(Archive) Advertising District / Maverick @ Cedar Point
26-August 06
Nitrous Oxide Offline
Photos taken from August 25th.
Check back daily for updates.
You can check out real photos of the coaster at pointbuzz.com
This project is nothing serious, just trying to get use to the new supports.Edited by Nitrous Oxide, 08 September 2006 - 12:50 AM.
inVersed Offline
Going by the gallery at pointbuzz, they have seriously made some progress since I was last at Cedar Point (a week ago) -
JDP Offline
I like Cedar Point and all, but it's not like they need a new coaster. One of the other Cedar Fair parks should get one. But im not going to complain. Cedar Fair seems to have a coaster pattern with Dorney Park.
1997: Steel Force
+4 Years
2001: Talon
+4 Years
+4 Years
Wild Water Kingdom aka "work" is getting pretty many new attractions lately, so i guess one thing at a time.
-JDP -
RCFanB&M Offline
Nice. I like the fact that you created a realistic atmosphere with all that construction stuff. -
Casimir Offline
^Yeah, especially because Intamin track is always one solid color.
Pwned @ Hockey
The pics have a nice realistic touch!
Keep on. -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
The rails are not pink. I used the dull red color for the rails because the dark red is too dark and the red is too bright. -
Ride6 Offline
Not the mention that red is the most accurate after the ride's been running for a short while because the trains will wair the paint off the rails.
Ride6 -
Outlaw Offline
Trains don't run during construction though
Anyways, I think the red you used is perfect. -
Trajan Offline
Thnx. Like the idea.
Is it gonna be finished how you'd envision the coaster, or how it actually turns out? -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
How it actually turns out, I am adding the coaster everytime something new gets added. -
Nitrous Oxide Offline
They have finished the other corkscrew and then does a 180 turn, looks like it hits brakes then into the station possibly, hard to tell.
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