK was pretty awesome too. Best overall match of the year imho. -
lucas92 Offline
It would not change my vote, my opinion about this park is the same : it looks incompleted from the overview, in the game and in those screens. I don't think that it would change anything with the results... -
Loopy Offline
To be honest i cant see how people see the tigers park as unfinshed when its packed full of little details, maybe its just the use of the grass that gives the bare opinion i dunno -
Milo Offline
Tigers; since I'm a person who admires innovation and this park has it in spades.
I still have no clue how people can even call this a 'typical' LL park. Probably someone who hasn't even taken the time to look at it in the game.
And I love Eds post about how people analyze parks (especially LL) down to the most retarded things. -
Leighx Offline
Well i dont see how these screens are allowed? i thought screens of the park wern't allowed to be shown?
* crap, i was trying to save my 1000 postEdited by Leighx, 30 August 2006 - 03:12 PM.
chapelz Offline
they arent see the week 1 match up where another good LL park got shafted and the fact that the park has gotten 6 votes since the screens have been posted while the other has received none is why -
Coaster Ed Offline
Do you have some other suggestion for how half the people at this site are going to see the park? I think it looks 10x better in the game than it does in the screenshots. You dont even know which parts are animated in the screenshots. If anything it's unfair to the LL park. I have no problem with you posting screens of the RCT2 park -- but then I haven't seen anyone complaining about not being able to see it either.
PS - I don't think those 6 votes are going to matter in the end anyway. -
lucas92 Offline
To be honest i cant see how people see the tigers park as unfinshed when its packed full of little details, maybe its just the use of the grass that gives the bare opinion i dunno
Then why they made it bare when they could pull off a nice foliage? Or they could just put rocks? Foliage is the most inportant thing in LL in my opinion. Or is there an episode that miss on the bare terrain? -
Milo Offline
Then why they made it bare when they could pull off a nice foliage? Or they could just put rocks? Foliage is the most inportant thing in LL in my opinion. Or is there an episode that miss on the bare terrain?
So you are saying that if it looks unfinished then it isn't good? And maybe they didn't want to do the same old thing. Ever think of that??
I just don't get it. Some people don't like it because they think it's the same old thing and some don't like it because it's too different for them.Edited by OLE, 30 August 2006 - 03:30 PM.
Kumba Offline
Well the screens helped you get votes im sure, and I know that if iris were around he'd have deleted them like he did week 1, so now it's kinda close again, but I hope it will be closed in favor of Strangelove coz of that, even tho after I have looked at the parks more I probabply would have voted DK. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I'll forfeit if it makes you happy. I just wanted to prove a point -- and I think I have.
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