H2H4 / Week 5: Demigods vs Tycoon Bandits
17-August 06
posix Offline
now i have pretty decent hardware and azuris runs in slow-motion all out for me.
how can you even build the park like that? -
Corkscrewed Offline
Besides for being my team, just like almost everyone else, I liked Azuris City much more which got my easy vote.
The question remains, can anyone stop us?
(I admit, I personally though this would be a little closer. Had Brighouse been completed to the potential of the parkmaker who made it, it would have been a park of the year candidate.) -
Trajan Offline
Azuris City was genious. It had some absolutely wild architecture with a few cool rides. The power plant was especially cool.
Brighouse was a good start, but a good start won't stack up against a fully completed park. -
Ling Offline
while Brighouse Mines was pretty nice and tranquil, its rides were pretty boring and the concept wasn't original.
Azuris City wasn't the most origignal thing ever, but it was better IMO than the Brighouse Mines.
So Tycoon Bandits! -
eman Offline
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. That tall skinny needlepoint white skyscraper on the Bandits park is possibly the nicest skyscraper I've ever seen done in RCT2. -
RCTNW Offline
Just checked the vote log. I voted first, obviously.
This was followed by votes from a:
2. non-H2H team member
3. Hurricane
4. Strangelove
5. Ferocious Tiger
6. Ferocious Tiger
So there ya go.
I was one of the tigers that voted above (I think) and for me, it was not a difficult decision and did not require alot of time to look at both parks. That and I did not have alot of time anyway.
James -
Akasha Offline
i thought beejr didnt play.. semigods get the vote though, Kumba put it to words perfectly.
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Yeah, it was unfinished. And not up to it's potential. But Azuris City reminded me of the other city park we've seen this season - throwing in every idea they could possibly cram into the map. Learn to pick and choose your ideas, so that the park (a) is coherent and (runs at normal speed. Detail is worthless when it makes it a pain in the ass to look at the park, much less look for the details, which for the most part don't add much.
Demigods, the only problem is that you didn't name anything. I could deal with the bareness, if I had any idea what you wanted to do. To know that, I need names. Not too hard....
Most competetive round this week my ass.
-ACE -
Trajan Offline
Detail is worthless when it makes it a pain in the ass to look at the park, much less look for the details, which for the most part don't add much.
Creativity shouldn't be slave to a machine's limits.Go as wild as you want to, I say.
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Creativity for creativity's sake tends not to be all that worthwhile anyway.Creativity shouldn't be slave to a machine's limits.
Go as wild as you want to, I say.
-ACE -
Blitz Offline
^ this is because you lack it enough to not have a surplus past an actual need for it.
ps. - iris... our team is dying. I have a feeling you simply didn't put enough hotshots early on (or had them up and quit) to even squeeze into the later parts of the season. If we do make it over the hump, we'll be fine, but it's looking really grim right now...Edited by Blitz, 19 August 2006 - 06:06 AM.
inVersed Offline
I voted Azurius City.. Some of the architecture was a bit much, but it was pretty amazing in some areas. Brighous Mines had some solid parts but it seemed awefully bare in some parts as well -
Coaster Ed Offline
It's not looking too grim yet Blitz. You're in a three-way tie for first place with three matches left to go.It could be worse. Those last three matches for the East division teams (two of them division matches) are all going to be to be do-or-die. If you've saved your best parks for last, you're in good shape.
gymkid dude Offline
man, I wish one of your division's teams would beat JKAY. I feel like all of the demigod's/strangelove/tiger's division made a pact to always lose against our division to start working on playoff parks. Oh well, the good part is that both divisions have real contests over who is making the playoffs, our division because we've all done so well, and yours because you've all done so poorly (in inter-division play). Should be exciting.
As for my vote, I loved the landscaping of the icons. I liked the 'busting' feeling of the city park, but I really hated for some reason the whole launched coaster area. I think I didn't like how it was themed. I wish I could explain it better, but when I opened the park I was just not impressed by it. The car ride was great, as were the skyscrapers.
I went with the iiicons but it was close and I'm not surprised that the Bandit's are destroying this week, yet again. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Don't hate the playa. Hate the game.
Demigods 14
Tycoon Bandits: 47
First time the Bandits haven't made it to 60. And technically, this WAS the most competitive matchup of the week. That's just not saying much.
Honestly, I thought this would be a little closer too. Brighouse was basically hurt by its incompleteness. Had it been complete, it probably would have beaten us soundly (I'm basing this on the potential it had). I mean, how can you not fucking love that landscape? It is incredible.
So it should come as no surprise to hear that Old Red was involved in this. The other guy is Marshy. Who prolly pissed of Iris.
Azuris City was made by Yeshli2nuts and.... Emergo. Who's making a VERY strong push for rookie of the year at the moment. -
Kumba Offline
damn, I trade a parkmaker that's 2-0 atm for... oh wait... another parkmaker who is 2-0 atm, lmao
So right now the MVP race would imo look like:
And me -
Emergo Offline
Brighouse Mines seems a beautiful and very good park, I loved the landscaping: would it have been finished it would certainly have been a very strong competitor in this one: so congrats on very good work Marshy and Old Red.
In Azurus City Yeshli2nuts made the Hyperbolic Xtreme and it's theming, the factory and the monorail with it's supports.
I made the city part with its bridge, skyscrapers and the other rides.
Really surprised that many enjoyed it, as in my eyes my part was horribly unfinished: after first still working on MSM, then having severe computerproblems and then something in RL which blew me off this earth for another ten days, I could not do better than right up till the deadline and against the ticking clock trying to get it looking a bit "finished", swapping many cool things still in my head for really quick ones and having to leave out many other ones and details (like the bare cliff under the Subcity Car ride, Coaster Ed! thanks for your elaborate review btw.).
Anyway, Yeshli kept having faith, so that was a great help. Thanks bud!
Thanks also to all who voted, and/or commented, for this one or for Brighouse Mines.
Emergo.Edited by Emergo, 20 August 2006 - 06:33 AM.
JKay Offline
What a pleasant surprise this is returning from vacation!
I wasn't sure how'd we fare this week, but it looks like we managed to sway voters our way.
Emergo is the league MVP thus far in my book. Yeshli was able to demonstrate some of his talents as well.
Good stuff.
I gotta give it to the Demigods though; this was a nice showing.
Ol' Red - I'll always love how you play the game.
The Bandits legacy continues!!!!!
*crosses Demigods off list*
ekimmel Offline
I think Old Red is highly underappreciated. His landscapes are always nothing less then incredible.
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