H2H4 / Week 3: Strangelove vs Ferocious Tigers
20-July 06
postit Offline
I'm quite impressed, Brian.
I finally voted for the winning team in one of these close matchups! that's like 1 of 6 or something. yay.
And next time, X250, don't write the readme file as a word document. Before I opened it, my computer identified it was "by Simon".
I'm also impressed, geewhzz. But now that I think about it, that does make sense that you were on board. I had picked out all of the parkmakers except for you.
Anyway, great job to both teams. But I have to hand it to The Tigers. An impressive outing -
geewhzz Offline
Nobody noticed our hacked Intamin box track for the hydraulic launch
Edit: Kayte Ridge sort of had a significance to the name. There is a hiking trail near where I grew up that led to the Missouri river called the Kayte Trail, so that's where I got the idea for the name, since our park sort of reminded me of the surroundings with the river and all.Edited by geewhzz, 25 July 2006 - 11:18 PM.
eman Offline
Congrats to CP6 and Geewhzz, great park. Quite a surprise victory too IMO.
As for X250 and Leighx, it was a great park and it's a shame it went up against such a nice park in and of itself.
Edit- Holy shit. I somehow convinced myself it was X250 and Leigh who had won partway through the post. It's fixed now.Edited by eman, 26 July 2006 - 12:20 AM.
tracidEdge Offline
erm. geewhzz and cp6 WON. x250 and leighx were the losers.Edited by tracidEdge, 25 July 2006 - 11:15 PM.
Ride6 Offline
Yes, and it's causing me to throw suggestions around like ping-pong balls on our strategy for the rest of the season, because this is the last place I expected to be at this point (if you look at the pairings, or even the parks you can see why).
Well, not quite the last place, Fatha and Kiri could've lost too (and you thought I spazzed after Seige lost)
Ride6 -
Xcoaster Offline
Our park had the same problem with the readme this week. I think you can fix it if you right click on the file, go into properties, and just delete the name of the author. Though in all three of the readmes so far I thought there were more than enough distinguishing characteristics that you wouldn't even need to be given the name. X250's was in the same style as the one for his PT2 park, Emergo's is very similar to those for her Road Rally parks, and Kumba's had his specialness (though markedly better than usual). Not that I think knowing the parkmakers involved really matters, it's just funny when it's as obvious as IC was.And next time, X250, don't write the readme file as a word document. Before I opened it, my computer identified it was "by Simon".
Coaster Ed Offline
I just wanted to say, before we completely move on, that I thought Internet City was an incredible piece of work and I'm sorry you guys have to take a loss for that one. It really makes me happy to see so many ideas put into one park. I think if anything, what worked against you the most was how little it resembles an RCT park. This style is almost entirely 1/4 tile blocks and at that point it really looks like a completely different game than what we're used to. Personally, even though I loved the ideas, I do find the style a little offputting. Something a little more grounded in the themepark world (like Xcoaster's Disney Air for example) makes all those crazy 1/4 tile theming ideas a little easier to swallow. It's a preference thing and it couldn't be any more subjective, but I think that's what you were up against. And as for my team, congratulations on an improbable win! I didn't think a realistic park would win against something like Internet City. I guess I've been proven wrong once again. Great round everybody and I hope there's no hard feelings here. -
X250 Offline
Ah shit lol.
Right heres what happened with Internet City:
- Porn Area
- itunes building
- Applemac Orchard
- Hacker Area
- Central Advertisement area
- Computer bits & bobs area
- Amazon.com
- Ebay area
- NE Tower
- SkySports.com section
- Windows Media Player tower
- Firewall
- Elongated the penis in leigh's area
It was one of my old ideas to make a real 'internet city' originally for my PT2 entry, but i felt it was a theme too large to tackle so i thought I'd leave it for a H2H park. Me and leigh has some real fun brainstorming and actually building this park, at the end of it we had a huge number of ideas for the park, so we had to be selective when fitting them in, many ideas lost out. There was going to be an MSN messanger thing in the centre sending monorails shooting out of it at 500mph called "messangers". That would have been cool lol. There was going to be a dueling 'broadband' caoaster alongside the 56k modem coaster, that would have been cool- i wish we would have included that now lol.
I'll admit it was a bit of a rush towards the end, i was on holiday the week when it needed to be sent in so i had to quickly finish the park, add a quick walkthrough, gift-wrap it and send it off to ride6. Unfortunatly, we ran into MANY problems with the file and error trappers. At one stage i had to reinstall RCT2 because the file completely crashed the game, wouldnt even load. Seemed to work perfectly after that though, however ride6 then told me the file didnt work... again.Seemed there was an error message whenever the game was paused, which was a little creepy. I think ride6 worked some magic and somehow got the file to work, well, sort of... so thanks man lol.
I'm not gonna lie, when i first saw Kayte Ridge i thought we would not only win, but walk it. And i still dont think i understand why people would vote for it over our park, has something to do with not being 'organised' and chaotic or something, well if you know me in person, i'm extremely unorganised and chaotic, should see the state of my room... And i think leigh is the same lol, i mean for fucks sake that kid plays golf?! hehe. Anyway its not meant to be a conventional 'RCT-Park', but a concept, or a collection of ideas, i find them sort of parks more fun to make. I guess the difference between a realistic park, and a fantasty park is that the realistic one if built in the perspective of the guests, whilst fantasy is built in the perspective of the viewer.
Seems as though realism is the trend at the moment, i'll note that for next time.
-X- -
JKay Offline
To me, this just shows the direction RCT2 is headed these days. The game has slowly but surely drifted towards absolute realism being the most preferred style. I honestly thought this would be a cakewalk for Strangelove and I was obviously proven wrong. Still though, I don't think I gave Kayte Ridge enough credit because it really does achieve what it set out to do; just pure realistic parkmaking, nothing fancy or gimmicky and there's something genuine about that.
I feel for you X & X. If anything, at least you guys have a park that's is very memorable. -
Corkscrewed Offline
I'd most certainly agree. At the rate this is going Strangelove will sweep the nominations for that category!
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