H2H4 / Week 5: Demigods vs Tycoon Bandits
17-August 06
Corkscrewed Offline
*** They used an AE ride that didn't export. If you don't have a "Dream Woodie" already installed, download it here ***
Tycoon Bandits
Park Maps
Thanks to geewhzz for the mirrors.
Week 6 Deadline is Thursday, August 24, 2006 :: iris2486@bellsouth.net -
chapelz Offline
says im missing some object starting with ae-drmwd for the Demigod park.Edited by chapelz, 17 August 2006 - 10:06 PM.
Corkscrewed Offline
dammit, Iris didn't export it? lol; I totally forgot to check. hold on; lemme see if I can fix it. It's an Amazing Earl ride called Dream something.
Okay, Dream Woodie.
http://ae.rctspace.c...ad/AE-DRMWD.zip -
geewhzz Offline
Looks like an interesting match....
Going to look at them now.
Figured I'd upload mirrors for you cork, so here they are:
EDIT: ^Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't custom rides NOT export? Only scenary does?Edited by geewhzz, 17 August 2006 - 10:11 PM.
Panic Offline
Brighouse Mines is pretty cool, but Aquapolis/Azuris City is RIDICULOUS.
Let's see if this will be the most lopsided match this week...Edited by Panic, 17 August 2006 - 10:39 PM.
postit Offline
Demigods' park was like the Cave part II. But a lot of the actual theme park stuff kind of reminded me of something I would have built a year ago. Bandits' park seemed a little bit overdone. The coaster didn't do anything for me. But still, a lot of the architecture was pretty inventive, and I don't mean that like "I voetd for teh Bandits cuz the archy was kewl", I mean that like they did some pretty inventive things with blocks, and that really caught my eye. I think I'm voting a little early here, but I voted for the Bandits. Just slightly. I think the fact that the Demigod's park was like unfinished was where I made my decision.
Oh and by the way. When I first looked at the topic, which was like 5 minutes after it was posted, the Bandits already had a 6-0 lead. It just seemed a little fishy that 6 separate humans could have opened both parks and made the decision so quickly, but maybe I just take a really long time looking at parks.Edited by postit, 17 August 2006 - 10:46 PM.
Coaster Ed Offline
Well, this is actually a tougher choice for me than expected. One could simply take a look at the vast expanses of bare rocky terrain in Brighouse Mines and the densly packed gleaming skyscrapers and weirdly expressionistic gothic sculptures of Azuris City and vote Bandits. But the landscaping in Brighouse Mines is so well done that it's almost excusable how bare it is. It doesn't look as good up close as it does from afar, but the key thing is the epic scale of the landscape. Certainly it's not appropriate for every park, but if you can turn your landscape into a key attraction for the park, you're that much further along the path of creating something memorable. That's definately the case here. Rocky spires rising from the mountain side, huge waterfalls cascading out of cracks in the rock, dense foliage in just the low lying areas and ribbons of vines creeping up the mountainside. Not to mention the underground cave system which is pretty well done here. For all the details in the cavern portions of Aviara Cove which made them so impressive, the actual shape of them was fairly rectangular. You've really encorporated the caves into the landscape very well here. Not rectangular at all. The mine ride is fun to watch, but also problematic. The train is going too fast in places for the turns to be unbanked there. Why not just bank them to fix the intensity problem? Long river rides tend to bore me -- even if the flume track itself is themed well (which it is here) it takes so long for the boats to traverse the layout that I lose interest. That's not your fault the boats go so slow, but you don't have to build long river rides either. That's a minor gripe though really, and more of a personal pet peeve than a real fault in the park's design. Oh and the big thing -- name your rides! It seems so insignificant, but a fairly fun meandering cliff-diving mine train with a cool name is much better than the same ride named "Mine Train 5". It doesn't take long -- just do it. Same goes for the river ride. Obviously the park was unfinished, and a few ride names isn't going to change that, but not naming them is like giving up -- in which case, why submit the park at all? There's a lot of potential for a cool park here. I definately like the idea. I like how your rides aren't of the generic themepark variety. Major bonus there. And the landscape looks excellent. Call me crazy but I briefly considered voting Demigods, even with the obvious unfinishedness...
But that would have been unfair to the Tycoon Bandits who deserve to be rewarded for their efforts. Azuris City (Aquapolis?) gets one thing right that makes all the difference. The rides! It's refreshing to see a map with all that architectural detail that actually has enough rides in it to reward exploration. I suppose putting in elevators and tower rides isn't a new or revolutionary idea, but it really is important for a city theme like this. Cities aren't just static groupings of buildings and streets, they're bustling, they're active, they're multidemensional. And clearly there was some effort here to account for that. Like how you have a monorail and a freeway system along with the regular walkways. No city theme should be without a variety of transportation options. I mean, that should be a no-brainer. The monorail in particular is very well done. The glass subway tunnels which snake right through the city proper really make me feel like I'm looking at a future city. I don't know why this is, but seeing things moving under glass is always cool in RCT parks. I guess because it ties together the architecture and the rides. And it really sells the third dimension in what is actually a 2D game.
Major kudos for including more than one main attraction as well. The SubCity car-ride looks like it would be a lot of fun. I wish you'd fully themed that cliffside instead of leaving it blank, but otherwise it uses the theming very well. And then there's Hyperbolic Xtreme which is just a really fun ride. Probably my favorite of the contest so far. That last loop around the bridge is perfect, and I like how compact the layout is. You've got a bizarre mix of city and futuristic mega-theme park going on here which strikes me as a new idea, and a good one.
