General Chat / WWIII
18-July 06
Corkscrewed Offline
The car companies might like it, but the OIL companies wouldn't.
Car companies probably aren't too pressed to develop new cars to run on it because their current cars run well enough. Heck, people still love SUV's, right? -
lazyboy97O Offline
Why on earth should the car companies care what the oil companies think if they themselves can make a profit and survive without the oil companies?
In my opinion, for most SUV owners high gas prices aren't a concern as its just another way to show how they have money. -
Midnight Aurora Offline
Because they can continue to make profits without persuing different energy sources. When the benifits out-weigh the risks, theey'll pull their heads out of their asses. -
Rhynos Offline
I'm sure there are some gov't subsidies going to car companies to continues making gas-run cars. I would also believe that oil companies do the same thing to those same car companies. -
natelox Offline
So I just read that Bush has more or less given Israel authority to continue bombing the hell out of Lebanon..
Bush has given authority? What kind of statment is that. He, along with many american politicians and the media believe that America has the right to dictate what goes on in the world. Israeal can do whatever they want; they are their own country.By creating massive conflicts in the Middle East we're tossing tens, if not hundereds, of thousands of otherwise unbias, innocent people into the line of fire.
I dislike the way the media throws around this innocent, women and children hyperbole. People are people. It doesn't really matter who's getting killed; the fact that anyone is being killed is reason enough to dislike a war.Hezbolla, Hamas, Al Queda and every other terrorist organization does need to be wiped out so I don't see this as unnecessary.
Why do these groups need to be removed? What have they done to you? Oh, well, they actually haven't done anything to you, have they? Well, they've killed other people, right? So who exactly do you think the American army is killing? -
Jellybones Offline
Israel is a puppet government. If America tells them to attack, they attack. If America tells them to cease fire, they cease fire.
An interesting article. -
yeshli2nuts Offline
Why do these groups need to be removed? What have they done to you? Oh, well, they actually haven't done anything to you, have they? Well, they've killed other people, right? So who exactly do you think the American army is killing?
Well someone I KNEW was killed in the World Trade Center and thousands of other people I dont know were also killed that day. Another girl, a teenage girl I KNEW was blown up on a bus in Israel and thousands of other people have been blown up on busses, in restaurants, in markets, etc in Israel. Al Queda was responsable for the 9/11 deaths and Hamas/PLO has been responsable for the majoraty of the Israeli deaths.
As for comparing them to the US Army, Al Queda, Hamas, and Hezbolla are known terrorist organizations. Hamas is listed as a terrorist organization by Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, European Union, Israel, and the United States. Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Their intent of their suicide bombings is to kill innocent civilians. There is no other reason for walking into a full Sbarro's and blowing yourself up killing 15 other people, one person said they saw a girls head rolling down the street. Who do I think the American army is killing? First of all, the majority of the Iraqi deaths have been from suicide bombers from their own people. The American army does not look to kill innocent people, they kill armed insurgents and guerillas. You can not compare the two. -
minnimee85 Offline
Bush has given authority? What kind of statment is that. He, along with many american politicians and the media believe that America has the right to dictate what goes on in the world. Israeal can do whatever they want; they are their own country.
I dislike the way the media throws around this innocent, women and children hyperbole. People are people. It doesn't really matter who's getting killed; the fact that anyone is being killed is reason enough to dislike a war.
Why do these groups need to be removed? What have they done to you? Oh, well, they actually haven't done anything to you, have they? Well, they've killed other people, right? So who exactly do you think the American army is killing?
Um tell that to the UN and the rest of Europe. When I say Bush has given authority, hes basically said, you guys can do what you want. Germany, France, Russia and China have all said Israel needs to basically stop defending itself, or trying to get its troops back.
Ok, no one actually likes war, but go tell that to the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah whose soul goal is to wipe Israel off the map(its part of their charters.) So what the hell do you want us to do? -
Jellybones Offline
How to fight terrorism:Um tell that to the UN and the rest of Europe. When I say Bush has given authority, hes basically said, you guys can do what you want. Germany, France, Russia and China have all said Israel needs to basically stop defending itself, or trying to get its troops back.
Ok, no one actually likes war, but go tell that to the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah whose soul goal is to wipe Israel off the map(its part of their charters.) So what the hell do you want us to do?
