H2H4 / Week 1: Hurricanes vs. Strangelove
24-June 06
iris Offline
Voting is over.
The official score is 54-48 in favor of the Hurricanes...congrats guys to getting off to a 1-0 start. As for Strangelove, I personally thought you guys had this one, but nevertheless a great park.
The Hurricanes park was made by egg_head and J K.
Strangelove's park was by ride6 and tracidEdge -
Kumba Offline
This does not make us even for last years Championship, but it sure feels good
Great work egg and J K, I knew we had week 1 in the bag as soon as I saw the screens.
ride6 and tE you guys also made a hell of a park, I loved the details all over, but LL aint gona win anything this year, I warned you that fair and square -
mantis Offline
Kumba, I really hope that's not true, but unfortunately that hope gets fainter every year.
Congratulations on an opening win. Bad luck to Strangelove. -
J K Offline
Yeah i loved the LL park it was a really nice park to match up against. I can't believe it. Well atleast Egghead and i got off to a good start with the team. Tim you've been amazing to work with, glad our hard work has payed off. -
Paradox Offline
Man, I missed the vote. I was out of town. I would have voted for the Hurricanes' park, though. I love J_K's work, and I knew he helped the moment I opened the park. I really liked them both though.
tracidEdge Offline
why did you think that.3 more votes till it breaks 100...
It's a lot closer than I thought it would have been, I thought the Hurricanes would be wiping the floor with them here.
i'm just curious on your opinion, since you haven't given it, other than your preference of their park.Edited by tracidEdge, 25 June 2006 - 10:03 PM.
Ride6 Offline
3 more votes till it breaks 100...
It's a lot closer than I thought it would have been, I thought the Hurricanes would be wiping the floor with them here.
That's purely because so many people lack LL and therefore incorrectly assume that a park could not possibly be better than the one their looking at in LL. Based on what I'm seeing here pretty much anything short of Battlefield RCT will loose in LL unless it's against a total lemon of an rct2 park (or maybe another LL...).
Oh well, we're not a one sided team like the MoLLsters and there's no risk of us running on LL for the whole season, or even half of it at that.
Of course to be entirely truthful I was out of town, as was X250, during the voting time. So basically I came home, got on, took a glance at the screens and voted... Then discovered that Iris had already called it... Since it's late at night and I'm not the type of person to yell I didn't scream but rather wispered some obsenities below my breath. That's how I really feel about it, because well, I guess that's how a captain who also felt like a leader should go first should feel. Whatever, we lost in week one last year and hell, we (the Flying Germans last year) fucked up so many damn times there shouldn'tve been any way in hell that we could've won. But we did, my chances at 10X better with this team, I guess I need to have faith in them rather than myself now.
Ride6 -
Coaster Ed Offline
I hope you guys don't think I had it out for you or something with the posts I made here. I really did like your park. And looking at the screens on the first page, I would have said you won hands down. You set yourself up for quite a challenge going for such a classic theme. You really have to go overboard to show how original you are with something like that, and I've got to hand it to you, because you almost got it there. I don't know really, it's a tough thing. I could have gone either way on this way one. Maybe I am too tough on LL nowadays. This is probably a tacky thing to say, but all that really matters ultimately is whether you're happy with your park or not. That's what you'll remember more six months from now, even if you didn't get the win. -
Ride6 Offline
I was as happy with it as I could've been... I couldn't finish the park because I had my wisdom teeth pulled towards the end of construction then just as I recovered (which would've given me a couple more days) my family went out of town (with me in tow of course) for my cousin's open house.
Actuall right now I have yet to see either COMPLETE park in game, but I'm only growing more and more certain that I will simply beat my head against a wall after doing so.
Ride6 -
Kumba Offline
Wait, a Fatha' park would not count, and nor would a LL park being another LL park, tho know two teams could be that dumb at the same time
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