H2H4 / Week 5: Italian Stallions vs Strangelove
16-August 06
Corkscrewed Offline
1. Slime Meridian
2?. Mont St. Michel
3?. Kilika
4?. Hallowhusk Cove
5. The Great Carolina Quarry
#2-4 are sort of interchangeable IMO at the moment. -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
This matchup is good only because it's LL vs. LL.
All the rides were well designed - looked like fun. The Stallions get the vote because it's done.
Please, PLEASE let the next parks be complete...
-ACE -
Valp Offline
Of course Kilika is the more complete park, but I'd take an unfinished park like SOAMFP than one like Kilika anyday. I mean, come on, if you're going to theme Kilika, it had better be accurate. What a complete mockery of the distinct and vibrant characteristics that the Kilikan culture has. It's quite insulting, especially when most actual theme parks make some attempt to mimick the theme. Granted, the quality of the park was nice, there was just no cohesiveness in the themes. I mean, come on, that's the problem these days. People just build what they want and slap a theme on it.
I'm not sure which is worse: an unfinished park, or one that has no regard for the intended themes.
At least SOAMFP accomplishes what it sets out to do, even if incomplete. I just feel like Samuel L. Jackson had a part in making the park as well, so kudos.Edited by Valp, 16 August 2006 - 04:48 PM.
Ride6 Offline
I hope the Demigods have actually got a finished park to show this week. This is looking really sad for the East division.
I hope they don't...
Honestly this is the first time we (Strangelove) have failed to deliver a park that we were satisified with. We fully desirve to loose this match; I just hope it doesn't ruin our shot for the playoffs because it would be a real shame after our hard-fought looses in weeks 1 (which still won park of the week, WTF!?) and 3.
Ride6 -
Coaster Ed Offline
Yeah I know. It'd be better for us too if the Demigods lose, but it's getting to the point now where any win in our division would be cause for celebration. East division pride! -
Corkscrewed Offline
well, I can say the next one will be the most competitive of this week. not that it says much... -
eman Offline
On the website these are the only 2 matches for the week...and yet you guys are acting as though the Demigods still have a mtch to be posted for this week. Am I missing something here?? -
Ge-Ride Offline
It says there's another match on the schedule. The placeholders always seem to be removed right at the beginning of the week. -
X250 Offline
Hows this for team loyalty, voting from an internet cafe on holiday... Go Strangelove!
edit:- oh, my vote didn't really matter then. =(
-X- -
Steve Offline
Congrats Stallions! those custom walkways were craaaazy good.
but surely strangelove gets bonus points for their park name. -
Coaster Ed Offline
1. Slime Meridian
2?. Mont St. Michel
3?. Kilika
4?. Hallowhusk Cove
5. The Great Carolina Quarry
#2-4 are sort of interchangeable IMO at the moment.
So far I'd put them something like this...
1. The Great Carolina Quarry (W)
2. Slime Meridian (W)
3. Hallowhusk Cove (W)
4. Mont St. Michel (W)
5. Internet City (L)
6. Snakes in a Pit! (er, I mean Tierra Aventura) (W)
7. Seige at Castle Grijs (L)
8. Kilika (W)
9. Rapa Nui (L)
10. The Ragnarok (W)
Kilika looked really good from the overview, but I didn't like it much when I looked at it in the game. There's one really cool idea here which is using the wooden coaster track to blur the square lines of the paths and also stack multiple levels of walkways on top of each other. And sometimes it looked really good where you had barrels as supports. But then a lot of the time it also looked kindof sloppy. Which was true of much of the park as well. Sometimes it looked really good, most of the time it just looked sloppy. I liked the inverted coaster, though it was fairly typical. The half-cork right after the lifthill was a novel idea, but it goes too slow through it. And a lot of your architecture and theming with coaster track felt rather aimless. That is it doesn't really look like anything -- other than an RCT park constructed with coaster track. That combined with the name didn't really give me anything to imagine while I'm looking at the park. Oh and square waterfalls. Eck. But I will give you credit for choosing a challenging project. It could have looked really really good or really really bad. And to your credit, it falls closer to the good side. Your choice of colors was excellent and the trees mostly look pretty good and work well together. The touches of red and orange are a nice contrast to the mostly brown and green color pallete. I think this is a great example of what Fatha' is talking about here.
Now Snakes on a Muthafuckin' Plane! That's what I'm talkin' bout!
(er, I voted Stallions -- sorry East division) -
iris Offline
For me...I'd say its
1.Slime Meridian
2.Mont Saint Michel
3.Hallowhusk Cove
5.The Great Carolina Quarry
6.Tierra Aventura
7.Internet City
8.The Seige at Castle Grijs
9.Isla Magica
10.Kayte Ridge Theme Park
But what do I do know. I've been wrong calling so many of these damn match-ups so far. -
Six Frags Offline
It is tonight
I thought Kiliki was good, not great.. I liked the invert, the 'boardwalk' and the landscaping.. Could've used more details.. Good job to the parkmakers though on a much needed win..
Shame Snakes was unfinished, could've been fun seeing what was already there..
SFEdited by Six Frags, 17 August 2006 - 01:28 PM.
Kumba Offline
So far I'd put them something like this...
1. The Great Carolina Quarry (W)
Ed im your fanboy, not vice versa, lol, but damn im glad you liked it so much, thx
Id say:
1. SM
2. Kilka
3. MSM
4. HC
5. GCQ
6. TA
7, stuff, ect...
Anyways, way to kick ass Panics, but if we beat you week 9 we are in the playoffs and your out -
Coaster Ed Offline
Well, I thought The Great Carolina Quarry combined a very appealing and consistent atmosphere with a lot of really cool ideas better than any of the other parks. It also had the most rides. I like coasters to a certain extent, but I like non-traditional rides a lot too and your park had a mix of both. You might have a challenger though with Azuris City.
Slime Meridian was the most technically impressive, and there's a lot of stuff in there I like a lot. But I think I explained my problem with LL parks already. I'm hyper-critical of them. There are certain things I look for, certain things almost nobody ever does, and if I don't see them I kindof switch into grouch mode and I did that a bit with Slime Meridian. Enough to bump it down a little from #1 for me.
And Kilika, well same problem only worse. Super grouch mode there. I don't really like it. At all. Hallowhusk Cove I considered putting at #1, but didn't mainly because of the rides, which were good, but not that memorable for me. Launched steel loopers in RCT2 are usually a big 'eh, whatever' for me and that was the case there. It's on a whole different level though theming wise. Mont St Michel looks incredible. Aesthetically I think it's the best so far -- but again it lacks a bit in the ride department. Incredible architecture work though. Oh yeah, and I guess I resolved the week 1 matchup -- only 4 weeks too late. Sorry guys. What can I say, the grouchy LL player thing got me. But since then other LL parks have made me appreciate how well-done that park actually was. It was your rides though that made me all grouchy and I still don't like those much.
See a theme? Yeah, it pretty much comes down to the rides for me. That's the biggest thing.
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