(Archive) Advertising District / An Unnamed Coaster
12-June 06
Tvae Offline
Hello all. I'm happy to be finally be showing my first ever park (design, whatever) to the site. I have been around for quite a while before, but this is my first ever park I'm actually showing anyone...
Any and all (helpful) criticism is welcome.
(Also, as I show more, name suggestions are welcome.) -
Ge-Ride Offline
Why in the world did you put stairs going up through a flat roof? You're asking for trouble! -
newk Offline
it really isn't bad. heres a few things i would change though,
the coaster color- i think brown only really looks good on a woodie, this color blends in too much with the building and its a little confusing to look at.
the shutters- definetely make them one unified color.
the rooves- really only the ones the coaster goes over, i would just take out the far right roof and build flat wooden blocks under it.
the landscaping- vary it a little, zero clearance some full tile trees to the jungle foliage you already have.
also take out some of those poles along the bottom, too many!
but this is looking pretty nice, im excited to see where this ends up. good work!
-newk -
lucas92 Offline
Too many window styles ( the shutters and the colors aren't the same). I don't like the color (too dark). I like what you did with the rapids, is there a waterfall? -
JDP Offline
Other than that, what everyone said, I find it pretty nice. Looks like its all tied up, looks neat. But they mentioned all the downfalls so nothing too muchg for me to say.
By the way is it a floorless standup or sitdown? -
Tvae Offline
Thanks for the comments everyone.
Ge-Ride: Yeah... Never really thought about that... will be changed, thanks.
Newk: Thanks for the suggestions, I'll see what I can do about the different things you mentioned.
Lucas92: I'll try and centralize the window styles, I can see what you mean by there being to many types. I'll also try to make it lighter. As far a the rapids, there's no really big waterfall, just a couple small drops.
JDP: Thanks for the compliments. Oh, and its a sitdown.
Well, thanks for all the comments so far. I'll get to work on it as soon as I can, and I'll hopefully have some more stuff later this week (If not tomorrow). -
RCFanB&M Offline
Nice coaster...
I suggest making the shutters of a same color. Also, the color of the coaster should be more "vivacious"...and I also suggest removing some of the poles you put at the bottom.
Anyways, I like the buildings and I think the landscaping is good...
Good Job.Edited by RCFanB&M, 12 June 2006 - 08:06 PM.
Tvae Offline
I guess it's time for an update... Surprised I have time, since it's regents weeks (Curses on New York! Curses I say!)
Anyways, enjoy, and once again, all (constructive) criticism is welcome.Edited by Tvae, 14 June 2006 - 03:56 PM.
Carl Offline
In the 1st screen, is that a "classic brown", or a "nut-n-corn crunch" brown? (snuck another south park reference in today, booyah!)Seriously though lay off the brown, and the brown doesnt really go with the maroon or the brighter red IMO.
Also, I dont think the jungle shrubs match your theme, and I would use a different texture than the wooden blocks for the upper floor landings, but the rest looks good.Edited by ride_exchanger, 14 June 2006 - 03:54 PM.
RCFanB&M Offline
Hmmm...You could change the bright red (rooves) by a common/dull red...and I suggest changing the colors of the coaster.
Oh...nice position of the buildings. -
Tvae Offline
Well, I have to go to camp for a week, so I decided to post an update. The last week has been insane, with my sisters graduating, and me finally getting my drivers permit. I have a lot more done than this, but in many areas there's just large gaps of nothingness, so this is one of the few completed enough areas for me to show.
complaints, comments, and compliments are all welcome.Edited by Tvae, 25 June 2006 - 11:04 AM.
laz0rz Offline
Your form is good but the fact that there's so many textures and colors throws it off. I'd suggest finding two textures and colors for each building that work and sticking with them to get some order. -
Tvae Offline
Well, that was an amazing week. However, now that I'm back home, construction on this park can now continue.
Thanks for all the replys, and I'll see what I can do about being more ordered. From past experience, I know that I'm a fairly unorganized person, but I'll see what I can do.
New stuff will hopefully be out fairly soon, neh. -
Milo Offline
What's up with people posting in their own topic and saying they'll have an update later? You're like the third person to do this in the past few hours.
Anyway, while I'm here I'll say that that last screen is pretty nice. The use of wooden blocks as a path is neat although there are too many colors. -
REspawn Offline
That's rather nice, your architectural style, whilst not unique, is intriguing and nice to look at.
The coaster is a little to unrealistic for my current tastes though, but even still, good job. -
Tvae Offline
I only have a small thing for right now, I should have something bigger within the next few days.
Still thinking on a name, which is something which usually is considered a nesecity, so...
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