H2H4 / Week 4: Hurricanes vs Tycoon Bandits
01-August 06
Corkscrewed Offline
It's Kumba. He wouldn't be Kumba if he didn't pull a Kumba every once in a while. -
Emergo Offline
^^ "cover that"
Yes, he did. And indeed that's pretty low. But imho the way he "declared" it afterwards also is pretty low, the more so while just forfeiting would draw back on Kumba as a captain, and in the way he now tries to explain it it's "just" misusing others....(while I know that at least one of the builders was not aware of this "plan" they were used for....) That makes me a little upset....
Just me.....
^Yes, Cork, right you are.....we all need our mascottes
We absolutely have to keep him, making sure this place does not loose it's vibrant colours...(Lol!)Edited by Emergo, 03 August 2006 - 03:53 PM.
Panic Offline
Holy shit how many of the Hurricanes have not seen this because otherwise this would be 42-2 non-team-loyalty votes. -
ekimmel Offline
^^ "cover that"
Yes, he did. And indeed that's pretty low. But imho the way he "declared" it afterwards also is pretty low, the more so while just forfeiting would draw back on Kumba as a captain, and in the way he now tries to explain it it's "just" misusing others....(while I know that at least one of the builders was not aware of this "plan" they were used for....) That makes me a little upset....
Misusing others? This is a competition and captains/coaches/managers frequently make sacrifices for the good of the team as a whole. This is not new nor is it exclusive to RCT nor is it exclusive to Kumba's H2H team. It happens in a lot of team competitions and sports. Kumba has been a very good captain, has been very respectful to all the team members, and really doesn't deserve to get ripped for making a really hard decision.
Both parkmakers knew about it and both had an opportunity to voice their opinions before the decision was made (as did the rest of the team). This was not a surprise move. It was very respectfully done within the team and everyone on the team understands why it was done and what the end goal is.
Can we drop this now and get back to building parks? -
eman Offline
Emergo, get off Kumba's ass. He has every right in the world to submit a park he expected to lose, it's strategy and it's part of being captain. Sure, he could of phrased it differently and shrouded it in a deep cloud of bullshit to avoid criticism from people like you, but he chose to flat out say it. If his players were willing to submit a park in these circumstances, than that's that. As far as I'm concerned the only people who have a right to criticize the captains are the players on their teams. I'd say it's much lower of you to call him out as a poor captain than for him to submit a park he expected to lose. (sorry to be so harsh, I'm tired)
And now to the parks. Bandits, you're park was amazing. The prison was very well done, and I loved the coaster layouts. The little houses were stunning as well. I find it hard to fault anything of this park, it was nearly flawless.
Canes, it was a nice park, shame it was unfinished. The hacks were excellent (I loved how the cong ride "ziplined"), and the archy was pretty well done as well. If only that invert area had been finished, I would have loved to see how that would have turned out.
My vote went to the Bandits.Edited by eman, 03 August 2006 - 05:51 PM.
Emergo Offline
Eman, get off my ass!
Of course Kumba has every right to do what he wants, as I have it to comment with on what I think, and I am also sure Kumba is great enough to do without any of your "help" .
You are right though that it is a good thing to get back to the content of the parks...... -
RCFanB&M Offline
My vote goes for bandits.
I just felt more the theme, in their park.
Hurricanes: you made a pretty good job.
There were just a few things I didn't like. First of all, I didn't like the coaster, because of the layout an also, because there was a lot of scenery around its terrain, but the area of the coaster was almost empty. The half-ship over the falls was very well done, although I didn't get the exact meaning of it. The foliage was ok, I don't have any complaint with that.
Another thing is that I really didn't feel too much the theme apart from that ship...the architecture was nice, but it was like meaningless for me, the buildings were like, well....common buildings, like they weren't representing any theme. Anyway, the park is quite good and it shows a lot of effort by you. Well done.
Bandits: very nice work also.
I really liked the park, you developed very well the theme...the architecture was just "creepy", you made a great selection of walls and objects for the theme. The coasters weren't that good for me, but they were enough, although the Intamin was kinda strange.
Anyway...I don't really have any complaint with your park. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I think the real bone of contention isn't that Kumba sacrificed what could have been a fairly decent park to save a better one for a more winnable matchup, that's just good planning, but rather that he had the nerve to brag in public about it as more evidence of his all-consuming genius. As if he's ultimately done one over on the Tycoon Bandits by losing this match.
But that's just Kumba being Kumba. Just gotta smile and shake your head.
(or should I say 'shack youre hedd' ) -
eman Offline
Yea, we all know Kumba's got an ego bigger than the Miami coastline. But at least he can back it up. (Well, most of it anyways.) And I wasn't really trying to call out Emergo only or anything, it just pisses me off how people always criticize the other captains and shit when they have absolutely no business doing so, at least not IMO. They're captains for a reason.
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Yea, we all know Kumba's got an ego bigger than the Miami coastline. But at least he can back it up. (Well, most of it anyways.
) And I wasn't really trying to call out Emergo only or anything, it just pisses me off how people always criticize the other captains and shit when they have absolutely no business doing so, at least not IMO. They're captains for a reason.
Well, she does have an axe to grind as it is...
I find it entertaining.
-ACE -
Corkscrewed Offline
Meh. It's entertaining.
We'll mention it next time when we go to Disneyland during the part of the day where we all make fun of Kumba. -
Corkscrewed Offline
BTW, Iris, you can call it anytime. I'd do it myself, but I've forgotten the other person who made Team Kumba's forfeit park. -
Ling Offline
Tycoon Bandits:
a nice haunted village feel, complete with falling-apart architecture, and (it would've helped if it were deserted) a prison
oh, and "Inmate 41023 (Teletubbie Rape)" was pretty funny
while Ta Kalu was a pretty good design for how small it was, the custom supports didn't extend far enough through the coaster to make it real
The rest of the park gave a good amusement park feel, even themed sections
Why the hell did you name a ride "Krokodile Hunter"? It's dumb
The ship was a nice touch
Well, overall it's close, but I think I'll have to give it to the Bandits -
mantis Offline
Yeah this is what Panic was asking about in the other thread. I suppose it hasn't really mattered in the past but still. -
Panic Offline
Yeah if it's so arbitrary and up in the air when games are called then why do we place any importance at all on total votes at the end of the season? If two teams have the same overall and division records and their vote total differs by 15 points, that difference is going to be a result of when the matches were arbitrarily called rather than any effort of the team. Personally I'd much rather have a three-way conference finals matchup, if it were to be that close in a division, than any team getting shafted because of the votes thing.Edited by Panic, 04 August 2006 - 01:51 PM.
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