Bomb a downtown center until it's unrecognizable? -
minnimee85 Offline
Well Im thinking that's Israel basically saying cmon fuck with us, we dare you..
But in all serious, it seems more an eye for an eye. Hezbollah blows up buildings in Israel, Israel destroys your base... -
Jellybones Offline
Or it's a thinly veiled statement that Israel wants the Muslim Middle East destroyed just as much as the Muslim Middle East wants Israel destroyed, thus rendering obsolete any pity for the Israelis. -
minnimee85 Offline
Hence the whole point of this topic. The fact that we are going to be in WWIII very very soon. -
eman Offline
It seems eye-for-an-eye because it is.
And Yeshli, here's an example of why you're completely mistaken. Bush says there's a need to eliminate terrorist groups like the ones you named because they are causing deaths of innocent people. Many innocent people die daily from diseases such as Parkinson's, spinal cord based illnesses, cancer, etc. And yet Bush is vowing to veto a bill to allow possible cures for these diseases because he feels it is "murdering" a cell that would not be capable of survival anyhow. But yet at the same time, as a direct result of Bush's war, many American men and women as well as Iraqis are dying everyday.Edited by eman, 19 July 2006 - 09:11 PM.
minnimee85 Offline
Um one thing I want to correct on your statement, many and everyday. If that were true, the death toll would be in the millions...right now it hasnt even left the ten thousands(if you count Iraqi deaths), less if you dont.
As for the stem cell thing, hes a religious freak, what did you expect? j -
natelox Offline
The American army does not look to kill innocent people, they kill armed insurgents and guerillas. You can not compare the two.
I dislike the way the media throws around this innocent, women and children hyperbole. People are people. It doesn't really matter who's getting killed; the fact that anyone is being killed is reason enough to dislike a war.
These 'terrorist organizations' have their supporters and their families too. They believe, I surmise, that their actions are correct and their ultimate goal is for the betterment of their well being as well as societies'. In the same vain, the Western invasion of their intellectual principles and physical territory is viewed, as exemplified by yourself and Western media, as justified by yourself and Western media. We have two strong willed perceptions to which each believes the world should/must conform to achieve whatever it is either side believes should be achieved. In essence, Western invasion is justified to Westerners and Middle Eastern reactions are justified to Middle Easterners (or at least select groups of these groups). There are no sides to take. Everything is, essentially, justified. -
lazyboy97O Offline
These terrorist organizations are not aiming to free their land of Westerners and non-believers. Their aim is to rid the world of Westerners and non-believers. When Israel is making unprecedented concessions these are not the results of a fundamental desire to wipe out Islam. Any person can simply claim justification for any purpose on the idea "that because I want to I am justified". If that is the case than there is no basis no real basis for laws aside from random whims. -
yeshli2nuts Offline
In essence, Western invasion is justified to Westerners and Middle Eastern reactions are justified to Middle Easterners (or at least select groups of these groups). There are no sides to take. Everything is, essentially, justified.
So then whats the problem with me, being a westerner, taking the side of the Westerners?
And the thing you said about people are people and it doesnt matter whos getting killed, so I assume you dont believe in capital punishment, or any type of punishment for that matter? If someone does something wrong, that doesnt make them differant from someone that didnt do something wrong? People are responsable for their actions and it does matter who is the one being killed. An Iraqi citizen, a loving father who goes out to work every day to make money to feed his poor family, just like most innocent Iraqi men would be a much worse death than a Hezbolla member that goes to work to think up plans on how to kill people that arent his religion. -
eman Offline
But Yeshli, in the first half of your post you're saying it would be perfectly fine for me to kill you if I were a Middle Eastern who felt that by practicing your religion and not mine you were commiting a great crime. The fact of the matter is a criminal to one person is a friend to another, and once we justify killing one person for something, 20 others will feel it justified to kill 20 others because of similar reasons from their perspective. And where do you draw the line. If it's ok to kill a middle eastern terrorist, is it ok to kill a dictatorship ruler who rules with force and violence. And if that's ok, then is it ok to kill any leader whose political policies you oppose. And if that's ok, then is it ok to kill a foreigner whos opinions you disagree with. And so on and so forth, until suddenly killing family members could be justified. Feel free to argue against this, but please give some good arguments, I'm in the mood for a debate.
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