General Chat / WWIII
18-July 06
tracidEdge Offline
we went to war because saddam had wmds and he was going to use them against us. this has been proven like, three times. DUUUUHH. -
RMM Offline
tE, you were being sarcastic right?
ACE, I honestly don't know what to think about it. I just feel that there is no valid reason why we are still in Iraq. Eman pretty much summed up what I was trying to say.Edited by RMM, 22 July 2006 - 11:47 PM.
catachresistant Offline
I don't know much about anything, me. Especially not the mid-east, having never, you know, actually been there or anything. But there's this chick I know who dresses up as a gorilla, so I figure, close enough, right? Here's what she says:Ed there is a key difference between the Middle East and here, when our women spoke out for freedom, they werent publicly stoned.
Okay, sure, so they round up cheating women and shoot them in the head. OH WHAT, LIKE YOU'VE NEVER WANTED TO DO THAT MR HIGH-AND-MIGHTYThere are over three hundred and seventy published women authors in Iran, and, all together, they sell as many books as male authors in the country.
Why are women authors so successful? Well, first, the prolonged war with Iraq forced many women in Iran to support themselves while husbands and fathers were fighting. Then, after that dose of independence came the need to write about it. Iranian women writers are open about describing their personal experiences at work, at home, even in the bedroom. Everyone, men included, like to read what women write! Many of these women have families opposed to their literary careers, but they keep writing anyway. That’s what we call feminism Iranian-style.
And the last time I paid attention to the news (november 13th, 2001), Iraq was a secular nation and shit!!
Re: WW3.
Okay. Okay. Seriously guys, I'm going have to go out on a limb here and say killing people is, like, kinda mean and shit. Hezbollah? More like Hezbollocks!! amirite??
My neighbour has a big nose, so I figure she must be Jewish. I'm going to explain to her the concept of assassination and espionage and thereby save the world. The shit I do for you guys.
They don't.Everybody in the world wants everybody in the world to be happy and free. Who wouldn't?
It's like trying to rescue a hooker and being surprised when you get a slap - the fuck do you think are, Richard Gere?
I saw it on TV so it's the truth: Those Iraqis were perfectly content with not being liberated from their lives by bombs and shit.
I have but this final message to the world:
Have fun bombing the shit out of each other, guys, but please KEEP IT THE FUCK DOWN, I'm trying to sleep here.
And Israel, bomb all the fanatical Muslim towerlheads all you want, but for fucks sake, for your own fucking PR, stop bombing Christians. It's not their fault you're going to Hell you miserly motherfuckers. Maybe if you apologise to Jesus everything'd be square or something. But no, I don't expect you fuckers to see reason anytime soon. -
Pattern Against User Offline
Of course not.
There's always the perfectly viable alternative of hiding under our beds as terrorists destroy our country.
WMDs or not, Iraq's old regime has proven time and time again that it is sympathetic to terrorist organizations, and our government saw fit to remove them.
I think they've be rather good about telling us that as well.
Saddam and Osama were never allies, infact, Saddam was hostile towards Al Queda. Non of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.
So where was the threat that Iraq posed against the free world? There wasn't one. I'm not going to try and understand why the Coalition went in. It was a bad decision especially without UN backing and now, the whole region has been further destabalised.
We'll never re-gain control of Iraq now. It's a sheer meat grinder. Sending soldiers off to Iraq is like sending your cattle to the slaughter house. It's a complete waste of human life.
But, ethically, can we just pull out now? The country would implode and scores more would needlessly perish potentially fuelling the crisis in the Middle East. We're stuck in a rut. We're damned if we do, we're damned if we dont.
You may take the stance that we "fuck them and save our boys!" Fair enough if you feel that way but the possible cataclysm that would result could cause a "world war III" scenario. Popularity for the Brits and the Americans is internationally at an all time low. We either stay there and watch our reputations dive further or leave and see them destroyed forever as the whole region erupts into war. How would we cope in a global conflict with tarnished reputations and little support?
There are no easy options or choices. I can't stand Bush or Blair, they put us in this mess but I doubt anyone could solve the disaster they've created. I don't even think theres an answer anymore... we may just have to ride it out.
