Ask the Experts / 8-cars per train

  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    I used the 8 cars per train function to put 3 cars on my mini coaster. I sucessfully did that, but now, my roto drop and go-kart track has trains of 8 cars. Does anyone know how to return this to normal, as my roto drop and go-kart track will not work anymore. Please help.

  • JKay%s's Photo
    You may have inadvertingly modified those rides to 8-cars. I'd pull up those rides in the ride editor to see how many cars the trainer says they have. Correct as need be. If the trainer reports the correct # of cars, then I don't know how to fix it.
  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    Ok, I did that, it said they had 8 cars per train, but when I lowered it, it didnt work when I went back into the game :(.

    Edited by Rollercoaster FREAK, 17 May 2006 - 12:55 PM.

  • JKay%s's Photo
    Did you click 'apply'?
  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    Tried both.
  • JKay%s's Photo
    did you make sure the ride has been closed twice or re-built so the changes can take effect?
  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    Tried it too :(.
  • Levis%s's Photo
    can't you just close the ride and adjust the number of cars in the game it self ?
  • Rollercoaster FREAK%s's Photo
    No, it won't do that. It gives me error trappers. I fixed it though. I just had to use one of my previous back up files.

    Edited by Rollercoaster FREAK, 18 May 2006 - 06:28 AM.

  • Metropole%s's Photo
    In future, don't use the 8cars feature, just change the cars in the Edit Ride menu.

    On a side note, is it possible to give a B&M stand up coaster 8 cars?

    Edited by Metropole, 18 May 2006 - 07:49 AM.

  • tyandor%s's Photo

    In future, don't use the 8cars feature, just change the cars in the Edit Ride menu.

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    Metro, if he wants to do the 3cars on a train for a minicoaster he hasn't much choice. It won't work without.


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