RCT Discussion / New LL Memory Editor/Trainer
07-July 06
Roomie Offline
Yes its me again
im honestly not having as much trouble as it may seem
but the sheer amount of stuff im trying with the codex means theres bound to be problems
Anyway today i tried an intamin Freefall tower that has cars on all 4 sides (using a flying dutchman car).
Without codex u cant do this as the towers merge together after the station and the car will all jump to the same side of the tower..
my theory was by using 4 seperate towers at 1/4 tile apart this wouldnt happen
however this does
Not quite what i was hoping for (yes i know theyre still gyro cars) anyhow im stumped on an idea on how to remove the glitching effect? or is it as i suspect just a irrmoveable fact. -
darkfire Offline
Well I don’t know how to get rid of that glitch, but the tower base and tower sections are all track elements that were in the original game so can be made invisible by changing the track type to crooked house.
So you could make them all invisible and then try making a custom tower out of something else, maybe vertical coaster track? (I think Ed built something like that in one of the ne collabos)
It’s possible that if you build the roto-drop tower pieces underneath the tower and raise them up using the map control that they won’t glitch with the rest of the tower. This would be pretty painstaking though, so I’d make 3 towers invisible and only try to build one like this.
Did you get the curved station sorted out ok then? -
Coaster Ed Offline
Why not make all of them invisible except for one? Something else you could try is the cloning option. Build vertical coaster track perhaps and turn it into rotodrop tower? That way you wouldn't have to worry about mergingYou also might want to check under the track properties if the track type is changing. I've seen that glitch before, and I think it happens because the game thinks each piece of the tower is the top of the tower. It might just be that tower pieces won't look right at 1/4 tile increments. I've had similar problems with other rides.
You know that you can have two rides on the same track without making them 1/4 tile apart right? You have to do it the way darkfire suggested, by building underneath and then raising -- or building on top and then lowering. -
darkfire Offline
You could get one roto-drop to not merge with the others, that's not much use hereSeparating them by a 1/4 tile seems like the perfect way to build the ride roomie describes.
Towers have only 2 track elements; a base and tower sections (slightly off topic but the sections are actually 1x2 squares even though they appear to be 1x1)
My guess would be that if the sequence of tower sections appearing in memory (the same order shown in the map control) forms one single tower, it's rendered correctly.
roto-drop (red) 24
roto-drop (red) 28
roto-drop (red) 32
roto-drop (red) 36
is rendered as a single tower, but
roto-drop (red) 24
roto-drop (orange) 24
roto-drop (red) 28
roto-drop (orange) 28
roto-drop (red) 32
roto-drop (orange) 32
(i.e. building 2 through each other)
is rendered as lots of (6 in this case) one section towers.
(Colours used to indicate different rides)
If this is correct, then if you built all the tower sections for the rides above/below those previously built and then raise/lower them into position.
So you have
roto-drop (red) 24
roto-drop (red) 28
roto-drop (red) 32
roto-drop (red) 36
roto-drop (orange) 24
roto-drop (orange) 28
roto-drop (orange) 32
roto-drop (orange) 36
They would be rendered correctly.
It would be a lot easier to just build a vertical track tower, and make the others invisible though.
df -
Turtle Offline
I'm soooo lost in this thread, but it looks fucking cool.
Major respect to you, darkfire. I've read and re-read this topic about ten times hoping that I can understand bits of it at least, and I think it's coming... -
Roomie Offline
Theres one problem with making 3 invisible. with the towers in that state they dont operate properly. they rise to the top slowly, open their harnesses then lower slowly, odd
your way does indeed work although it just error trappered on my test tower. (but i know why)
Its just incredibly hard to do for 4 sides. the very nature of a tower makes it impossible to build above and lower (as its so tall and once uve built one tower u cant raise the land to build another one (or maybe u can hmmmm)
and theres very little room under a tower to build underneath and raise.
However i dont quite get what u mean with the vertical track towers.
Ill try some more ways once i get back from work
PS: yes the curved station is in fine. as well as hundreds of tiny little things ill show in screens soonEdited by Gutterflower, 06 September 2006 - 05:54 PM.
Coaster Ed Offline
I didn't realize changing the track to crooked house would affect the ride mode too. The vertical track method doesn't really work either because they don't stop at the bottom, they level off to go to the station.
It doesn't actually matter if you build below the actual tower because, as darkfire said, it just changes the order the pieces appear in the game's memory. What you really need to do then is to build the second tower, and then re-sort the pieces in the trainer. You can do that by cloning pieces. Color them different colors so you can tell them apart, pause the game, and copy the pieces over each other until you get them in the right order. You can adjust the height too if you need to until you get the first tower's pieces all listed before the second ones -- like darkfire said.
That would only get you two towers though. You could repeat the process for the other two towers and try setting that 1/4 tile higher? Probably you'd get the same glitch though. Or maybe you could have 4 of them on the same tile if you re-sorted them in the memory like that?
Something else related -- I was playing around with sinking a tower to make an elevator shaft on Dragonland. I eventually took it out because it looked too cluttered, but I found out that sinking the tower changed the way the ride operated. The ride would stop halfway up the tower instead of going all the way up, and it would also stop without going all the way down. I was using the woah belly freefall car not the flying coaster, but it might work the same way. Try raising the land to half the tower height you want and then building the tower on top and sinking it down. I think that's what caused the ride to stop halfway up the tower. I also tried building another tower section halway up like a docking platform. That could have been why it stopped halfway too. If that works though, it might be possible then to offset the actual tower by a space or two and get the car to stop in the same place as the others.
