(Archive) Advertising District / Maverick @ Cedar Point
26-August 06
JDP Offline
Well what i was thinking (probably best way), make a chain segment up the LSM hill, a large space than another chain segment... if you get what i mean. Than you could still do the launch section.
-JDP -
geewhzz Offline
Cable lift wouldn't work since it's 60 degree track.
I don't quite understand what you mean JDP. -
Dragon Fly Offline
Can you make a second track (Giga onto Twister) and having a chainlift that is on the same ride but different thing, make the first chain lift a lift, second a launch? -
A2nxpimp Offline
I'm not sure if this works but you can try it. Try merging the main track to another track. Make track #2's lift speed to the desired. I remeber putting a high speed on my water coaster after it merges into the hill it sped up likewise with my Project: Launched Wooden Coaster design where the steel lift segment merged with the wood.Edited by A2nxpimp, 04 September 2006 - 12:30 AM.
Ride6 Offline
hmmm, it looks sweet but there are no records here, which I what I think people are fusterated by. EVERYONE expected Cedar Point to break records with every new coaster and strangly it appears that they decided enough is enough with this one and decided to build a GOOD RIDE instead, which after Dragster's sillyness, (only to loose the title a couple years later) it makes good sense.
Ride6 -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Cable lift wouldn't work since it's 60 degree track.
I don't quite understand what you mean JDP.
You can get a cable lift at 30 degrees. I have experimented with a few different possibilites.
Wouldn't the coaster be the first with a lift and a launch? I know incredible hulk has the launch lift, but that is a bit different, cedar point will find something to make it break a record.. haha.. most coasters? considering 1/2 of magic mountains are down.. lol -
geewhzz Offline
Wow, I feel dumb, I completely forgot about that, hah. The only problem with that is It might be difficult if not impossible to hack the vertical track on after the cable lift crest. -
Trajan Offline
hmmm, it looks sweet but there are no records here, which I what I think people are fusterated by. EVERYONE expected Cedar Point to break records with every new coaster and strangly it appears that they decided enough is enough with this one and decided to build a GOOD RIDE instead, which after Dragster's sillyness, (only to loose the title a couple years later) it makes good sense.
Dragster's sillyness? You must not have been on it, because I don't believe anybody leaves that ride saying "whatever, that 0-120 in 3 seconds did nothing for me". -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Wouldn't the coaster be the first with a lift and a launch?
Powder Keg at Silver Dollar City... compressed air launch, then a chain lift later in the ride. -
Phatage Offline
there may be a way to do it... anybody look at alec's 2nd (and last as he was against mantis) qftbx entry? -
Xcoaster Offline
Come on guys, California Screamin'. It's the same launch/lift system that you're getting, just 6 years earlier and in reverse.Wouldn't the coaster be the first with a lift and a launch?
And I'm pretty sure there's a way to do it. I think JDP is the closest so far. LL people might remember the way to make faster lift hills back in the day. The same technique could probably be used. -
JDP Offline
Cable lift wouldn't work since it's 60 degree track.
I don't quite understand what you mean JDP.
I def agree... thanks for pointing that out.hmmm, it looks sweet but there are no records here, which I what I think people are fusterated by. EVERYONE expected Cedar Point to break records with every new coaster and strangly it appears that they decided enough is enough with this one and decided to build a GOOD RIDE instead, which after Dragster's sillyness, (only to loose the title a couple years later) it makes good sense.
It think it is possiable, but the cable lift comes with that "extra" 60* pice of track that throws the coaster over the top. By the time you hack that, the coaster will not have enough room to go at the 90* angle and then be able to flaten itself out. The hill is only 107' (105'/110' in the game). Unless you make it higher, but then that's not a recreation is it?Wow, I feel dumb, I completely forgot about that, hah. The only problem with that is It might be difficult if not impossible to hack the vertical track on after the cable lift crest.
-JDP -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Geewhzz, it would be a pain in the ass to get the cable to a 90 degree, and very ugly.. the way I have been doing it is with the ja Giga Coaster.. using a launch lift and spacing them out for about a 12mph lift hill. Then using the lift for the launch.
^^ RCT scales are fucked up anyways. I never go by them, just what looks and seems right.Edited by Nitrous Oxide, 04 September 2006 - 07:20 PM.
Dragon Fly Offline
Have you tried doing the 2nd type of track lift hill, using merging? Seperate Tracks, but same coaster so you can pull off a different chain speed? -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Yea, first way I tried it was the merged launch, it did not launch. It just went the speed of the lift. Second way was Merging a lift hill with the 5 mph lift, same thing happened.. except this time it launched up the lift. haha -
Richie Offline
You can't have 2 different chain lift speeds. You could try the cable pull thing on the giga, and then use a chain lift later on. Or merge in the uphil boosters from the twister coaster.
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