Just my thoughts. -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
We'll never re-gain control of Iraq now. It's a sheer meat grinder. Sending soldiers off to Iraq is like sending your cattle to the slaughter house. It's a complete waste of human life.
But, ethically, can we just pull out now? The country would implode and scores more would needlessly perish potentially fuelling the crisis in the Middle East. We're stuck in a rut. We're damned if we do, we're damned if we dont.
You may take the stance that we "fuck them and save our boys!" Fair enough if you feel that way but the possible cataclysm that would result could cause a "world war III" scenario. Popularity for the Brits and the Americans is internationally at an all time low. We either stay there and watch our reputations dive further or leave and see them destroyed forever as the whole region erupts into war. How would we cope in a global conflict with tarnished reputations and little support?
There are no easy options or choices. I can't stand Bush or Blair, they put us in this mess but I doubt anyone could solve the disaster they've created. I don't even think theres an answer anymore... we may just have to ride it out.
Just my thoughts.
It's guerilla warfare.
I don't understand why people expect this to be over by now.
This is NOT like WWI, WWII, whatever. We're fighting an entrenched enemy that doesn't wear a uniform.
Since Vietnam, war is different. You aren't in and out in four years like we used to. Guerillas use hit-and-run tactics, so you never know what size force you're against or whether someone is an enemy. And let's face it - casulties are much, much lower in Iraq than any other major war the US has been involved in.
Give it time.
-ACE -
eman Offline
To Ace etc. -> So you're likening it to Vietnam then. Interesting. So you could say this is a fuck-up war in which a president is causing the needless deaths of thousands, when we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place.
So why the fuck should we give it time? 30k+ Iraqis have died from the war, and thousands of Americans have as well. It's not like this war is a non-fatal war. It's just like any other war. People are dying daily. Every day, families in Iraq and America have to deal with lost family members, and that's the reality of it. And as for our progress. We got Saddam, but that's about all. There are still suicide bombings, still no order in Iraq, and half the country wants us to get the fuck out anyways. Unfortunately as PaU said, we can't just leave now. We basically fucked ourselves over, and now it's just damage control. Or not. I'm assuming Bush will keep pressing causing more deaths, and this war will eventually come to an end a year or two into the next president's first term. But that's prolly a best case scenario in reality, since what we got ourselves into can't be cured with a simple "oops", or a wave of a wand. It's gonna be a long hellish process. We can only hope it won't be as long or as hellish as Vietnam war.Edited by eman, 23 July 2006 - 01:48 PM.
mantis Offline
top notch.I have but this final message to the world:
Have fun bombing the shit out of each other, guys, but please KEEP IT THE FUCK DOWN, I'm trying to sleep here. -
minnimee85 Offline
When has the high and mighty UN done shit anyway.
Lets see failure in Mogadishu, failed to get Saddam to give up his weapons, and drafted a resolution to tell Hezbollah to get out of Lebanon, and then did nothing to enforce it. Wow great job there dipshits.
The only time the UN does anything worthwhile is when the US military is the one enforcing it.
Why do I beleive we went to Iraq? I beleive Saddam did have weapons. In the days leading up to Iraq, trucks were seen heading out of Iraq into Syria. Saddam had weapons before the Gulf War, and it was his responsibility to show us hed given them up in exchange for us not fucking him over the first time. The fact that every major intelligence org beleived he had them says a lot. Furthermore, he kicked us out of his country for twelve years, plenty of time to restockpile. Also, reports from UN inspectors about being forced to wait outside for long periods of time suggests that weapons were being moved. Someone who has nothing to hide would not be acting in such manner.
Further, I beleive there was a humanitarian effort. Saddamn Hussein is a nutcase who enjoyed torturing his own people. Someone like that who is openly hostile to US interests is a threat to myself and those I know. Therefore, he needed to be removed.
Do you know why we lost Vietnam? The vietcong figured it out that if you get the American people pissed off, then the army will eventually pull out. The vietcong at one point were actually ready to give up, but our idiotic presscore made shit up, and reported it in such a way as to make it seem like it was unwinnable. Odd that we never lost a single battle, but we somehow lost the war.
