H2H4 / Week 3: Hurricanes vs Italian Stallions
22-July 06
Corkscrewed Offline
Unfortunately, our second matchup has already been decided before a post. It seems that the Stallions completely bulldozed through the maximum map size rule by buttering up a 90x90 park (the max size is 70x70 unless you get special permission) for their week. Unfortunately, Psychoneurosis is disqualified, giving the Hurricanes the win for week three.
The Great Carolina Quarry
by Kumba and ekimmel
MIRROR (to come later)
by DarkJanus
MIRROR (to come later)
See both parks.
Now, even though this is a disqualification, for statistics purposes, I would still like you to vote for the park you think is better (i.e. the park you would have voted for if this was a real matchup). It's not fair for the Canes to be robbed of their votes just because the other team was DQ'ed, and giving them an arbitrary amount of votes is tricky because how can you just come up with a "good" number?
So the Canes will get however many votes they get in this poll after a day or two (the usual time Iris would call it). Stallions will get "zero votes."
Also, I don't think DJ exported his park, because I was missing scenery. If someone can download the park and open it, would you do me the favor of exporting the scenery, resaving, and then uploading it somewhere so I can replace the file? Or email the file to nedesigns@gmail.com
Week 4 Deadline is Saturday, July 29, 2006. -
CedarPoint6 Offline
Hurricanes, for obvious reasons I'd say. I really liked the park. The amount of detail was cool, and I spent a good while just reading all the signs and stuff. Although it may be of note that it's not the best idea to be drilling directly under the coaster station...
Anyway, really nice park. Good job. -
RMM Offline
Hahaha ooops. I clicked Italian Stallions on accident. My bad.
You know which is better though. -
JKay Offline
The Great Carolina Quarry
One heck of a park. My favorite parts being the massive scissor-lift drilling structure, rolling rock ride and the rock pulverizer. Some tremendous ideas. The woodie wasn't bad either. Kumba, you've really developed your own distinctive style that could never be copied. I'm still in awe of your hacking abilities and creative knack to be able to use rides as scenery. I'm not sure what ekimmel did in this park; it all looks like Kumba to me, lol. Easily still would've got my vote without the DQ.
Still scratching my head on this one. Not sure what Janus was going for here. Is it a follow up to his PT park? I guess we'll never know, will we. Some neat buildings here and there. I definitely would've like to see this finished. Since there were no rides, attractions, staff or really anything besides scenery, I can't vote for this. -
ekimmel Offline
If you haven't read the readme that comes with the park, please do. Kumba spent a lot of time on it and it does a great job of setting up the park. -
Six Frags Offline
I can't believe Kumba wrote that
Hurricanes by a mile.
I'm disappointed with DJ..
SF -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Excellent. I love all the detail put into the mining machinery, and the acompaning storyline was well done (you sure Kumba wrote that?)
My only quip is that the park follows your standard color scheme. Brown, green, red. And that's it. Spice it up more.
Ok, this just flopped. Had a lot of potential, and some creative ideas, but it's nothing but scenery.
Not only that, but it's a sprinkling of good architecture mixed with... blocks. Big, white, bland BLOCKS. Sorry Janus, but if you're trying to do the whole 'hidden message' thing, you failed.
Canes ftw.
-ACE -
Ling Offline
what the hell was Psychoneurosis supposed to be anyways? a huge psych ward? The Hurricanes' park was okay, but it definitely beats the Stallions' this week. -
yeshli2nuts Offline
I think Psychoneurosis takes the prize for the wierdest park ever made.
Its too bad for the Hurricanes that they had to use such a good park for a week like this. My vote went to the canes -
Kumba Offline
Great to win, but I was hoping to win flat out and not on a broken rule, but with the vote added anyways thats a help.
I have been wanting to do a Quarry theme for some time now and I was happy to get it out of my system here, coz it also seemed like one of my ideas that was best fitted for H2H. ekimmel (Or Rick as I and the team call him) was very helpful. Many may wonder why I passed up Trav, Mama Bear, ect... to take him, and it's becouse I thought he was the most realiable and would be a hard worker, seems I was right on both counts. Who did what is really simple, Rick did the top with the amusement park (other then the lifts and there station, and I added a few lillte details here and there). I did the Quarry on my own, my fav part was the huge Rock Tumbler with the Q to Boulder Blaster on top of it, and maybe Cane's Bistro too. Thank you for all the help Rick, great coaster too, but I think your awesome landscaping was the best part of your work, it was really needed to as thats likely my weakest point.
Also how could you not tell I wrote that read me? I thought there was enoght mistakes to give me away... as for it being well thought out, I just did it coz I was waiting for iris to get online at the deadline, I pretty much just slapped it togeter in 2 hours coz I was board and thought some stuff needed explaining, but I do hope to be a writer someday, so it's good to see my work is enjoyed somewhat. Infact if it's ok with Chris Sawyer one day id love to do backround story's for all my parks and try and publish it or something, would any of you guys buy that?
DJ your park was a big disapointment, tho I did kinda like some of those black buildings. I hope you can make it up to your team later this season anytime other then week 9
I hope all you guys enjoy the park and thx for all the votes so far
Kumba -
Ge-Ride Offline
I've topped it. Back in my old days under GRIDE, I sent Corkscrewed an awful coaster where everything was sideways and the coaster went through the clouds. I don't have the file anymore, but if Corky still has it, it's worth seeing for a laugh.I think Psychoneurosis takes the prize for the wierdest park ever made.
Levis Offline
to bad it didn't became a real match up. I really wanted to see how this park would go agains a good park. because this parked rocked.
the top area really gave a feeling of an older amusuments park. there where some nice things there and the landscaping lookt really good. the part below was nice to, I only think the trackture was a bit overdone sometimes. Sometimes it looked like you wanted to use the trackture there while it don't even needed.
I was a bit dissapointed in the great ruby to.
The cave area was really nice, it gave a good cave feeling, maybe you could have used some landblocks to maks some more arches over it tough.
mmm...and what to say about Psychoneurosis, I think this could have been a hell of a park if it was finnished, I get the feeling this is used before it was planned to be used.
still great that we've won.
X250 Offline
The hurricanes park just totally rocked.
There were so many cool ideas and little things to look at, the park kept me occupied for about 20mins trying to explore every little bit. Let me guess, Kumba did the bottom bit and ekimmel did the top bit? Actually it wasnt that obvious until you studied the map caerfully, your two styles blended in really well. I especially like all the different types of huge drills you have around the place and the different coloured rocks. The two coasters were fantastic considering the harsh landscaping restraints you had, the woodie's layout was pretty much perfect, and the virginia reel was great too. Actually there were so many cool little ideas in this park i'm definitly going to look back at it again to see what else i can find. All i can say is congrats on the win, and congrats for making the best RCT2 park of this H2H so far in my opinion.
Dissappointed with the other park to be honest, even if it was finished i still don't know if it was material to beat the hurricanes park.
My only moan about the hurricanes park is that it probably could have done with a porno area.
-X- -
artist Offline
Hurricanes park was brilliant, i loved it and i dont usualy love Kumba's work but hey you really did a great one this time man. As for the other park I'm disappointed with DJ, i dont see why you couldnt finish, maybe because you were working on your own but still thats a little bit of a lame excuse and tbh even if it was finished i still dont think it would of beat the cane's park, the cane's park had alot going for it definetly more than just big impressive TT work that doesnt make alot of sense.
Great job Kumba and hopefully DJ can pull something together to make up for this later on.
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