The art-deco style is a little cliche with skyscrapers now (it seems like all the major city themes are art-deco) but then the art-deco skyscraper is a particularly significant cultural image connected to a lot of classic science fiction and fantasy themes which I can see myself wanting to utilize as well and, really, what isn't cliche anymore? Not much. I really liked the industrial island too. That's just the kind of thing that belongs in a retro-futuristic city and mega theme park.
Usually when I see a park like this, once I get over that initial moment of awe, I start to see how empty everything is and it quickly loses it's appeal. And then I start really liking unfinished parks with mega-landscaping and crawling vines and meandering mine train track and protruding poles (I'm a sucker for protruding poles) and thinking I should vote for them instead. But you pulled me back in and that's why I'm voting for Azuris City/Aquapolis. That monorail, Hyperbolic Xtreme, the SubCity car ride, industrial island, the Calatravas inspired sculpture bridge and every building is different?! That's it. You got me. Well done Tycoon Bandits. Rack up another loss for the East division -- sigh. -
Corkscrewed Offline
Oh and by the way. When I first looked at the topic, which was like 5 minutes after it was posted, the Bandits already had a 6-0 lead. It just seemed a little fishy that 6 separate humans could have opened both parks and made the decision so quickly, but maybe I just take a really long time looking at parks.
Just checked the vote log. I voted first, obviously.
This was followed by votes from a:
2. non-H2H team member
3. Hurricane
4. Strangelove
5. Ferocious Tiger
6. Ferocious Tiger
So there ya go.
For the record, I got Iris' permission in renaming the park after the deadline. I changed the file name and I thought I changed the park name (but maybe that's what I forgot) as well as the message. The ReadMe file name was renamed, with contents edited as well. That's it. -
Corkscrewed Offline
No clue, since that would require constant monitoring, but I'm 99% sure this is the record for this season. -
eman Offline
I don't get why this is such a blowout. I did vote for the Bandits, but it was a damn hard choice for me. It takes a good bit of looking aroun the Demigods park to truly appreciate all that landscaping. I can't imagine building a landscape that well done myself, it seems way overwhelming. Both teams submitted great parks, but for me the fabulous Hyperbolic Extreme was the deciding factor...it wasn't my favorite coaster, but it was creative and very well planned (Aside from that second launch which was a bit awkward), and the interaction with the buildings was great. -
Kumba Offline
oh, I guess I endded the streak, I went with the dimigods, coz id rather landblocks then abstrck stuff. Due to scenery stuff im not gona DL either, but I prefer the landblock one by the pics, so there you go... or maybe just coz im drunk atm, meh bring on week 6 alredy -
Panic Offline
For me the deciding factor was that Aquapolis could theoretically actually be a city in some future civilization. It looks walkable, if you know what I mean. I could imagine going around the plazas under the huge glass buildings like that. Whoever built that has a ridiculous 3D designing ability.
The landscaping in Brighouse Mines does impress, but there's one section that's gold (around the water ride and station for the mine train) and the rest looks pretty rough. Elsewhere the landscaping just kind of sits around being imposing. I definitely did not get why the landscaping dropped off randomly on that one back side; that just seemed like a trick to make it more impressive looking and kind of an excuse to put more waterfalls and cliffs in.Edited by Panic, 18 August 2006 - 01:47 AM.
RCTFAN Offline
To be honest i really didn't like the landscaping in Brighouse mines, to me it just looked blocky and i couldn't really get a past that to get a feel for the atmosphere.
And i'm not saying that cus i'm a bandit. -
Leighx Offline
Azuris = I liked this park as in places it was right up my street. But after a short time of viewing i thought that i had seen it all. It just got to samey, The bit with the lanuched free fall was good i liked that bit. And from a zoomed out view i also liked the overall look of the skyscrapers and whole park. But nothing speacial.
Brighouse mines = Although this was meant to be mines (obvisiouly) i couldn't spend a long time looking at it. The buildings were ok but got boring and needed to be livened up. However i did like the way the splash boats and mine train interacted with each other. The supports for both of these were very well done aswell. But bits that let it down were the overuse of the same jungle plants. And way too much rock even if it is a mine it should still hold your attention rather than looking at bare rock.
Overall average sort of parks and had very good sides and not so good sides.
Vote = Azuris, because it kept me looking at it for longer than Brighouse mines. -
Metropole Offline
A definate vote for the bandits here for me.
Azuris was simply awesome with some amazing buildings and neat ideas. The coasters were cool, though the launched one went through the top hats a little too fast. Loved the elevator in the building wtih a great view. Excellent park.
Wasn't so keen on the demigods. The rides had poor layouts (the splash boats had drops right into turns) and they weren't even named. Too much bare land and not much to keep me hooked really.
Well done bandits.
Metro -
yeshli2nuts Offline
Besides for being my team, just like almost everyone else, I liked Azuris City much more which got my easy vote.
The question remains, can anyone stop us? -
ekimmel Offline
Brighouse Mine could have been a very very good park. From the screens I was really looking forward to opening it up. It's my kind of park. Too bad it was under-foliaged and there isn't a 1/4 tile land block to be seen anywhere. Having those tall spires 1/4 tiled would have made them so much more impressive to me. I really enjoyed the rest of it though. It had a lot of potential. -
Titan Offline
The question remains, can anyone stop us?
I'm sorry, that just makes me laugh... it only takes one game and your done come playoff time. Look at the Colts last year... played pretty much perfect then blew it one game and now the Steelers are the champs.
In a team game like this, ANYTHING can happen.
Anyway I voted for the Bandits too. I honestly didn't care for the coasters, but 1 or 2 buildings really caught my eye, and they were enough to get my vote.
Well it looks like the East is still tied...
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