Families have to deal with death. The word duh comes to mind. Its a fucking war. War isnt about people not dying. How about three elections for progress. How about a country were people are being boiled alive and raped because they speak out about the shittiness of their government. How about an Iraq that isnt preparing for war against the West?
There's suicide bombings occuring in even stabilized countries including European nations. ITs war, and casualties are unfortunately part of it.
EDIT: And PAU who bombed the towers then? Oh wait it was the US military in a secret ploy so that Bush could get revenge for his daddy right??
And I suppose Oklahoma was just fanatical nutjobs from the US>Edited by minnimee85, 23 July 2006 - 02:31 PM.
ACEfanatic02 Offline
To Ace etc. -> So you're likening it to Vietnam then. Interesting. So you could say this is a fuck-up war in which a president is causing the needless deaths of thousands, when we shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place.
It's like Vietnam only in terms of the military tactics involved.
That is to say, it is a guerrilla war.
I think I made that perfectly clear.
-ACE -
RMM Offline
Saddam and Osama were never allies, infact, Saddam was hostile towards Al Queda. Non of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi. Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.
So where was the threat that Iraq posed against the free world? There wasn't one.
Exactamundo. However the hell its spelled. That fact right there was always very weird. -
eman Offline
It's very similar in just about every other way too, except the casualties number thus far. It's us getting involved in a foreign affair due to discontempt with their political system/leaders. And we're making very little progress if any.
"Do you know why we lost Vietnam? The vietcong figured it out that if you get the American people pissed off, then the army will eventually pull out. The vietcong at one point were actually ready to give up, but our idiotic presscore made shit up, and reported it in such a way as to make it seem like it was unwinnable. Odd that we never lost a single battle, but we somehow lost the war."
We lost Vietnam because we didn't have a plan on how to win. It had nothing to do with Vietcong purposely pissing off Americans to cause us to pullout. It had to do with the fact that we were not accomplishing the supposed task at hand. Instead, we were causing the fatalities of millions, and at the same time no progress was being made aginst the DRVN's communist foundation. -
Jellybones Offline
I saw a couple trucks heading to Stop & Shop the other day, maybe the terrorists are using our own grocery stores to hide their weapons now!Why do I beleive we went to Iraq? I beleive Saddam did have weapons. In the days leading up to Iraq, trucks were seen heading out of Iraq into Syria.
Come on man. The evidence wasn't there. All Colin Powell had to show the world were a few Google Earth screen captures. -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Exactamundo. However the hell its spelled. That fact right there was always very weird.
I'd like to take the time to point out that Al Queda is not the only major terrorist organization in the world. Nor is it the only one with an axe to grind with the US.
-ACE -
mantis Offline
Mmmm but then you need to justify any decisions about which 'organisation' you decide to take on over any other. -
Nic Offline
I'd like to point out typing your name after is really helpful, as we have no clue whos posting without it.
Thx! -
Pattern Against User Offline
I'd like to take the time to point out that Al Queda is not the only major terrorist organization in the world. Nor is it the only one with an axe to grind with the US.
Yes, but who were we meant to believe were in Iraq building WMDs? Al Queda. Not some other anti-American terror group. We were apparently going in there to kick some Saddam ass for sponsoring 9/11. Which he didnt.
It's the argument for installing democracy, freeing the Iraq people etc. etc. all over again. You cant just decide you invaded a country for a different reason than the one you publicly stated before you began.
It's called back-tracking. It's bollocks. -
Micool Offline
You can't be serious.
I take it you bought into that 'Loose Change' crap?
Let me explain something to you:
That's called "evidence."
Or, alternatively;
I take it you bought into everything the government and media has force-fed you over the past decade? -
ACEfanatic02 Offline
Facts twisted and pushed to their brink.Let me explain something to you:
That's called "evidence."
Or, alternatively;
I take it you bought into everything the government and media has force-fed you over the past decade?
Let me put it this way: if I assemble the right 'facts' I could prove gravity is a coincidence. If I assemble the right 'facts' I could prove the world is flat.
Does that change what really happened? What really exists?
Tell me then - who do you think is behind the 9/11 attacks?
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