The four sided free-fall sounds possible, but I don't think we've come up with the best solution yet. Keep experimenting. I'm sure there's a way to do it. -
Roomie Offline
Although i havnt had time to try these ideas out yet
i did find a good use for the gyro tower
On a ideas note would it be possible to impletment sideways movement into the map control? would simplify matters for the tower problem but would possibly be impossible to implementEdited by Gutterflower, 07 September 2006 - 04:49 AM.
darkfire Offline
I’ve built a proof of concept tower using cloning to sort out the order of pieces in memory. There are no glitches and the rides operate normally.
There is a problem though; the flying coaster cars are too close in to the track, so overlap when they go past each other.
I've also built another one where each working tower was a square away from the centre, but this suffers from the opposite problem that cars are too far away from the tower. On the second one, I built a tower out of coaster track to show you what I meant. (Although I actually used the thrust air type track)
Here it is if you want to have a look. -
Coaster Ed Offline
Yeah, you can see the problem -- the cars are centered on the square instead of being on the edges of the square where the side of the tower is. Would that concept work for more than two towers though? I still haven't tried anything with more than two tracks at the same position.
Do you know how the game handles scenery on different corners of the tile? Like would it be possible to shift something over a half a tile horizontally like Gutterflower suggested? (heh, that sounds weird -- I still want to call you Roomie) Oh and the tower statue thing looks really neat. I remember Nevis did something similar in ALE with the obervation towers. It looks much slicker with just the column pieces there though. Yeah Codex!I'm excited to see what others ideas you're coming up with.
Roomie Offline
(heh, that sounds weird -- I still want to call you Roomie)
Hehim thinking of changing my username to Roomie
makes thing easier
Roomie Offline
Hmmm that tower is pretty much what i want. but is it possbile to A) do it with 4 towers andwith taller ones
I was trying today to build a setpoint seizmic (See RCT3s splitting coaster) unfortunatly it suffered much the same problem with the cars being too far to the left or right of the track
i was messing around afterwards and thought this looked quite funny
Plane themed floorless carsEdited by Gutterflower, 08 September 2006 - 11:01 AM.
darkfire Offline
It should be possible to do with 4, full sized towers. But it would be a lot of work.
You have to sort all the pieces of the towers using the map control so that they’re grouped together, and a ¼ tile separates each tower.
So for the proof-of-concept one I made, I needed to convert what’s shown on the left to what’s on the right. -
Roomie Offline
Hey all
another random question
Do you reckon theres a way to have a reverse incline ride with more than 1 station?
Any way of tricking the game into thinking theres only 1 station? possibly by linking the 2 together somehow?
using the method mentioned earlier wouldnt work as there needs to be a layout the car can travel between the 2 stations. -
Coaster Ed Offline
I can't figure out why you'd want a reverse incline coaster to have two stations, but knowing you I bet you have a good reason. It sounds pretty impossible to me though. You can't use another ride for the train or you get an error trapper when the ride stops at a station. And the reverse incline mode doesn't allow multiple stations. Is it possible to use a different ride mode to fake it? You could have the trains switch direction with a merge for example, and then go backwards through the station. If you maybe used one of the launch modes (upward launched or downward launched) it might perform the same function. I don't know if those modes allow for multiple stations though. From my end, it's difficult to say without knowing more about what you're trying to do. You can fake a station rather easily by stacking station pieces onto a ride, and maybe even put a brake there so it slows down like a real station, but it sounds like you need a second functioning station.
If there's some way to hack the game code so that powered launch mode and reverse incline mode and so on don't detect multiple stations, that would be way useful. darkfire? This sounds like another question for you. -
Roomie Offline
this may take a second to explain.
I am trying to create a shoestring river ride. this would allow me to create backwards drops. and such effects as a boat coming to a waterfall edge then turning round.
Creating a shoestring car is quite easy (just increase the number of cars in a riverboat and split it) this requires the boat to leave the station backwards and reach the splitting point.
However if i want the boat to go backwards at any later point in the ride i cant. By using a 2nd hidden station on the master control track. I could make the car stop and reverse again (the car being controlled on top would just appear to stop and reverse)
This would be best done with "Reverse Incline Mode" but it does not allow 2 stations.
I have tried it using "Downward Launch Mode" and the ride stops dead and starts to reverse as i had hoped. but as i expected it does not gain speed going down the drop backwards. as you may know when you use this mode the car just carries on at its slow speed until it reaches the tracks end before returning to going forwards.
in this photo the boat is moving fairly slowly down the slope backwards.
Using "Reverse Incline Mode" you dont have this problem. the ride will still be affected by gravity on its backwards trip untill it reaches the end of the track. then it will start to head forwards again.
However as mentioned you cant do this with 2 stations.
anyway i hope that all made some sence.Edited by Gutterflower, 12 September 2006 - 05:04 PM.
Coaster Ed Offline
It definately made sense...but I'm still at a loss for what the solution might be. Wouldn't it reverse as well if the control train goes up a hill spike and then falls backwards? Or is there some other reason why it needs to be a station in this case?
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